How Was Your Day?

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By the end of the day, the coaches came to the Corinthian Sports School. As Sofia and Hugo walked to the front gates, their new classmates worshipped them.

"Wow, it's nice to be popular, but I'm a little overwhelmed," Hugo giggled.

"Me too," Sofia smiled. "Well, there's my ride." She hugged Hugo tightly and climbed into her coach.

"Hey, Sof," James smiled.

"Hello, Sofia," Amber waved.

"Hey, guys," Sofia waved.

The flying coach took off to Enchancia.

"So how was school for you guys?" Sofia asked.

"Well, it didn't go too well for me," Amber sighed. "Everyone has been shunning me because I keep telling them that I'm going to be queen. Nobody even knows who I am."

"Probably because they never even saw you before—and it sounds like you've been gloating about your title as heir to the throne," James smirked.

Amber didn't find that comment very amusing. "I suppose, but I'm sure you both have had trouble, too," she shrugged. But then she saw her brother and sister staring at her. "What?"

"Amber, do you really think we had a bad day just because you did?" James frowned. "I had a good day. I helped some of my classmates learn to throw javelins and to joust. Sir Riley even asked me to help some of the beginners out."

Amber was surprised that her brother did okay today. "I see," she said flatly. She turned to her sister and asked, "How was your day, Sofia?"

"It was awesome," Sofia smiled. "When it got around that Hugo was my boyfriend, we became popular just like that."

James was pretty happy for Sofia, but Amber was shocked at the sound of that.

Meanwhile, Hugo and Axel were riding home in their own flying coach.

"So how was my baby bro's first day at his new school?" Axel smiled.

"Greater than great!" Hugo beamed. "I learned how to play Enchanted Lacrosse. Plus, when it got around that Sofia was my girlfriend, everyone just started worshipping us out of nowhere."

"Aw, isn't that precious?" Axel cooed.

That night, in Enchancia Castle, Sofia, Amber, and James were telling their parents what they did at their new schools.

"And every Friday, we're going to have Sports Medicine classes," Sofia announced.

"Well, it sounds like someone already invented a medicine for sports," Amber said flatly.

"No, Amber, sports medicine is a branch of medicine that includes the science of athletic nutrition and conditioning, preventing and diagnosing athletic injuries and increasing performance," Sofia described. "In other words, we're going to learn how to diagnose and treat injuries that happen during athletic events."

"That sounds awesome," James smiled.

"Yes, and very useful," Roland smiled.

"So what did you learn at Ever Realm, Amber?" Sofia asked.

"We started by making our own magical Coat of Arms," Amber sighed.

"That sounds interesting," Sofia declared. "We're making our own Coat of Arms at the sports school."

"Brilliant," James smiled.

It sounded like Sofia had the most fun at her new school today, and hearing how much fun her sister had made Amber jealous. She wished she could've been popular that easily—she was popular at Royal Prep.

Meanwhile, at Hugo's palace, he was telling his family what he did in school today.

"On Friday, we're going to have an aerobic dance class," Hugo said.

"That sounds like fun," Axel smiled.

"And it's so sweet how having a girlfriend has made you popular," Garrick cooed, tickling Hugo's chin.

"Oh, Dad," giggled Hugo.

The next day, Sofia, James, and Amber were in their flying coach, heading to their schools. Sofia was really excited about today, but she could tell that Amber was less than excited.

"Amber, are you okay?" Sofia asked.

"I used to be popular when I was at Royal Prep, but now the touch is gone," Amber sighed. "Nobody at Ever Realm even likes me."

"I'm sure they'll give you a second chance, Amber," Sofia assured her sister.

The coach dropped each of the Enchancian royals off at their schools.

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