Ideas for the Art Show

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Princess Sofia really loved all kinds of art: painting, sculpting, coloring, drawing, making mosaics, making collages, etc. She loved doing artwork even when it gets messy.

Sofia was at Royal Prep with her best friend, Prince Hugo, and they were excited because the Royal Prep art show was coming up. They wondered what art work would be displayed at the art show.

"This is going to be so much fun," Sofia beamed. "What are you going to display at the art show, Hugo?"

"Well, I was thinking about painting a new piece for the art show," Hugo replied. "Do you want to paint a new picture?"

"I'd love to," Sofia said. "What if we painted pictures of our favorite experiences? I'm thinking about painting a picture of the time we won our first ice-dancing competition."

"Oh, I like that," Hugo smiled. "Well, I'm going to paint our first ice-dancing recital."

"All right, we'll meet in the art room tomorrow to work on our paintings for the art show," Sofia said.

"All right," Hugo agreed.

When Hugo boarded his flying coach, Sofia's older sister, Amber, and her friends Princesses Hildegard and Clio caught up to her.

"Sofia, I hear you and Hugo are painting new pictures for the art show," Amber said.

"Yeah, what are you going to display?" Sofia asked.

"We're painting new pictures too," Hildegard said. "I'm going to paint a picture of butterflies."

"I'm going to paint a picture of pink and white lilies," Clio added.

"And I'm going to paint the best picture of all: a huge bouquet of gold rose," Amber boasted. "It's going to be the best painting in the whole art show. Everyone will love it."

Sofia was happy that Amber was looking forward to the art show, but she was annoyed with her big sister's boastfulness. She wished Amber wouldn't brag so much about being the best—and before it even happens.

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