Trying to Fix the Mess

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Once Amber was finished, she put her replica on Sofia's easel. "There we go," she smiled. "Sofia will never know it's not really her painting."

But the painting really didn't look like Sofia's painting at all.

"Yes, she will, Amber," Clio declared. "I don't think it's going to fool her."

But Amber was confident that Sofia will easily be fooled by her painted replica. "Oh, Clio, I'm sure it'll fool Sofia," Amber protested.

Suddenly, Hugo came in, already cleaned up. "Hey, girls, what's up?" he asked. He saw Amber's painted replica—and he was completely unfooled by its simulacrum.

"Where's Sofia's painting?" Hugo asked.

"It's right here," Amber protested, pointing to her painted replica.

"That's not Sofia's painting," Hugo declared.

"Yes, it is," Amber protested.

Hugo shot Amber an impatient glare, knowing Amber was lying.

"Well, how is this not Sofia's painting?" Amber asked.

"The dress Sofia wore for the ice-dancing competition is baby blue," Hugo explained. "This dress is cobalt blue. She had her hair in a ponytail. Here in this picture, her hair is down. Look—her hair isn't even the right color; it's painted black, and her real hair color is auburn brown."

Amber was getting really nervous—Hugo had already caught her.

"Amber, where's Sofia's real painting?" Hugo asked.

Amber sighed and took out the original painting Sofia did.

"What happened?" Hugo gasped.

"I hit a jar of black paint, and it got all over Sofia's painting," Amber admitted.

"Oh, we'd better tell Sofia," Hugo said.

"No, we can't tell Sofia about this," Amber protested. "If I tell her, she'll be really mad at me. We have to hide this from her."

"Amber, she'll be even angrier if you try to hide this mess," Hugo pointed out.

But Amber didn't want to take any chances.

"I don't want to see Sofia's reaction," Amber said. "I have to fix this problem without her knowing."

"How?" Hildegard asked.

Amber thought for a moment and got an idea.

"Maybe I can use a magic spell to fix up Sofia's real painting or make my replica look exactly like the original," Amber suggested.

Hugo wasn't too sure if this was a good idea, but he knew that if he protested, Amber wouldn't listen—so he had no choice but to say, "All right."

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