The Curse Is Broken

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Hildegard understood what she needed to do to break the curse: she needed to perform a selfless act of loyalty to Sofia. "I understand what I need to do, but I still don't know how to do it," she declared.

"If you really care about Sofia, you'll know what to do when the time comes," Rapunzel assured her.

"There's Prisma!" Sofia called out.

The horses and magic carpet landed, and the royals were ready to face Prisma.

"Good luck," Rapunzel smiled. Then she magically disappeared.

"What just happened?" Hildegard asked.

"She went back to her own kingdom," Sofia smiled.

"I wish I knew how to send Prisma back where she came from," Hildegard sighed.

"Like she said, you'll know what to do when the time comes," Amber said.

Suddenly, some magic crystals appeared. That meant Prisma wasn't very far from them.

"Crystalisima!" Sofia recited. Her crystal spell removed the magic crystals.

"Prisma can't be far now," Hugo declared.

"I'm not," Prisma's voice rang out. She came from behind the royals, smiling evilly.

"We're not going to let you get through with this, Prisma!" Hugo glared.

"You'll have to," Prisma smirked. "See if you can save your girlfriend from this. Crystallo!" She cast a crystal spell coming toward Sofia.

But as the spell came toward Sofia, Hildegard jumped in front of her, thus letting the crystal spell hit her—and her body was in a giant crystal.

"Hildegard!" Sofia gasped.

"I'd worry about myself if I were you, Sofia," Prisma smirked. She was about to cast another spell toward Sofia only for the spell to fade away. "What happened?"

Suddenly, Hugo pointed out, "Sofia, your amulet is glowing!"

Indeed, Sofia's amulet was glowing, and that only meant one thing. "Hildegard let herself get hit to save me, and it broke the curse!" she realized.

All of the crystals Prisma conjured up disappeared. Prisma was back to her simple self, and she disappeared in a flash of light. The Ever Realm was back to normal, but then Hildegard felt dizzy.

"Hildy, you did it!" Sofia cried, hugging Hildegard tightly.

"What? What did I do?" Hildegard asked, not knowing what was going on.

"You broke the curse," Amber replied.

"Curse? What curse?" Hildegard asked. "Did someone put a sleepwalking curse on me?"

Sofia was starting to catch on. "You don't remember anything weird happening today?" she asked.

"No, the last thing I remember was coming to Enchancia Castle for a playdate with Amber," Hildegard replied.

"That was yesterday," Sofia realized.

"Yesterday?" Hildegard asked. "Oh, yeah, we had the sleepover. You know what's weird? I feel as though I learned some kind of lesson about putting someone else first, especially when it comes to making up for a bad deed."

The royals didn't know why Hildegard didn't remember anything that happened today, let alone Sofia telling her about her amulet. But Sofia felt like she knew what was going on.

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