Two Crystalmasters/Thanks A Lot, Hildegard!

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The young royals hastily went to see Cedric in his workshop.

"Mr. Cedric, we need your help!" Sofia told him.

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't, would you?" Cedric smirked.

"There's an Evil Crystalmaster from the Mystic Isles in the Ever Realm," James revealed.

"An evil Crystalmaster from the Mystic Isles?" Cedric gasped. "What is he or she doing here?"

"Well, for starters, Princess Hildegard stole my amulet," Sofia said.

"And then the Amulet cursed her by summoning Prisma, who's going to cover at least part of the Ever Realm with magic crystals," Hugo continued. "Remember when you taught me and Sofia how to make magic crystals like Crystalmasters?"

"Indeed, and I have your Terra Wands right here," Cedric smiled. He opened up a box containing two Terra Wands. Sofia took the purple one and Hugo the blue one.

"Okay, let's go and face that Crystalmaster," Hugo instructed.

Hugo and the siblings were about to take off, but Hildegard stayed behind. The other four royals stopped to see that Hildegard isn't moving.

"Hildegard, come on," Hugo urged.

"What do you mean?" Hildegard asked.

"We're all going to face Prisma together," James declared.

"All of us?" Hildegard blanched. "But only Sofia and Hugo are going to battle with her."

"Nevertheless, all of us are going together, and that includes you," Amber snapped.

"Oh, I can't chase down an evil Crystalmaster who's covering the Ever Realm with crystals!" Hildegard gulped. "Who do you think I am?"

"Oh, let's see—the person who caused the problem in the first place?" Hugo snarked.

"You got us into this mess, Hildegard, and you're the only one who can get us out!" Sofia frowned. "Hugo and I may battle with Prisma, but you're the one who has to break the curse."

"She's right, Hildy," Amber nodded.

"All right, I'll face her with you," Hildegard huffed.

"Let's go," Sofia said.

The younger royals met up with Axel and the kings and queens, ready to face Prisma.

"Any sign of Prisma?" Sofia asked.

"No, there are too many crystals," Axel replied. "We can barely see her, let alone get around the garden."

"Allow me—stand back," Hugo said. "Crystalisima!" He waved his Terra Wand, and the spell destroyed some of the crystals.

"Great job, Hugo," Sofia smiled.

"Thanks," Hugo smiled back. "Now let's clean up this garden and find that evil Crystalmaster."

"Wait, we have to find Prisma in all these crystals?" Hildegard asked.

"Yes, Hildegard, and since you're the reason Prisma is here in the first place, it would be nice if you'd stop complaining and try to come up with a way to break this curse—let alone let me and Hugo do our job!" Sofia snapped.

"It's just that it's going to take a long time to clean this mess up," Hildegard told her. She turned to Amber and said, "She's really mad at me."

"Well, you did take her amulet," Amber pointed out. "Complaining is not going to make things any better, especially if you're the one who let all this harm come."

The princes agreed—if Hildegard wouldn't stop complaining about the mess she made, Sofia won't stop chastising her for her selfishness.

"I've gotta make it up to her," Hildegard told herself.

Sofia and Hugo both shouted, "Crystalisima!" Anytime they recited that spell, the crystals Prisma grew disappeared. It was taking a while to get rid of all these crystals.

"You're doing a great job at getting rid of these crystals," Roland smiled.

"Thanks, but we can't go on like this forever," Sofia frowned.

"Didn't we already clean up this part of the garden?" Hugo asked.

"Prisma must've regrown her crystals here," Sofia surmised.

Suddenly, the royals heard Prisma's voice ring out, "How right you are, my dear!" The royals turned and saw Prisma right behind them.

"How did you get rid of my magic crystals so well?" Prisma asked. "You're only regular humans from a regular world."

"That doesn't mean we can't do what the Mystic Islanders can do," Hugo smirked.

"Aren't you cute?" Prisma smirked back. "You think you can stop me just because you're Protectors of the Ever Realm. I guess I have no choice but to let you battle me. Crystallo!"

Some magic, pointy crystals appeared, and Prisma used her wand to throw them at Hugo. Hugo didn't have Sofia's amulet to protect him this time, so he had to think fast.

"Crystallo!" Hugo recited. A magic crystal shield appeared in front of him, and Prisma's pointy crystals stuck to the shield.

Prisma was shocked at what Hugo had just done. "How did you do that?" she gasped. "You're only an Ever Realmer."

"We took Crystalmaster lessons," Sofia smirked.

"Is that so?" Prisma smirked. "I'd be careful if I were you, Sofia. Crystallo!" She blasted a crystal spell toward Sofia.

"Crystallo!" Sofia recited. She made a crystal shield, and Prisma's spell turned the shield into a giant light blue crystal.

Prisma wasn't happy that Sofia and Hugo are really good Crystalmasters—they were just as good as her sister Azurine. "Oh, you're both just as good as Azurine," she groaned. "But you won't be for long. Crystallo!"

Prisma made more crystals appear in the garden, and she disappeared. The sight of more crystals in the garden horrified the royals very much.

"More crystals?" Axel groaned.

"This is going to take forever," Hugo remarked.

"What are we supposed to do, just waste our time removing all the crystals in our garden while Prisma covers the Ever Realm with crystals?" Sofia moaned. She angrily turned to Hildegard and snapped, "I never should've trusted you, Hildegard!" She stormed off, about to get rid of more crystals.

While Sofia was gone, the other royals glared at Hildegard. They knew it was all her fault that Prisma was here, covering the Ever Realm with magic crystals—and all because she had to have a turn wearing Sofia's magical amulet, thus betraying her trust.

"Why did you have to steal Sofia's amulet, Hildegard?" James asked.

"I'm sorry—all I wanted was a turn with it," Hildegard declared.

"That doesn't mean you can just take the Amulet from her, especially after she said no," Amber frowned. "Plus, Sofia said that the Amulet could put magic on you for any deed performed before you took it from her."

"Face it, Hildegard," Hugo glared. "You earned Sofia's trust. She trusted you with her secret, and you let her down because you had to get what you wanted."

Hildegard was starting to realize that all those statements were true. She didn't know why she had to break Sofia's trust in her. "You're right—I've been a horrible friend to Sofia, and now everything is messed up," she sighed. "I spent the whole time thinking only of myself, let alone not thinking about how to break this curse. I'm sorry."

"I think Sofia deserves that apology, not us," Axel declared.

"Right, we need to find her," James agreed.

"How can we find her in this sparkly jungle?" Garrick asked.

"With all these crystals in the way, she couldn't have gotten far," Hugo said. "Crystalisima!" He waved his Terra wand, and the crystals in front of him disappeared. "Now let's go and find that princess."

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