Peace and Joy

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Later, the villagers went home to spend Wassalia with their families. Inside the palace, Garrick lit the Wassalia candle.

"Happy Wassalia!" the royal families cheered.

Sofia took out her gift for Hugo, who went up to her.

"Happy Wassalia, Sofia," Hugo smiled, handing her a gift.

"Thanks, Hugo," Sofia blushed. She carefully removed the bow and paper, and she was amazed by the beautiful figurine.

"Wow, that ballerina looks like an older version of you, Sof," James remarked.

"She sure does," Miranda smiled.

Sofia wound up the figurine, and it played the beautiful song. Sofia was touched by this gift.

"It's beautiful, Hugo," Sofia smiled. "Thank you, and I have something for you too." She handed Hugo his gift.

Hugo removed the ribbon and paper, and he was amazed by the beautiful royal blue box. When he opened the box, it played the same beautiful song Sofia's ballerina figurine played, and he was touched that there were two ice-dancers in the box.

"It's so beautiful," Hugo gaped. "Thank you, Sofia."

Sofia and Hugo hugged tightly. This beautiful moment really warmed up the royals' hearts. It was heartwarming that they gave each other such meaningful gifts. These gifts mostly reminded them of their first ice-dancing recital.

"I think this Wassalia is perfect for all of us," Miranda swooned. "Seeing Sofia and Hugo like this is so heartwarming."

"Yes, it is," the Queen concurred. "I think this is worth celebrating."

Miranda and the Queen wound up the ballerina and the music box. The beautiful song played from both figurines. The song really soothed Sofia's and Hugo's hearts, and they just had to dance. Sofia and Hugo happily waltzed around the room as they listened to the beautiful song.

Sofia and Hugo were happy to have each other this Wassalia, and this was worth singing about.

SOFIA: The firelight is shining bright

While the snow blows cold outside

SOFIA & HUGO: Friendly faces,

Warm embraces surround us all tonight

ALL: So we'll make this one simple wish that for every girl and boy,

May the holidays bring you peace and joy

From those who you love to the stars up above,

May the holidays bring you peace and joy

From those who you love to the stars up above

May the holidays bring you peace and joy

This really was a perfect Wassalia for Sofia and Hugo. It was perfect for their families because it made them happy to see them so happy. They could not think of anything better than to see Sofia and Hugo so happy together, and it was only the most perfect Wassalia ever.

Sofia and Hugo decided to spend the rest of Wassalia night ice-dancing in his ice rink outside under the stars. As the duo ice-danced together, they could barely stand it. It was cold outside, but the hearts of the royals really warmed up.

This Wassalia was even better than Sofia and Hugo expected, and they wanted to remember this forever.

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