A Way to Grow the Grass

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At Enchancia Castle, Sofia and James told their parents about their exciting adventure.

"Hugo is even planning on planting a Tickle Tree in his garden," James beamed.

"But he has to wait because there's no grass in his garden," Sofia frowned.

"No grass?" Queen Miranda asked. "How is that possible?"

"The royal gardener used a weed spray that killed the weeds and the grass," James replied.

"Until Hugo goes to see Miss Nettle to grow it back, he can't plant his Tickle Tree," Sofia added.

Amber and Princess Hildegard didn't really want to try Hugo's Tickle Tree, but they were in a hurry to see it. Since Hugo had to wait until the grass in the garden grows back, Amber had a plan to help him out.

"Sofia, I have an idea," Amber told her younger sister. "We can help grow back Hugo's grass."

"How?" Sofia asked.

Amber, Hildegard, and Sofia went to the gardening shed, and Amber showed Sofia a big bag of manure.

"Is that Quick Garden Grass Manure?" Sofia asked, reading the label on the bag.

"Yes, I've seen our royal gardener use this on our grass," Amber replied.

"Very clever, Amber," Hildegard smiled.

"But do we even know how to use that stuff?" Sofia frowned.

"No, but it's the best way to get the grass to grow faster, so Hugo can plant his new tree," Amber protested.

Then Sofia realized something. "Wait, I know why you want to use that manure—you just want to see Hugo's Tickle Tree," she frowned.

"Well, I don't want to try the tree, but it would be nice to see," Hildegard declared. "Trust us, Sofia—this is worth it. Let's get this manure into the coach, and try it in Hugo's garden right now."

Hildegard and Amber got the manure into a wheelbarrow and pushed it to a flying coach when they were caught by King Roland.

"Amber, where are you going with that manure?" Roland asked.

"We were just going to use this in Prince Hugo's garden, so we can make his grass grow faster," Amber replied.

But Roland didn't think this was good. "Sorry, Amber, I can't let you use this," he frowned.

"Why not?" Amber asked.

"You don't know how to use this manure or how it works," Roland answered. "It's not very safe. Besides, Sofia said Hugo was already going to see Miss Nettle to ask for grass seeds."

"But maybe Miss Nettle might not have an answer," Hildegard protested.

"Yeah, using this manure is worth helping Prince Hugo," Amber agreed.

"I'm sorry, but the answer is no," Roland frowned. "It's better to let Prince Hugo make his own decision."

Amber and Hildegard were disappointed that they weren't allowed to use the manure to help Hugo grow back his grass.

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