Princess Summoning

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Out in the sky, Sofia, Axel, and Garrick were still struggling to get through the snow.

"I hope the wind doesn't get any stronger," Sofia yelped.

"We're almost there," Axel assured her.

But the howling wind was a little stronger than the trio could handle.

"We'll soon be there," Axel assured Sofia.

"Maybe not that soon, Axel," Garrick told him. "We'll have to land."

"But where?" Axel asked. "We're up really high, and the mountain is too steep."

"We can land on that ledge," Sofia suggested.

The trio landed on a large ledge.

"I bet even the Junior Knights can't be strong enough to outrun this weather," Sofia frowned. "Not only is Hugo too sick to participate in the championships, but we're stranded out here."

"I'm really sorry, Sofia," Garrick apologized. "If only there was a way to get this mission done."

"I wish there was someone who could help," Sofia sighed.

Suddenly, Sofia's magical amulet started glowing. There was a ruby red flash of light, and there in front of Sofia, Axel, and Garrick was a special friend.

"Elena!" Sofia gasped.

"Hi, Sofia!" Elena beamed.

That's right. It was Crown Princess Elena of Avalor. She once bore the Amulet of Avalor about 42 years ago on her 15th birthday. The amulet was ruby red at that time. A year later, Avalor was attacked by an evil power-hungry sorceress named Shuriki. When Elena went to face Shuriki alone, Shuriki tried to strike her down, but the amulet saved Elena by pulling her inside it. That's when the amulet turned amethyst purple. Elena stayed trapped in the amulet for 41 years. Sofia managed to free Elena of the amulet, so Elena could defeat Shuriki and take back her kingdom. When Sofia freed Elena, the amulet turned ruby pink.

"What are you all doing out here?" Elena asked.

"Hugo and I are supposed to participate in the World Enchanted Ice-Dancing Championships tomorrow, but he has the Albuquerque Winter Bug," Sofia explained.

"The Winter Bug usually lasts up to two weeks, and the only way to cure Hugo of this bug in just one day is with a Sunrose herb," Axel chimed in. "It's at the tippy top of Mount Yuma."

"But the wind is much too strong for our horses to keep flying," Garrick concluded.

"So not only is Hugo going to be sick for the next two weeks, but we're going to be stranded here and catch the Winter Bug ourselves," Sofia groaned.

"I'm sorry, Sofia, but you won't be stranded here for long," Elena smiled. "Defeating Shuriki and taking back my kingdom meant a lot to me. If curing Hugo means this much to you, then you need one thing to achieve this goal."

"What's that?" Sofia asked.

"All you need is the power within you," Elena told you. "You need the belief you can get up there. Listen up because I'm only going to sing this once." She started to sing to the trio.

When you first entered that competition, it was true

You were meant to do something with your best friend

Preparing for a challenge for several days

With nothing in your way

You'd do everything you can

You and Hugo worked hard to be true champions

So now is not the time to hide

You have to stand up tall and bring true happiness

You see, he needs you by his side

There's a lesson you will not find in a book

Inside yourself is where you have to look

Find your courage and your pride

Inner strength can be your guide

And it will always see you through

If you believe the magic within you

You can't let anything get in your way, and nothing can hold you down

You have to stand up strong and turn the problem around

Cast all your doubts away, and kiss your fears goodbye

Do what you're meant to do, and let your magic fly

Yes, there's a lesson you will not find in a book

Inside yourself is where you have to look

Find your courage and your pride

Inner strength will be your guide

And it will always see you through

If you believe the magic within you

You must believe the magic within you

Suddenly a tool fell out of Sofia's bag, and that gave her an idea. "Hey, we can use your grappling hooks to get to the top," she suggested.

"Perfect!" Axel and Garrick beamed in unison.

Axel and Garrick each pulled out a grappling hook. Elena got on Goldie with Garrick. The hooks pulled the horses and the quartet up to the tippy top.

"Perfect!" Garrick smiled. "Not only are we at the top, but there's more than enough Sunrose to brew that healing tea for Hugo. Let's gather that herb."

The group gathered the Sunrose herb

"We have enough Sunrose to cure the whole family of the Winter Bug," Axel chuckled.

"Now we have to get to the palace before the snow gets heavier," Sofia declared.

"Thanks, Princess Elena," Garrick smiled.

"No problem," Elena smiled. "Good luck at the championships, Sofia!"

"Thanks," Sofia smiled.

"Okay, time to hit the sky again," Garrick instructed.

Sofia, Axel, and Garrick hopped on the horses and flew back to the palace. Elena waved to the trio and magically disappeared, returning to Avalor.

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