The World Enchanted Ice-Dancing Championships

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The very next evening, it was time for the World Enchanted Ice-Dancing Championships. There were so many magnificent ice-dancers. Sofia was dressed in a beautiful purple dress, and Hugo was wearing a handsome dark blue tuxedo. Seeing all the ice-dancers made Sofia feel a little nervous.

"Hugo, I've been looking forward to this for months, but I'm a little nervous," Sofia gulped. "There are so many great ice-dancers."

"Oh, we'll be fine," Hugo assured her.

Pretty soon, it was Sofia and Hugo's turn.

"Our next ice-dancers to perform are Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo!" the announcer blared.

Sofia and Hugo were ready. They started to skate a little. Hugo let Sofia take his right hand, and he lifted her up with his left as he spun around on one foot. The crowd was amazed by this. Then Hugo tosses Sofia up, and she did a fireball flip. This really got the crowd cheering.

"This is awesome," Axel smiled.

Sofia and Hugo jumped and performed a quintuple fireball flip. The crowd cheered loudly.

"Wow, that is worth being a gold medalist," Miranda remarked.

"My Hugo is such a big boy," Samira gushed. "When he and Sofia win, I am going to scream."

Sofia and Hugo jumped and held hands while spinning in a circle in mid-air. The crowd was astounded by this. Once Hugo and Sofia were on their feet, Hugo spun Sofia around. Then they jumped and performed a quadruple axle. Hugo and Sofia struck a finishing pose, and the crowd went crazy. Everyone gave the duo a standing ovation. Sofia and Hugo were very proud of themselves.

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