Time for a Journey

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"I'm really sorry, Sofia," Axel apologized. "I know you and Hugo have had your hearts set on the championships ever since Dad entered you."

Sofia and Hugo have been looking forward to the ice-dancing championships, and this was too good to forfeit.

"If only we had a cure, then Hugo would feel better, and we could still participate," Sofia declared.

"But, Sofia, how can we even find a cure?" Amber asked. "Hugo's doctors are unavailable."

"And even the royal advisor can't come up with a new cure," James added.

Sofia remembered Axel saying there was an ancient cure for the Albuquerque Winter Bug. This cure had to be the only way to help Hugo feel better.

"So if new ideas aren't helping Hugo, then maybe we need an old idea," Sofia suggested.

"An old idea?" Amber and James asked in unison.

"What kind of old idea?" Amber asked.

"Axel said we could cure Hugo quickly with an ancient cure," Sofia pointed out.

"Precisely, with a Sunrose herb," Axel agreed. "But there's only one place where it grows: Mount Yuma."

"It's a long trip, and the fastest way to get there is by flying horse," Garrick declared.

"Well, if we're going to get that herb, then we'd better get going," Sofia declared. "The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get that herb and the sooner Hugo will feel better."

"She's right," Garrick agreed. "But we'd better bundle up."

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