Hugo's First Blessing

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A few hours later, the royals returned to Albuquerque Palace. Since it was getting late, Hildegard, Clio, and the Enchancians each returned home. Hugo felt horrible the he couldn't free Sofia, so he decided to walk in the garden. Axel stayed with Hugo to help him feel better.

"Don't feel bad, baby bro," Axel assured his little brother. "I know you promised you'd get Sofia out of the amulet, but you only tried once."

"I know," Hugo sighed.

Suddenly, the brothers heard voices calling, "Hugo, is that you?"

"Who was that?" Axel asked.

"It sounds like the Wee Sprites," Hugo replied. "I think they're in trouble. They must be over here by the fountain."

The brothers went over to the fountain and found the Wee Sprites sailing on a leaf.

"What's going on?" Hugo asked.

"We were looking for a big adventure while you were gone," Brody replied.

"But this is too much," Benjamin declared.

"We're not the best swimmers, so can you help us get out of here before we tip over?" Button asked.

"Sure thing," Hugo agreed.

Hugo picked up a stick and a bucket. He put the handle on the stick, and while holding the stick, he got the bucket over to the Wee Sprites, who got in. Hugo pulled the Wee Sprites to safety—and the amulet glowed.

Hugo and Axel took the Wee Sprites to their home—a miniature version of the palace—when their parents showed up.

"You're all right, champ?" Garrick asked.

"I'm fine, Dad," Hugo declared.

"Are these the Wee Sprites?" Samira asked.

"Yeah, we found them in the fountain," Axel replied. "We were just taking them back to their home."

"Well, you do that," Samira smiled. "We're going to check on the flying horses."

"Okay, Mom," Hugo said.

The brothers took their Wee Sprites to their little castle. The Wee Sprites picked flowers and flew into Hugo's hands.

"Thank you for saving us, Prince Hugo," Button smiled.

"And thank you for the flowers," Hugo smiled. "That looked like fun. I wish I could be small, so I could do that."

Suddenly, the amulet glowed, and Hugo shrunk to the size of a Wee Sprite.

"Wow," Hugo gaped.

"Baby bro, what happened to you?" Axel asked. He carefully picked up Hugo in his hands. "What are Mom and Dad going to say when they see you like this?"

"How did he do that?" Benjamin asked.

Hugo remembered that the amulet gave Sofia the power to shrink...and that made him realize what just happened.

"With each deed performed for better or worse, a power is granted...a blessing or curse," Hugo realized. "The amulet gave Sofia the power to shrink. I saved the Wee Sprites, so it gave me the power to shrink. Well, since Sofia is inside the amulet, she probably can control its magic, so maybe she gave me the power."

"That's very interesting, but can you get back to your regular size?" Axel asked. "Mom and Dad will probably think this is more of a curse than a blessing if they see you like this."

"Yes, I can get big, but you'll have to put me down for this," Hugo told him.

Once Axel put Hugo back down, Hugo said, "I wish to be big again."

Just like that, Hugo was back to his normal size.

"Oh, that tickles," giggled Hugo.

"Okay," Axel chuckled. "Well, it's getting late, so we should go inside before dark."

The brothers went inside and told their parents that the amulet gave Hugo his first power. It may have been Sofia giving him that power since she is inside the amulet and can control the magic.

Later, the brothers were ready for bed. Hugo was looking at the amulet. Axel felt bad for his little brother; he could tell that Hugo was desperate to free Sofia.

"I know you're desperate, baby bro," Axel told his little brother. "The idea you need will come to you very soon."

"I know, but I can't let Sofia stay in there any longer," Hugo claimed. "Elena stayed in the amulet for 41 years...and she didn't age."

"41 years?" Axel asked. "Why that long?"

"She had to find a princess young enough to get close to Shuriki without making her suspicious but brave and clever enough to free Elena," Hugo told him. "Elena felt that Sofia was the only one who could do that."

"Well, if that's so, then I'm sure Sofia feels that way about you," Axel declared. "You'll get her out of there."

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