Sofia's Imprisonment

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That Thursday night, Sofia and her family met up at Albuquerque Palace for the sleepover. Hildegard was there with Clio as well. Sofia and Hugo were having fun casting a few spells.

Hugo took a shiny garnet and recited a spell, "Mutato kaklarota."

The garnet changed into a beautiful shiny garnet necklace. Hugo's family saw this, and they were amazed. Hugo whispered into his big brother Axel's ear, and Axel nodded. Axel lifted Hugo up, and Hugo put the necklace on their mother, Queen Samira.

"Thank you, sweetie," she smiled.

"Mohit flora," Sofia recited.

Before everyone's eyes, a big beautiful bouquet of pink and red roses appeared. Everyone gasped in amazement.

"Amazing," King Garrick smiled.

"That's really good, Sofia," Hugo smiled. "I'm still rusty on that spell."

"It's really nice that you've been tutoring Hugo on sorcery," Garrick smiled.

Everyone was impressed with the way Sofia tutored Hugo and how great she herself was at sorcery. All this fuss made Hildegard very jealous of Sofia.

"They really love that Sofia—she can really do anything," Hildegard pouted.

"She sure can," Clio agreed.

Hildegard couldn't stand hearing Hugo's family fuss over Sofia, and her eyes turned green with jealousy. She knew how to bring it to an end.

"Well, if it's a magnificent sorceress Hugo's family wants him to be with, then it's a magnificent sorceress he will be with," Hildegard smirked, pulling out her own wand.

Clio didn't like the sound of that. "Oh, no, Hildy, don't even think about it," she gasped. "You promised Prince Hugo you wouldn't show off."

"I'm not showing off, Clio," Hildegard protested. "I'm here for Hugo to see that I'm as good a sorceress as Sofia."

Sofia, Hugo, and their families were laughing and enjoying themselves.

"Prince Hugo, I myself have been working on my own sorcery," Hildegard claimed.

Hugo's smile dropped—he had a feeling that Hildegard was going back on her word. "Have you?" he asked.

"Yes, I know a gold spell," Hildegard declared. She pointed her wand at Sofia's rose bouquet and recited a spell, "Mutato aurarius."

The spell touched the bouquet, and it turned solid gold. Sofia was very impressed.

"Wow, impressive," Sofia gaped.

"I know," Hildegard smirked. She pointed the wand at a blanket and recited, "Mutato aurarius."

The blanket turned gold. Hugo wasn't happy about this one bit. It really looked like Hildegard was breaking her promise to him.

Hildegard shouted, "Mutato aurarius!"

The spell hit a statuette, which turned gold. Hugo's family was getting annoyed, and Hildegard was getting carried away with her spellcasting.

"Hildegard, you should stop," Amber declared.

"Rubbish," Hildegard scoffed. "Hugo's family is loving it." She shouted, "Mutato aurarius!"

The spell hit the curtains, and they turned gold. Hildegard was getting so carried away that she didn't notice Hugo was angry and annoyed with her. Hugo and his family weren't loving it. Hugo was really upset that Hildegard has broken her promise to him.

"Hildegard, stop it!" Hugo yelped.

But Hildegard wouldn't stop—she was going crazy. She yelled one more time, "Mutato aurarius!"

But Sofia saw that the spell was heading for Samira. She got up on her feet and pushed Samira out of the way. Samira was safe, but to everyone's horror, the spell hit Sofia.

"Sofia!" Queen Miranda yelped.

"Oh, no! I don't like this!" Hugo gasped. He hugged Axel very tightly and closed his eyes, not wanting to see what was happening.

When the spell hit Sofia, she was surrounded by a very bright blue flash of light. When the light faded away, Sofia was gone although her amulet stayed—but now it was sapphire blue. Everyone was horrified at what had just happened.

"Hildegard, what did you do?" James gasped.

"I didn't mean to make Sofia disappear," Hildegard declared. "The spell is only supposed to turn stuff gold."

"Well, if that wasn't supposed to happen, then where's Sofia?" Axel asked.

Hugo picked up the amulet, and he was not happy with what he was seeing. When Hugo saw the amulet was blue, he looked inside—and there inside the jewel was Sofia. Hugo had a feeling he knew what happened.

"Uh, she's in here," Hugo gulped.

Everyone gathered around Hugo and looked at the amulet—and they saw that Sofia was indeed inside the gem.

"What happened?" Roland asked. "Why is she in there?"

"The amulet must've pulled her inside when the spell struck her," Hugo realized.

Everyone was horrified. They were relieved that the amulet saved Sofia's life, but now she was trapped inside it. Hugo was devastated, and he knew whose fault this was.

"Princess Hildegard, how could you do this?" Hugo glared.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," Hildegard protested. "I just wanted you to see that I'm better at sorcery than Sofia."

"I trusted you to not be a showoff if you came to the sleepover—and look what happened," Hugo glowered. "This is the worst thing you've ever done." He handed Miranda the blue amulet.

"What are we going to do?" Miranda asked. She was really worried about her daughter.

"Someone will have to bear the amulet until they can get Sofia out," Roland declared.

"But who's going to bear the amulet?" Axel asked.

"The Amulet of Avalor usually chooses its bearer," Roland declared.

Axel looked at his little brother, who was really sad. Hugo was really worried about his best friend, and he really wanted to help her. Suddenly, the amulet glowed blue and pointed to Hugo.

"What's happening?" Amber asked.

"I don't know if the amulet is doing it or if Sofia is making it do that, but I think she wants Prince Hugo to bear the amulet until he can get her out," Roland suggested.

Hugo was surprised. He didn't know about this. "I'm not sure I can do this," he gulped.

"Well, you're the only one Sofia trusts—and if she can trust you with a secret, then this would show that she trusts you with her most prized possession," Miranda declared.

Hugo understood what Miranda meant. He and Sofia are best friends, and if they weren't, Sofia wouldn't trust him with anything.

"Okay, I'll do it," Hugo nodded.

Miranda and Roland were very grateful that Hugo was going to save their daughter. Miranda put the amulet on Hugo.

"Now we just need to figure out how you're going to get Sofia out of the amulet, champ," Garrick declared.

"I bet if I do the same procedure Sofia did to free Princess Elena, maybe it can work for Sofia herself," Hugo suggested. "She had to travel to Avalor and meet up with Mateo, the future royal wizard. The spirit animal sent them to a temple, where Sofia had to wrap the amulet around Shuriki's wand and put it on the crown of Azaluna."

"We should get to Avalor tomorrow morning," Garrick suggested. "We'd all better get a good night sleep."

"I guess that means we'd better hit the hay pronto," Samira concurred.

"We have to go to sleep now?" Hildegard asked. "It's only 7:25."

"We have to get up extra early in the morning to get to Avalor, so Mateo can take Hugo to the temple," Axel pointed out.

"We're all going to Avalor?" Hildegard exclaimed.

Everyone glared at Hildegard. She sounded like she didn't want to help Hugo save Sofia—and she was responsible for her imprisonment.

"Princess Hildegard, you're the one who got Sofia into this mess in the first place," Hugo frowned. "You're the reason we have to do this, so that means you have to join us on this trip."

Everyone agreed with Hugo. They were all losing respect for Hildegard because not only did she show off and get Sofia trapped inside her amulet, but she's acting like she didn't want to help get her free. Hildegard was shaken by Hugo's anger. Since everyone was expecting Hildegard to help, she felt like there was no choice.

"Okay, I'll go," Hildegard agreed.

"Okay," Hugo nodded. "But I think we'd better get everything here back to normal before we go to bed."

A lot of stuff had been turned to gold—Sofia's roses, the blanket, the statuette, and the curtains.

"Oh, I don't know a spell that can turn all this back to normal," Hildegard grinned sheepishly.

"Oh, the things men do for women," Hugo frowned. He flicked his wand at the flowers and recited the spell, "Reverso!" The flowers turned back to normal. Hugo did this to everthing Hildegard turned to gold.

"Okay, now that everything is back to normal, let's get ready for bed," Garrick instructed.

Once everyone got cleaned up, they were ready for bed.

When Hugo crawled into his bed, he looked at the amulet and said, "Don't worry, Sofia—I'll get you out of there. I promise." He snuggled in bed and fell asleep.

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