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Sofia was a villager long ago, working in the village shoe shop with her mother, Miranda. But then Miranda got married to King Roland II of Enchancia. After that, Sofia not only became a princess overnight but got herself a stepfather, stepbrother, and stepsister.

Before Sofia was princess, she was best friends with Ruby and Jade, who thought Sofia was lucky to have the honor of being a princess. But since then, things have been different for them. There are times when Jade and Ruby envied Sofia's "perfect" life as a princess. Sometimes they wished they could be princesses—especially Jade. But one day, Jade learned that being a princess is not was it seemed.

One day, Ruby came over to Jade's house. Jade came out wearing a new dress, which looked just like Princess Rapunzel's. The sleeves were puffy and chartreuse green, the corset top olive green, and the skirt bright green.

"Wow, Jade, I like your gown," Ruby gaped.

"Thank you," Jade smirked. "Mom bought it just for me. Every kid in Dunwiddie is going to love it."

Jade and Ruby walked in the village together. Jade was hoping she would catch the eyes of the village kids and that they would like her new dress—but it seemed like none of them were interested. They weren't even looking at Jade herself.

"Nobody is looking at my dress—let alone me," Jade fretted.

"Try twirling around," Ruby suggested. "That should get their attention."

Jade twirled around, hoping she could attract everyone's attention. Finally, the village kids looked up and saw Jade—or so it seemed.

"Wow," one boy gaped.

Jade smiled, happy to have won over someone—only for the boy to say, "Look at Princess Sofia!"

Jade was shocked to hear that. She turned and saw Sofia right behind her. Sofia was wearing her second signature dress, and all the village kids ran up to her, ignoring Jade. Jade was hurt and jealous that the other kids snubbed her for Sofia.

"Oh, Your Highness, I love your gown," one girl gushed. "It's so beautiful."

"Thanks," Sofia blushed. She turned to Jade and said, "Jade, I like your dress."

"Thanks," Jade muttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Just walking around and getting some fresh air," Sofia replied. "Hugo is helping his parents, and we both have to help our dads with a royal project tomorrow. Maybe we can play at my castle until then?"

"We'd love to," Ruby accepted.

"Of course," Jade shrugged. "I've never seen you in that dress before."

"Me neither," Ruby chimed in. "It's the same purple as your other one, and it also has the same flower."

"Yeah, what happened to your other dress?" Jade asked.

There was a reason how Sofia got this dress, and it was a long story. Over 40 years ago, Queen Lucia of Avalor gave her daughter Princess Elena the Amulet of Avalor for her 15th birthday, saying that it would always protect her from harm. The Amulet was ruby red at that time. One year later, Avalor was invaded by Queen Shuriki, an evil, power-hungry sorceress from the Northern Islands. She murdered Lucia and King Raul, then came after the rest of the family. The royal wizard, Alacazar, knew a spell that could protect Elena's little sister Isabel and their maternal grandparents in an enchanted painting. But he needed time to cast it, so Elena went to face Shuriki alone. Shuriki tried to strike Elena down, but the Amulet saved her life at the cost of her freedom but pulling her inside it—and that's when the Amulet turned amethyst purple. The only way to get Elena out of the Amulet was to find a special princess who could set her free. But that princess wasn't born yet, and Elena had been trapped inside the Amulet for 41 years. When Sofia first became a princess and moved into Enchancia Castle, Elena sensed that Sofia could be the one to free her, so she made the Amulet glow, and Roland gave it to his stepdaughter. Sometime after that, Sofia became the storykeeper of the Secret Library, where she had to give each story a happy ending. One of the stories she completed was The Lost Princess of Avalor, which got her to not only meet Alacazar but learn the truth behind her amulet. Sofia traveled to Avalor and met up with Alacazar's grandson, Mateo. Together, they freed Elena from the Amulet--which turned the jewel ruby pink in the process. It was finally Elena's time to take back her kingdom. She and Mateo freed her family from the enchanted painting. With the help of Sofia and the brave people of Avalor, Elena defeated Shuriki and freed her kingdom, thus beginning her reign. Sometime afterwards, Sofia reunited with Alacazar in the Secret Library. Alacazar rewarded Sofia with a beautiful new dress for her good deeds. Her best friend Prince Hugo and their families knew how Sofia got this dress, but she didn't want her village friends to know.

"Magic spell?" Sofia shrugged.

Jade and Ruby shrugged, buying that answer. "Okay, Sofia," Jade said. "We'll meet you at your castle tomorrow before that royal visit."

"Great," Sofia beamed. "I love playing with Hugo, but it's been a while since we did something together."

"Yes, it has," Ruby nodded.

"I very much look forward to it," Sofia smiled. She twirled around happily.

All the village kids gazed at how beautiful Sofia's gown was when she twirled. Jade was jealous of all the attention Sofia was getting and how elegant she looked.

"Why is it so easy for Sofia to get attention?" Jade muttered. "That's exactly what I did, and nobody swooned at me like that."

"Well, she is a princess," Ruby tried to assure her.

"That's no excuse for her upstaging me," Jade pouted. "It's bad enough she's better at getting a boyfriend than us combined. She doesn't need to steal my spotlight too."

Jade didn't think it was fair that Sofia gets more attention—and fancier clothes—than her. She wished she knew how Sofia made it so easy.

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