Let's Get to Work

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Back at the castle, Sofia put on the outfit she wore when she lived in the village. She looked like a village girl, but she still had her amulet. Jade came out with a golden tiara and her hair in a bun—and she was wearing a poofy green dress.

"Wow, that's one poofy dress," Sofia gaped.

"I know—all princesses wear poofy dresses," Jade smiled haughtily.

"Not me," Sofia protested. "Anyway, have fun being a princess, Jade—and good luck with that project." She exited the castle and rode back to the village on a horse.

"It feels really good to be a princess," Jade smiled. But when she tried to walk, she tripped a little. "How does Sofia walk in this dress—and these shoes?" She was wearing high-heeled shoes.

"She doesn't wear dresses like that—or shoes that high," Hugo frowned. "You chose to wear that poofy gown because you thought it was better than Sofia's. Anywho, are you ready?"

"I'm so ready to be a better princess than Sofia," Jade smirked. "When those village kids see me, they'll think I look prettier and more elegant than her."

"No, Jade, are you ready for our royal project?" Hugo asked.

That question caught Jade off guard. "What royal project?" she asked.

"Don't you remember?" Hugo asked. "Sofia said we have a project to do with our dads, and you said you'd do it for her. Royals have bigger jobs to do than commoners."

Jade remembered Sofia telling her about the royal project, but she didn't think Sofia meant it. "Sure, I'm ready for this project," she gulped.

Sofia made it to the village to get started. She met up with Ruby's and Jade's parents.

"Ready to be a villager again, Sofia?" Ruby asked.

"Ready," Sofia smiled. "So what do we have to do today?"

"Well, dear, we're all supposed to help Farmer Jackson on her farm today," Jade's father replied.

"Sounds like fun," Sofia smiled.

"Then let's get going," Jade's mother grinned.

Everyone went to Farmer Jackson's farm, where Farmer Jackson was happy to see his friends. "Hello, my friends," he smiled. "Good marrow, Princess Sofia."

"Good marrow, but I'm not a princess today," Sofia stated. "Jade and I decided to switch places for the day, so she can see what it's like to be a princess."

"Oh, very well," Farmer Jackson smiled. "Anyway, let's get started."

Sofia and Ruby decided to get eggs from the chickens. To keep the chickens away, Ruby threw them chicken feed.

Sofia was about to check the chicken coop for eggs. "Gertrude, I hope there are eggs in there," she said. She looked inside the coop for eggs—only to find a pig in there with the chickens. "Oh, my goodness! What's a pig doing in this coop?" She pulled the pig out.

"The chickens like to invite me to visit their coop," the pig said.

"Very nice, but chickens belong in the chicken coop, not pigs," Sofia chided him. "And the other princes and princesses thought I was weird. Wait until they do the same thing I'm doing."

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