What a Day

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Hugo, Sofia, and Jade went back to the castle. Roland and Garrick were waiting, and they were surprised that Sofia was back.

"Sofia, how was being a villager?" Roland asked.

"Great, Dad," Sofia smiled. "I got eggs from the chickens, plowed the field, picked veggies, and pressed blackberries—and I may have found a pig visiting the chickens in the chicken coop."

That last part left everyone surprised. "Yeah, the chickens like to invite strange visitors in the coop," Sofia cringed with a smile. "Anyway, Jade thinks we should switch back."

"That's okay," Roland grinned. "You'd better get cleaned up though."

Jade changed out of the big dress and put on her village outfit, and she went back to Dunwiddie. After Sofia took a bath to clean off the blackberry juice, she put on her flying derby uniform and joined the other royals.

"Okay, now that Sofia is back, we can get this done no problem," Roland grinned.

Sofia and Hugo picked out good plaque shapes and designs. It took time to paint the plaques. It took all day to paint them only one color.

"I think we'd better finish these plaques tomorrow," Garrick declared. "Come on, champ—it's getting late."

"Okay, Dad," Hugo nodded.

"Gosh, I hope Jade is okay after humiliating herself in front of those village kids," Sofia frowned. "After today, she probably won't want to talk to me anymore."

"I'm sorry, dear," Garrick apologized. "It really hurts when friends turn against you—but it's not really your fault. Sometimes friends turn on you because you're a vision of who they want to be."

Sofia knew that Jade was mean to her for being a princess, and she realized that Garrick was right. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she smiled.

"No problem," Garrick smiled back. "Okay, champ, let's get ready."

Garrick and Hugo got on their flying horses and took off to Albuquerque.

Back home in Albuquerque, it was dark outside, and it was bedtime. Hugo was in his and his older brother Axel's bedroom, telling him what happened with Jade and Sofia.

"I bet Sofia didn't complain about working on royal duties," Axel remarked.

"King Roland said she never does," Hugo assured him.

Suddenly, Garrick came in, carrying a book. "You know, Jade and Sofia remind me of a certain story," he declared.

"What's that, Dad?" Hugo asked.

"The Prince and the Pauper," Garrick revealed, showing the book. "These two characters did the same thing the girls did today."

"Sounds interesting," Axel declared.

"It sure is," Garrick agreed. He read his sons the story of The Prince and the Pauper.

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