Sir Oliver Returns

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Sofia got on Minimus and, and they raced to Albuquerque.

"I cannot believe we're going to deal with Sir Oliver again, Sofia," Minimus frowned.

"Me neither," Sofia concurred. "We have to find Hugo and Axel and warn them and their parents that Sir Oliver is not who they think he is."

From up in the sky, Sofia and Minimus could see Hugo and his big brother Axel with Sir Oliver.

"There they are," Sofia pointed out. "We have to get Hugo and Axel's attention without Sir Oliver seeing us, or he'll know we're here to stop him."

Down on the ground, Hugo and Axel were with Sir Oliver.

"That snake is around here somewhere," Axel declared cautiously. "I am not getting anywhere near that creature."

Axel remembered having a run-in with the sapphire Snake. He and his father King Garrick were trapped in the den along with Sofia's brother James and father King Roland II. After Sofia and Hugo saved them, the quartet didn't trust the Sapphire Snake. The Sapphire Snake is friends with Sofia and Hugo though.

"Don't worry, Big Bro," Hugo assured Axel. "That Snake won't do anything to you or Dad as long as I'm here. I've got your back."

"Thanks, baby bro," Axel smiled. "You're the best."

But then Sir Oliver laughed at the brothers' heartwarming moment much to their annoyance and disgust.

"You, protecting your brother and father from the Sapphire Snake?" Sir Oliver cackled. "Such a job cannot be done by a child."

"Well, he's saved me and Dad from the Sapphire Snake before," Axel protested.

"Maybe so, but this mission is too much for such a prince," Sir Oliver scoffed. To get the princes to understand, Sir Oliver started to sing...and it was the same song he sang to Sofia.

All across every kingdom

I am known as the strongest knight

But I am also quite famous

For being the bravest

And looking good whenever I fight

Such a dangerous mission

Is too much for a child like you

For goodness sake

Stopping that Snake

Is something only I can do

Oh, what a thill it must be

To behold the greatness of me

Alas, it is not every day

That a knight such as I comes your way

Hugo and Axel were very annoyed with Sir Oliver. Sofia and Minimus were spying, listening to every word in that song. They remembered him singing this to Sofia.

"They don't seem to like Sir Oliver," Minimus glared.

"That doesn't surprise me," Sofia groaned. "I bet he sings that song to everyone he meets." Sofia and Minimus continued to listen to the song.

Now once I get rid of that Snake,

I will prove my courage and might

There will be no debating

My super high grading

I am surely a magnificent sight

Oh, what a thrill it will be to proclaim the greatness of me

No help will be needed today

For a knight such as I

Will succeed in one try

When a knight such as I leads the way

Hugo and Axel really didn't like Sir Oliver. They couldn't believe they were expected to help him.

Sir Oliver got back on his steed and instructed, "Come, princes! The Snake awaits to be vanquished!"

"Maybe you should go ahead, Sir Oliver," Hugo glared.

"Yes, we'll catch up," Axel agreed.

"Suit yourselves," Sir Oliver shrugged. He rode away on his horse.

"I don't like that guy," Hugo told Axel.

"Me neither," Axel concurred. "I cannot believe Dad expects us to help him with the Sapphire Snake."

"Of all the knights in the world, why did it have to be Sir Oliver?" Hugo groaned. "He really doesn't care about the safety of our people. All he cares about is being a hero."

"Or at least looking like one," Sofia said from behind him.

The sound of Sofia's voice surprised the princes. They turned around and found the princess and her steed behind them.

"Sofia!" Hugo beamed. He happily went over and greeted his best friend with a hug. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear Sir Oliver sing that goofy song to you," Sofia admitted. "The Secret Library sent me here to help you guys with the Sapphire Snake."

"Thanks, Sofia, but what was that you said about Oliver looking like a hero?" Axel asked.

"I've had a run-in with Sir Oliver before," Sofia revealed.

"You have?" Hugo and Axel asked in unison.

"Yeah, and he was not who I thought he was when I first met him," Sofia revealed.

"What happened?" Hugo asked.

"I'd tell you, but your parents should hear about it too," Sofia declared. "We have to get to the palace."

Sofia and Hugo got back on their horses. The trio flew off to Albuquerque Palace.

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