The Sapphire Snake

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The group went looking for the Sapphire Snake. Suddenly, Hugo found something blue and shiny.

"I think I see him!" Hugo pointed out. "There's something blue and shiny in the jungle."

"Let's get down," Sofia instructed.

The group flew down to see what it was. There in the bushes was the Sapphire Snake.

"Stand back," Samira told her husband and their oldest son. "Hugo, be careful."

"Okay, Mom," Hugo nodded.

Hugo and Sofia carefully approached the Sapphire Snake. The Snake turned and saw the young prince and princess.

"Princess Sofia! Long time no see!" the Snake smiled, patting Sofia on the head. "Prince Hugo, it's been a long time since I saw you too."

The Snake picked up Hugo and hugged him. He carefully stroked Hugo's chin with his tail.

"That tickles," giggled Hugo.

Sofia started giggling. Axel and his parents themselves couldn't help laughing. The Snake continued to stroke Hugo's chin.

"Okay, please put me down!" Hugo begged, giggling.

The Sapphire Snake put Hugo down on his feet. "I thought I might see you, young prince," he smiled.

"It's a good thing you were expecting us because we need to know," Hugo told the Snake. "Why are you going all over the kingdom?"

"Does that Sir Oliver have anything to do with your escape?" Sofia asked.

"Oh, you're good," the Snake told Sofia. "Yes, he is responsible for my roaming the kingdom."

Hugo turned to his family and said, "Sofia was right. Sir Oliver is responsible for the Sapphire Snake escaping from his den."

"What did Sir Oliver do that made him get out?" Axel asked.

"I can show you," the Sapphire Snake told the group.

"He's going to show us," Sofia declared. "Follow that Snake."

The group followed the Snake to his den.

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