Tigarrots on the Loose

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Suddenly, there was a crack in one of the eggs. All three eggs started to crack—and then three baby Tigarrots hatched. One Tigarrot was red, one was dark magenta, and one was pink. Hugo couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"They hatched!" Hugo gasped. "I should tell Captain Stern." But he wanted to prove that he can handle this himself. "No, I can handle this. Hi there, little ones." He noticed that the pink one looked like Garnet. "You have your mommy's fur."

"Mommy?" the pink baby asked. She flew into Hugo's arms. "Mommy?" She licked Hugo's cheek affectionately.

Hugo was beginning to realize that the pink tiger has mistaken him for her mother. "No, I'm not your mommy—I'm Hugo," he giggled.

"Hugo!" the red tiger repeated.

"Hugo!" the magenta tiger joined in.

"Mommy?" the pink tiger asked. She licked Hugo's cheek again.

"No, not me, but I can take care of you until your mommy gets back," Hugo told her. He knelt down, holding the pink tiger in his arms. "You know, I've seen Sara and Daisy play this cute little game with other baby tigers."

"Game!" the magenta tiger beamed.

"Game?" the red tiger asked.

"Mommy?" the pink tiger asked.

"Put your paws up," Hugo instructed.

As the red and magenta tigers held their paws up, Hugo clapped the pink one's paws while singing, "Tortillitas de Manteca para Mamá que está contenta. Tortillitas de maiz para Papá que está feliz!"

Hugo was having a great time taking care of these tigers. "I don't know what Dad and Captain Stern were so worried about," he told the baby tigers. "Watching you three is easy."

Suddenly, Hugo could hear some roaring. "Sounds like there are some tigers outside," he surmised.

"Mommy?" the pink tiger asked. Her tummy started roaring loudly.

"Oh, you must be hungry," Hugo realized. "Well, Mom gave me berries to feed to some tigers here in the park." He took out some little plastic boxes from his bag. One container contained blueberries, another contained gooseberries, and another contained raspberries—which made Hugo feel sick.

The red tiger ate the gooseberries, and the magenta tiger ate the blueberries.

Hugo scooped some raspberries in his hand, held them out to the pink tiger and said, "Here you go." The pink tiger happily ate the raspberries from Hugo's hand.

"Oh, that tickles," giggled Hugo.

The pink tiger liked the sound of Hugo's laugh, so she kept licking his hand. Suddenly, the baby tigers flapped their wings and got off the ground much to Hugo's shock.

"You can fly?" Hugo gasped. He hoped these tigers won't get away from him. But to his horror, the red tiger opened the door. "How did you open that?" The red tiger happily ran out with Hugo going after her.

"Not so fast," Hugo said sternly. "I know you want to run around a little, but I can't let anyone see you running in the park unsupervised."

But the red tiger didn't want to listen to Hugo, and she flew away.

"Oh, if any of the baby tigers get caught roaming the park unsupervised, I'll be in big trouble," Hugo fretted. He ran after the red tiger. But the pink tiger didn't want him to leave, so she flew after him.

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