The Apology

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The next day, Sofia and Hugo were about to go out with Garrick when Hildegard and Clio showed up.

"What are you doing here?" Hugo frowned.

"Look—we want to say that we're sorry for what happened yesterday," Hildegard declared.

"Very sorry," Clio agreed.

"It was wrong for me to make that wish just to get something I wanted," Hildegard said. She turned to Sofia and said, "Sofia, I'm so, so sorry."

Sofia wanted to stay angry with Hildegard, but hearing those words made it hard to stay mad. "Oh, I guess I can't stay mad at you," she smiled.

"I take it you forgive me?" Hildegard asked.

Sofia nodded.

"Thanks, Sofia," Hildegard grinned.

Hugo was happy that Hildegard apologized to Sofia—but then he let out a sneeze. This shocked everyone very much.

"Bless you, champ," Garrick said.

"I don't understand," Clio gasped. "Sofia is fine. Why are you..."

Hugo interrupted her by letting out a sneeze. Before anyone knew it, Axel came along.

"Sorry, baby bro," Axel apologized. He turned to his father and said, "Dad, the messenger just dropped this off." He was carrying a huge pot of sunflowers.

"Who would send us sunflowers?" Hugo asked, covering his nose to avoid the aroma.

Garrick read the tag on the flower pot, "To the royal family of Corinthia? A gift for your sunflower garden." He saw that the address was smudged. "This was sent to the wrong kingdom."

"That's my kingdom," Clio declared. "I'll take those." Axel handed her the pot of sunflowers.

"Well, we'd better get going before Hugo sneezes again," Garrick smiled.

"Have a good time," Axel waved.

Garrick and the kids went out to enjoy their day. Hildegard and Clio got into Hildegard's coach and rode to Corinthia Castle.

Hildegard sure learned a big lesson: not only do you have to be careful what you wish for, but it's never okay to do bad things to people just to get what you want. Hildegard sure won't do that again...or will she?

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