2012 Sofia the First movie: Once Upon a Prince

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(I'm gonna skip a little bit, just because I didn't like the whole thing, just parts of it)(When Split, Miranda and Phantom arrived)

Miranda and Phantom both came out of the carriage that brought them. Phantom helped Split out of the carriage and the driver drove away. Birds flew by and put a crown on Split's head. Then Split, Miranda and Phantom all walked up where Roland, Shadow and Gwendal were. "King Roland the ll" Miranda said. "Queen Miranda" Roland said and kissed Miranda's hand. "Good morning Split" Gwendal said. "Great morning Prince Gwendal" Split replied, then walked up to Shadow. "Prince Shadow, I'm really excited that we're going to be brothers" He said. "Step-brothers" Shadow said. "Phantom, where were you?" Gwendal asked. "Hopefully far from here" Shadow said. "I went to hang out with Split and his mom" Phantom said. "I see" Gwendal said. "Shadow, Gwendal" Miranda said. "I know that there are stories about evil step-mothers, but I hope to change that" She said, then gave the two something. "Take these" She added. Gwendal and Shadow grabbed them and looked at them. "Oh, it's our family crest" Gwendal said to Shadow. "Exactly. I really hope we get to bond together as a family" Miranda said. "Me too" Roland said, then turned to the crowd. "Please welcome Queen Miranda, Prince Split and the return of Prince Phantom" He said. The crowd cheered and then Gwendal, Shadow and Phantom all did a royal wave. "Should I wave too?" Split said to Phantom. "Yes, you should" Phantom replied. "Ok" Split waved. "Hi. Hello" He said. Then Phantom rolled his eyes a bit.

(The Mask)

Miranda and Phantom were sitting on the couch while Split was on the arm of the couch. "Phantom, what's wrong?" Miranda asked. "I don't want a royal ball. Why do we need to have one to celebrate my return?" Phantom asked. "Oh, well, you're not one to turn down a party, especially when it's for you" Miranda said. "But I don't want one" Phantom said. "It's because he actually can't do one dance move and it's the Waltz" Split cut in. "Oh, I see. Well, just try your best and you'll do great. If it doesn't impress those fancy Dukes and Duchesses, then that's their problem" Miranda said and Roland walked up to them. "Phantom, I thought that I would give you a gift to celebrate your return and for..... well, you know" Roland said and laughed a little. Phantom laughed. "Yea, I know" He said. While Shadow was walking past them, he looked back through the doorway. Roland brought out a mask and Phantom looked at it. "It's awesome, thank you" Phantom said. Shadow rolled his eyes, then walked away. "It's a very special mask, so you have to promise never to take it off" Roland said and put it over Phantom's damaged eye. "I promise I won't take it off" Phantom said. "Good. Now you guys gotta go to bed, you'll have school tomorrow" Roland said. "School?" Split asked. "Oh yeah, we have Royal Prep, I wonder how much changed since I was there" Phantom said. "You'll see when you go there, but for now, get some sleep" Roland said. Split and Phantom walked off and out of the room. "What's Royal Prep?" Split asked. "It's a school for princes and princesses, it's really not that different from any other school" Phantom said. "Except it's just for royalty" Split replied. "Yea, but it's not that different" "You think?" "Well, not really 'cause I think some things changed when I last was there, but yea, I think it's not that different" "I hope you're right" "Hey, just do your best" "Ok" Then Phantom bumped into someone, then he looked up to see who it was. "Oh, uh.... sorry Mr. Cedric" He said, then turned a little bit. "You really should watch were you're going, I mean really" Mr. Cedric said, then he went to pick up his wand. "Uh, yes, sorry about that" Phantom said. "You ok, Mr. Ceedric?" Split asked. "It's Cedric, why don't you-" Mr. Cedric paused, then looked at Phantom's face. "Your mask" He said. "Isn't it awesome? The king gave it to him" Split said. "Huh" "Well, good night" Split grabbed Phantom's hand and they walked off. Mr. Cedric walked off thinking about Phantom's mask.

(First day at Royal Prep)

"Class, we have a new student and a returning one, how should we greet them" Ms. Flora asked. The students did a curtsey to Phantom and Split. Phantom did a curtsey back and Split did as well, but dropped his books. Shadow saw this and laughed a little, but also saw some other students rushing to help Split.

*Later at Recess*

Phantom was looking around for Split. He saw Shadow talking to some other students, so he went over to them. "And then he dropped his books all over the floor" Shadow said. "Uh.... hello, hi... you guys may remember me, if not, that's fine. I'm Phantom, Phantom the Hedgehog. Nice to meet you guys" Phantom said. "Yes, we're all aware" Shadow said. "Oh my gosh, I love your mask" Gadget said. "Thanks, I just recently got it" Phantom said. "It looks awesome on you" "Thanks" Shadow got furious and walked away. Gwendal was playing ball with a soccer ball and kicked the ball. The ball rolled to Shadow's feet. "Oh, hey Shadow. What do you want?" Gwendal asked. "I think Phantom needs to take a ride on the enchanted swingset, don't you?" Shadow asked. "You sure 'cause that don't look very safe" Gwendal said. "But new people should do it or in our case, returning people. Phantom has never really tried it yet and he said that once they have it, he wants to try it" Shadow said and half-lied. "Alright, I'll go ask him" Gwendal went to where Phantom was. "Hey Phantom, did you try the enchanted swingset yet? It swings itself so you don't have to" Gwendal said and led Phantom to the swingset. "It swings itself huh? Seems like things did change from the last time I was here" Phantom said and sat down. The enchanted swingset started to swing him. "Huh. This is new" Split said. The enchanted swingset started to swing Phantom higher. "Here we go" Shadow said with a smirk. "Oh no" Gwendal said. Soon enough, Phantom fell in the fountain outside. He had his hand covering his mask so it wouldn't get wet. He stood up and faced Gwendal. "Good one Gwendal, you got me" He said and slipped. Tails helped him out of the fountain. "Don't worry, he did the same thing to me when I went here" Tails said. "Well, I better go dry off before my next class" Phantom said and walked away. "Phantom" Gwendal said. "I thought you said he was your brother" Tails said and walked away. "He is" Gwendal said.

(Phantom's ball)

Phantom got in the carriage, looking furious. Then, Shadow got in and looked at Phantom with fake empathy. "Oh Phantom, I must've grabbed a pair of Cedric's trick shoes by mistake. He always leave those things lying around the castle. Sorry about that" Shadow said. "Coachman, can we go now? By this rate, it'll take us about a hour to get to the castle" Gwendal said. The coachman drove off.

*Later in Shadow's room*

Gwendal stormed into his brother's room. "Can I talk to Shaxow alone?" He asked. The servents nodded and walked out of the room. Gwendal went up to Shadow. "What do you think?" Shadow asked. "What you did wasn't nice" "As I recall, you also did a prank on him" "What you did today wasn't a prank, he needed those dance lessons, you're trying to ruin his ball and I know why" "Because he shouldn't have come back here?" "No, because a lot of people like him more than you, and after today, so do me and Split" "You don't mean that" "Yes I do" Gwendal walked away. Shadow looked back. "Wait, Gwendal!" Shadow tried to walk to his brother and stop him from walking out, but broke his inhibitor ring. He looked at the broken inhibitor ring. "My ring" He said to myself and walked out of his room. "What an excellent mask, Phantom" A voice said. "Ready for the ball" Another voice said. "You look amazing Phantom" "Prettiest prince in the castle" Shadow gasped and walked back to his room with sadness.

(True sisters/brothers)

Cinderella: 🎶Everyone's heard about the day that true love came for me, he carried me off and far away from my step family, but ever since I wed the prince and left my hurt behind, there's one regret I won't forget that weighs upon my mind🎶

Cinderella: 🎶My step-sisters let their jealousy harden their hearts, but when they ruined my ball gown, that's not all they tore apart, if only we have tried to see a way to start anew, we may have found that this time 'round, our friendship only grew🎶

Cinderella: 🎶We could have been true sisters if we only made amends. True, true sisters, and ever, after, friends🎶

Cinderella: 🎶You suddenly feel that all is lost, frightened and alone. But maybe yours isn't the only heart that's sinking like a stone. Though many of the ones you love are frozen in a trance. Someone who's a lot like you never made it to the dance🎶

"But Shadow's been so mean to me" Phantom said. "Perhaps all he need is a second chance" Cinderella said.

Cinderella: 🎶You could be true brothers(Phantom: 🎶Brothers🎶) if you only make amends. True, true brothers🎶

Phantom: 🎶Brothers🎶

Cinderella and Phantom: 🎶And ever, after,...... friends🎶

(The power of two princes)

Phantom opened the door to Shadow's room and Shadow looked ar him. "What do you want?" He asked. "I did something terrible. Come on, I'll show you" Phantom said. He and Shadow walked to the ballroom. "A dancing spell put everything to sleep?" Shadow asked. "I must've said it wrong, it's all my fault" Phantom said. Then Shadow looked at Phantom with actual empathy. "No Phantom, you wouldn't needed that spell if I didn't give you those trick shoes, I was just jealous because everyone likes you more than me, even Gwendal and Split do" "That's not true, you're the most popular prince at Royal Prep since I left. You never known how excited I was to find out that we were going to be back together again" "Oh Ghost, we'll never lose each other because we're brothers" Phantom and Shadow hugged, then then looked at the others. "How are we going to wake them up?" Phantom asked. "I'll bet Cedric has a counter spell in one of his books, but the door is always locked" Shadow said. "Not if you have a key" Then, Shadow and Phantom made their way to Cedric's workshop door. "Give me a boost" Phantom said and Shadow boosted him up. He grabbed the key and tossed it down to Shadow. Shadow grabbed it, unlocked the door, and opened it, but quickly closed it when he saw a raven flying towards him. "I forgot about Wormwood. He won't let us get close enough to get the spellbook" Shadow said. "We'll need more help" Phantom said. "From who? Everyone's asleep" "Not everyone" Then, Phantom and the animals(named Clover, Mia, Robin, and Whatnaught) came up the stairs to meet with Shadow. "Hey, those are the animals that used to clean my room, I wondered what happened to them" Shadow said. Then, Shadow opened the door and he and Phantom went in the workshop. Wormwood cawed and Mia and Robin flew up to grabbed a rope, then they flew up to him and wrapped his beak, then they wrapped a side of a rope on one of his feet and the other side on the other. Wormwood bit both of the ropes holding his feet and flew down, but was pelted by food. "Get the spellbook' Phantom said. Shadow got the spellbook, but bumped into something and dropped it. Wormwood flew down and was about to scratch Shadow when Phantom hit him with a microphone. "Claws off my brother" He said, defensively. Then, Phantom hit Wormwood with his microphone repeatedly with Wormwood flying around. Shadow got a cage. "Ghost, over here" Shadow said. Phantom hit Wormwood towards the cage and Wormwood fell in the cage. Shadow closed it and Phantom put the microwave back. "Well folks, this may be the first time that Phantom used a microphone to fight, but he sure knows how to use it" Clover said. Shadow and Phantom were flipping through pages trying to find the counter spell. "Oh, where is it?" Shadow asked. "I don't know" Phantom said. "Hey Wormwood, why so quiet. Wanna tell the other ravens you got outsmarted by a rabbit?" Clover asked. "No, I don't. But anyway, they will never find the counter spell" Wormwood replied. "They got your master's spellbok, birdbrain" "But the counter spellboom is hidden behind the painting, so the joke's on them" "Thanks Wormwood" Phantom said, opened the painting and grabbed the counter spellbook. "Got it. Let's go" Phantom grabbed Shadow's hand and they both ran out of the workshop. They got back to the ballroom, but Shadow was hesitant to go in. "What?" Phantom asked. "I can't go in with a broken inhibitor ring" Shadow said and showed Phantom his broken inhibitor ring. "Well, I'm not gonna leave you here Shads. Come on" Phantom walked away and Shadow followed him. Phantom took his inhibitor rings off. "Aren't those yours?" Shadow asked. "I pretty much don't use them" Phantom said and gave his inhibitor rings to Shadow. Shadow took his inhibitor rings off and put Phantom's on. "Thanks Ghost" Shadow said. "Guess I have to do the Waltz now" Phantom said. "Wait, there's something I can fix too. I owe you a dancing lesson" Shadow said.

(Phantom fixes the mess)

Soon enough, Phantom and King Roland were dancing the Waltz. "I was wondering, why do they call you King Roland the ll?" Phantom asked. "Well, before I was king, my father, who was king, was also named Roland" Roland said. "Hmmmm..... well I guess that makes Split.... Split the First" "I guess it does" Phantom and Roland danced their way towards Shadow and Phantom held out a hand. Shadow grabbed it and danced with them. Gwendal and Split were also dancing with their mother. They ran into each other and Split made his way to the center and they all danced.

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