My Lord - English

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"My lord, I, Sophia Sofita, pledge my allegiance to you. " The first day I met Lord Runtas, I almost immediately knelt at said Lord's feet. The lord is the one the members follow Dark magic in the Sofita family followed suit. Actually, Lord Runtas is not very evil, he just worships Dark Magic and he is almost the most powerful person The world of Dark Magic (the world of Witches and Wizards is combined into one, but it is also divided into White Magic and Dark Magic. Although the core of white and dark magic is different, it is also the only difference is the magic system, this also depends on the source of magic coming from the family including relatives, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and even brothers and sisters. ) Lord Runtas taught while he was a professor at M.A.Y for my parents, you are fifteen years older than my parents. That's great, I like you again. As said, although he is not evil, he still kills those who betray and harm him. Coratia's Reflection and Lord Runtas's Black Magic are completely different! Although both are organizations that use Dark Magic as their energy, Reflection is filled with murder nothing goes well with Mages and Witches but Lord Runtas's Dark Magic is different, the Dark Magic members all use Dark Magic to kill Reflection, Dark Magic members are mostly single Mages (or Witches, I've seen quite a few) with dark magic cores from long-standing great families. They were trained since childhood so they certainly wouldn't do anything stupid to embarrass the family, Black Magic, Lord Runtas. And of course, Sophia I wouldn't be stupid enough to embarrass everyone.

In the beginning, he used me very much to do missions to help people in the world of Earat. After all, I am still a mixed blood between a Mage and Earat born even though they have been fighting for many years. Although I am very happy, I know that this favor comes from my supposedly 'special' bloodline. And it's also special that my mother - a Witch from the world of Earat, has a dark magic core - special cases. The reason why my mother's dark magic core is called a special case is because, most Witches or Wizards from the world of Earat have white magic cores. But my father I'm already a Dark Witch, so it's normal for me to be a Dark Witch in the Sofita family. And yes, that's the only reason why I'm valued. But I had this crazy delusion Lord pay attention to yourself. Even though it didn't show on the surface, this is what I read from the beginning of the Lord's words when the Lord stood beside me intently watching me distribute food to each of the people of Earat. "Why is this kid so friendly to such an aura? Why do I like this kid? This kid is so cute... Wait, why do I like this kid??? Why do I praise this kid as cute??? I'm paying attention to a kid who's old enough to be my grandchild? How strange. But this kid is really cute. It will be favored by me. " Oh, how interesting. No need to seduce, no love potion, no bewitching potion, no need to do anything, just emit aura, Lord Runtas poured himself out. Is the Lord weak-hearted? But never mind, I like the Lord too!

A few words from the author:
Please tell me if the above sentences are grammatically incorrect. I'm not good at English and for the sake of progress, I have to write in English and Vietnamese.

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