Solace in the Rain

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I found this in my drafts and thought it was worth publishing. Think of it as my farewell gift to you guys. I hope you enjoy!

Marinette held out her hand, feeling the frigid droplets fall onto it as they ran off the tips of her fingers. She sighed, preparing herself to make the speedy scramble to her home. Marinette huffed as she felt the presence of the unwanted boy brush past her. He peered down at the floor sadly as she moved, dismissing her body from his look.

"I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat, I swear," he began, his soft voice echoing through the air.

Marinette looked up to meet his gaze, but his face was looking in the opposing direction. His voice was soothing and calm with a hint of nervousness, very unlike what he sounded like earlier. A sudden realisation washed over her. Was he... apologising? Over what, her own absurdity?

"I've never been to school before."

Never been to school? Marinette couldn't imagine what sort of life he had. Sure homeschooling was common among some families, yet the manner in which he murmured and just looked at his feet revealed to her that he didn't enjoy being at home.

Marinette felt her sides swirl into knots. Had she really hated him over a small misunderstanding, while all he wanted to do was escape from his exhausting life.

"I've never had friends, it's all sort of, new to me."

Never had friends? She would've never endured a day on Earth without Nino being there to guide her, Rose to support her, Mylene to brighten up her day, and now she had Alya as well. He was forlorn, didn't have a clue how to interact with others. Marinette wanted to hit herself for making such a hasty judgment. She realised that just because he hung around with individuals like Chloe, it didn't mean he was a terrible person. She should've known, heck, Sabrina was a really pleasant girl, but was Chloe's closest companion.

Marinette watched as Adrien turned to face her. He shrugged his shoulders as though he were disregarding the entirety of his concerns, every one of his feelings of trepidation, his frailties, and gave her a comforting smile. Her heart tingled and she felt the cold from the climate gradually float away. His smile made her feel so warm, so - happy. A clap of thunder sounded above as he held out the umbrella he was holding, gesturing her to take it.

Marinette's eyes widened. He was giving her his umbrella? Even if it meant that his designers clothes would get ruined, even if it meant he was going to get scolded by his father for damaging his wear. She just lived over the street, yet he stopped. The bluenette faltered slightly before permitting her arm to reach out and take the object.

The exchange was quick. Marinette grasped the umbrella, their hands brushing slightly as it was transfered. Marinette noticed that Adrien didn't wince at all when he felt the rain cascade down on him. The action made her heart soar, it told her that he didn't mind at all, as long as she was happy. During her daze Marinette's finger coincidentally hit the nearby catch. The bluenette gasped as she felt the fabric close around her, her cheeks blushing furiously.

Adrien burst out in laughter.

The sound made her embarrassment fade. His laugh was so nice. It made her want to crack jokes with Nino, just to hear it over and over again.

'It's only a laugh' the voice in the back of her head told her.

'No it's more than that' she countered.

It's the sound of happiness.



Marinette lifted the side of the umbrella, and giggled alongside him.

Watching him smile and giggle was so much different compared to just simply hearing it. He just looked so cheerful, an emotion he likely hadn't felt in quite a while. Her cheeks were dusted with a light pink blush, as she corrected the umbrella.

"See you tomorrow," he waved before pivoting and going to his car.

"Uh... see you tomo... Haha! Woah why am I stammering?"

Marinette internally facepalmed. Was she forever cursed to not be able to function like a normal human being?

"Hey! I think I might have an idea!" Tikki said cuddling up on Marinette's cheek, chuckling slightly.

Picking up her bag she began to walk over to her house, feeling comfortable underneath her newfound source of shelter. Upon arriving at her front door, Marinette shut the umbrella, shaking it cautiously to get the vast majority of the water off. As she shook it a glimmer of gold blazed through her vision. Turning the handle over, in swirly lettering she spotted what she assumed was someone's initials.


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