He Isn't My Friend

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End of August and most of the demigods went home for the school year

Being born in a different century and having no family in the mortal world meant I didn't have to leave, Camp Half Blood offered great education anyways and this would be my 2nd year doing this since the war and I caught up a lot with Wills help of course

Will and I have been together for 2 years now. He has done school at Camp Half Blood since he was 5, there were very few kids who stayed for the whole year so everyone got the help they needed which helped me a lot.

The teachers were a lot of older children of Athena. So they understood a lot of the subjects

I walked up to Apollo Cabin and I walk in, Will was the only Apollo kid who stayed this year so it was only him in there

"Mom its my last year of school! You seriously choose now for me to be there?" He says and I notice Chirons flip phone in his hand

I frown worried and Will sees me and looks even more upset

"I really don't want to do this Mom." He says and I barely here his mom voice on the other side and he sighs

"Fine. I'll get ready." He says and hangs up the phone

"Are you okay?" I ask and he looks at me and shakes his head

"Sit down Nico." He mumbles and I frown and sit on his bunk and he sits next to me

"My Mom is making me finish my senior year in my home town." He says and my heart stops

"Are you serious right now? It's your last year of school! She can't make you do that!" I exclaim standing up and Will sighs

"I know I tried to reason with her about it but she said she wants me to have one normal year. And since she is involved in my life still and I'm not 18 I have no say."  He mumbles

Wills 17th birthday just passed. Dang it

I sit next to him as tears fill my eyes and I try to wipe them away before he saw

"Nico don't cry." He says and pulls me in his arms and I fight back tears

"I'm gonna miss you." I whisper and he tightens his grip around me

"I'm gonna miss you to sunshine" He whispers to me and he just holds me and I bury my face in his chest

Chiron came back for the phone and saw us that way and when Will told him the news Chiron sadden at this too and told us that it would only be for a year and that we could make it through


I help Will pack up clothes for next year, a lot a shorts as it was Texas

I go to Wills trunk at the foot of his bed when he asked me to grab his travel first aid kit, I open it and I see a bunch of books which make me snort

I look and I see one with my name on it and I raise an eyebrow and I grab it and open it with curiosity

I see pictures of us from our date nights or silly things we've done, most the time I'm hiding from the camera but Will caught a few of me when I'm not paying attention and they didn't look so bad

Will kneels next to me and smiles and looks at the book.

"This is definitely coming with me. I can't last without looking at your face" He says and I snort and look at him

"I'm gonna miss you." I whisper and he sighs and kisses me

"I'm gonna miss you too. Let's go though my Mom is here Chiron just came by to tell me." He whispers and I sigh and we pack up the last of his things and head out

We leave the camp barrier and see Wills Mom waiting in the car and Will looks at me and tears were in his eyes

"I love you Nico." He whispers and I lean up to kiss him and he kisses me back

"I love you too Will, I'll see you during fall break." I whisper and and he nods and kisses my head and hands me something before going to the car

I stand there as they drive off but  when I no longer see them I look at my hand

It's a photo of me and Will I was asleep on his shoulder and he took a picture

I smile as a tear falls and drops on the picture and I go and head back into camp

Time Skip!

I finish packing my bags and Chiron walks into my cabin

"Nico son, are you 100% sure about this?" He asks me and I zip up my bag and turn to him

"I took the tests, we got the paperwork and fake birth certificate and everything we need." I state and he sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder

"You demigods make me proud. Enjoy your time there. I know a certain someone will be very happy to see you." He chuckles and I blush and I sigh

"Well, I better get going, Ms. Solace is expecting me." I say and he ruffles my hair and I back up into the shadows and soon I was surrounded by darkness

I appear in a very sunny area and I look around and I look around

Did I arrive in Austin Texas?

"Nico honey! Is that you?" I hear and I turn and I see Naomi

She grins when she sees me and runs over to hug

"Oh its been so long hun, how are you doing?" She asks and I smile

"I've been fine honestly. Its already starting to get cold up in Manhattan though. So being here  the weather is much warmer." I admit and she laughs a bit fixing my hair

"Its almost November so I'm not surprised. Anyways, let's get you settled in then I already called the school told them you were coming to look around." She says and I smile and heart started beating quickly

She helps me with my stuff and we head in and I put some stuff up and soon she makes me some food

"You sure you want to go today?" She asks and I nod eagerly

"I want to see Will." I admit blushing and she looks at me smiling a bit

"Well, that boy misses you like crazy, I swear everything reminds him of you." She says and I smile a bit and take a deep breath

"Here, eat up then I'll take you." She says and I quickly eat my food and we head to the car

Car Ride Skip

I walk out of the office after conforming things and they said I can walk around on my own for a bit and I look around this big school hoping to see Will at some point. I didn't want to walk in one of his classes like that

I see one kid eyeing me weirdly and I raise an eyebrow at him

"Hey do you know where I can find Will Solace? Blond curly hair and blue eyes" I ask and he looks me over again and scoffs

"What does an emo kid like you want to do with Will Solace? He may seem nice but he isn't interested in weirdos like you." He states and I frown and the bell rings and kids come out of class

"Why don't I show you what weirdos like me c-"

"Nico?!" I hear and I turn and see Will looking super shock with a couple of people behind him

I grin and push the guy away and run over and jump in Wills arms wrapping my arms around his neck

"Oh my gods what are you doing here?" He asks me laughing and I pull back

"I'm going to school here now." I say and tears slides my cheek and his eyes widen

"Seriously?" He asks and I hear someone clear there throat and I turn and it's the guy  that was picking on me earlier

"Who is this Will?" He asks and I smirk and turn to Will and lean up kissing him

I hear a few gasps surprised and Will wraps his arms around my waist

I pull away and Will wraps his arms from behind

"I'm his boyfriend. Or according to you a 'emo weirdo' that he would never be interested in" I say and I feel Will look at him

"Garrett dude seriously?" He asks and this Garrett guy scoffs and walks away

"Who the hell is he?" I ask Will and he snorts

"He is on the basketball team with me. He is also a big bully, I'm surprised he said that to you. All the guys have seen the inside of my locker. Pictures of you are in there. They all know your my boyfriend." He says and I smile hearing that and turn to him

"So you happy I'm here?" I ask him and he gives me a look

"No I'm absolutely disappointed. Of course I'm happy! Where are you staying?" He asks and I grin

"With you, your mom and I planned this." I say and his smile beams brighter

"Will, sorry to interrupt this adorable reunion, but the bell rings in like 2 minutes." Says this dark haired guy with brown eyes

"Crap, do you start today?" He asks me and I nod and hand him my schedule

"Good thing we have the same class let's go!" He says and grabs my hand and books it down the hall

That entire day Will was introducing me to a bunch of his friends and wouldn't stop smiling

That smile made all that hard work to get here worth it.


Yay! Another update!

Now to make this clear, I take ideas from head canons I read and make them extra extra longer and story like so these won't be exactly like head canons

Like I said before! Request are highly welcomed!

Anyways thank you all so much for reading! Give me ideas please!

I love ya'll!


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