Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise)

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Nico and Percy grinned at Will. "It's a revenge party!"


Nico called Percy. "Pick me up. We're going to confront Will." He said, venom dripping off his voice. He got the painting that he made of the three of them, and tucked it under his arm.

Percy arrived a few minutes later. Nico jumped on and they drove to Wills house.

"That bitch." Nico grumbled. His eyes held the most hatred filled glare.

When they arrived, they saw Will run after some girl in the Aphrodite cabin. "C-call me!" He heard him say.

Nicos heart was crushed, to say the least. His hurt was immediately replaced with rage when Will turned to look at them.

"Neeks-" He called.

"You're a liar." Nico said in fake astonishment as they pulled up to the sidewalk.

"N-Nico I can explain-" He stuttered, regret flashing in his eyes.

"Explain what? How your supposed to be out of town? Sixty different people are posting pictures about your party!" Nico accused, stepping off the motorbike. The grass around them started to grow grey when Nico stepped onto it.

"You know I couldn't invite you!" Will shot back. "I have to pretend like I don't know you!"

"You are full of lies!" Nico snarled angrily.

"Nico, I have to get back home soon, you know I have a curfew." Percy said, leaning on his motorbike. He glared at Will.

"This is your house, you can invite whoever you want! You could, like, change the way the world works but you decided not to!" Nico ranted, going right up to Will and jabbing his finger into his chest.

"You would hate this party-" Will started, walked away from Nico.

"Why?! Are you having an amazing time with your amazing friends?" He said with a high pitched voice, looking at Will.

"Nico, I can't spend every second with you-" Will started. Nico started to break right then and there. "It's not my fault your like, in love with me or something!" Will shouted.

Nico was in love with Will. He couldn't deny it. But hearing the words come out of Wills mouth made it too real.

He started crying. He couldn't pick a negative emotion he was feeling right now. But it was mostly rage.

Percy jumped off his motorbike and went beside Nico, all you aware of his feelings.

"Oh no she did not." Percy said, his eyes glowing with rage.

Nico stepped back and wiped his tears.

"See? That's the thing with you Apollo children. You think everyone's- everyone's in love with you, when actually, everybody hates you!" He growled, his voice cracking.

"You made me like this! It was your idea for me to pretend to be like them!" Will said, looking guiltily at Nico when he started crying.

"Buddy, it's not pretend! You are as Apollo-ish as they come!" Nico shouted, walking towards Will with the rage of a thousand suns. Every step he took made a fissure in the ground, and the grass turned black within a five feet radius of him. "You think your shit don't stink, you think the rest of us are dumb!"

Will looked more than guilty. He took a step back, and looked at Nico in fear.

"I hate Octavians guts, but here's what you don't comprehend." Nico said, getting right up in Wills face.

"At least he has the guts to not pretend to be my friend!" He screamed, tears streaming down his face.

Percy tossed Nico the painting, and he caught it without looking back. "Here, take it. You won a prize." Nico whispered, shoving the painting into Wills hands.

"Neeks-" Will started, about to apologize.

But Nico wasn't taking any of his bullshit today.

"No it's fine! Really fine!" Nico screamed, and skeletons crawled out of the fissures in the ground. "Go be fine!"

Nico ran back to Percy. He hugged him. Percy quietly led Nico to the motorbike. He helped him go on.

"And I want my pink shirt." He said, before climbing on and zooming away, leaving Will there.

He opened the rolled up painting, only to see him, Nico, and Percy laughing under a tree. Thalia's tree.

Will finally found out that he loved Nico.

"Nico..." He said, before breaking down into tears.

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