Two: 10,000 emerald pools

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A/N: Idk why but I love naming my chapters as songs lol.


Today was Nicos birthday. He sighed and rolled out of bed, careful not to wake the blonde that was currently sleeping on the floor. They literally bought a bed and somehow, Will always ended up on the floor?

Nico rolled his eyes and got ready for work. He worked at McDonald's as a cashier and today he really didn't want to go and socialize with people. Forget what he said, he always didn't want to socialize with people.

He arrived at work and did all his stuff Blah blah blah all that boring crap.

Would now be a good time to give a whole backstory?

So, Nico and Will have been living together in an apartment for two years so far ever since they were 17. If they were normal humans it would seem weird but since they were demigods they were like

"fuck it, we're probably gonna die by 20"

Ah yes. the wonderful mentality of demigods.

Nico and Will were what you called a weird yet cute couple. they had been told that many times by the seven including Reyna, who acted like a big sister to Nico. when she found out Nico and will were dating (don't ask how she found out, it was embarrassing), she practically grabbed Will and shoved him against the wall with a knife at his throat.

Will got threatened and Nico didn't even know what to say.

ANYWAYS. Nico walked back home to Will. Nico wondered if Will was awake by now? Well probably because it was already 5 pm.

Nico got to his apartment passing the old lady that lived next door, who smelled like cat fur and shit. She glared at Nico as he passed by. Oh yeah, she was also a homophobic bitch who when she found out Will and Nico were dating, called the fucking police to kick them out because apparently they might infect her. obviously the police was like what the fuck and just walked away.

Nico will admit he cried a lot that day.

when the old lady glared at him he just rolled his eyes which annoyed the hell out of that lady. Nico entered the apartment only to find it empty.

Nico anxiety skyrocketed.

Where was Will?

oh my gods was Will DEAD?

Did he leave him?

was there a monster here?

Nico immediately summoned his sword and walked slowly taking in his surroundings. he loo-

"SUPRISE!!!!" the seven plus Will and Reyna yelled. Nico jumped ten feet in the air like a cat.

"happy birthday Nico!" Hazel said running up to him hugging him. the others hugged him creating a suffocating bear hug with Nico in the center. He couldn't breathe.

How had they'd remembered his birthday?

Nico was surprised that he felt happy and it was nice. Finally everyone let go of Nico and Will smiled at Nico giving him a small kiss. Nico blushed madly as the other giggled and started fangirling. Will laughed and they celebrated Nicos birthday. Eventually it had and everyone left. then only Nico and Will were left.

Nico burst into happy tears hugging Will.

"thank you" Nico whispered and Will smiled kissing Nicos forehead.

"happy birthday Nico"

I hate my story's

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