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So this is my first time writing anything... it's gonna be really bad, but I'm trying. I would love suggestions :)

Nico PoV:
The weather was gorgeous. Black storm clouds, absolutely no sunlight, and everything was dark. Perfect for a child of Hades. A quick glance at the sleek black digital clock I kept on my nightstand let me know that it was 7 pm, so in other words a great time to wake up. I jumped out of bed, throwing the black covers off and went to the bathroom to shower.

After I finished, I grabbed my typical outfit of ripped black jeans and black t-shirt. I decided today was the perfect day to hack apart a bunch of straw dummies with my sword, so I grabbed it and rushed out the door.

I took five steps outside and already Will "doctors orders" Solace was next to me. His presence reminded me of the torturous three days I had to stay in that dam infirmary. Being watched over by your crush for three days straight while knowing he probably has a girlfriend is an experience I don't want to go though again. Wait... not a crush! It's totally platonic!

Will immediately started asking questions about if I was drinking the prescribed amount of nectar each day, and how the werewolf scratches were doing, etc. At least I assumed that's what he was asking, because I was to busy staring at the ground trying to hide my definitely flaming face.

When we finally made it to the practice area, I turned to him and muttered a goodbye, but he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. Gripping my shoulders tightly he said, "don't overdo it" With that he walked off, presumably to the infirmary.

I set up a bunch of practice dummies, and sliced away with my sword. The sound of ripped material was music to my ears. I could almost imagine they were the screams of the damned, my second favorite music behind My Chemical Romance.

I fell into a steady rhythm: stab, slice, cut, practicing whatever technique I wanted to use. Suddenly, I heard the harsh clang of metal hitting metal, which happened to be my sword. I looked up to see none other than Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, grinning at me. I hadn't spoken to him after I came out, so I figured this would be interesting. We lowered our weapons and he said, "So, I'm not your type? I wonder who is... I see you've been spending quite a bit of time with Solace, and I heard he sleeps with a rainbow flag and-" I whipped my sword around and put it at his throat. I must have put on a good death glare on because even he looked nervous and stopped talking. He started backing away, and threw his hands up as if he were innocent. I snarled, "Go away," and he ran off as if a pissed off Annabeth was chasing him.

To avoid any more human interaction, I shadow traveled back to my cabin. I stumbled out of the shadows and fell on the ground. Shadow travel wears me out, and Will says I shouldn't... wait. Don't think of Will! Don't think about his eyes or his beautiful hair! I internally screamed at myself as I dragged myself up and collapsed on my bed. I couldn't let myself think about him. I heard something rustle under me, so I rolled over to see what it was. A slip of paper.

How and why anyone came into my cabin was a mystery, even if it was to leave a stupid prank note. Actually, the Stolls are stupid enough, so it was probably them. I took the slip of, oddly enough, sunshine yellow paper. It really stood out among all the black of the Hades cabin, but it looked like it could actually be glowing. I unfolded the paper, and looked at the shockingly dark writing.

It said:

Would you meet me by the lake @ 11?
I really like you.
Love you, in fact.
Luckily, you don't know who I am, although I know you're pretty smart :)
See ya there ;)

I was speechless. Why would someone like me? Wait, no, it was definitely a prank. Even if it wasn't, it was probably a girl but I'm straight as a rainbow. I knew that the Stolls would love to play a successful prank on me, so I decided what could be the harm in going? I checked the time and saw it was already 10:55, so I grabbed my sword and started walking.

When I got to the lake, I checked for traps. Nothing. No traps really wasn't the Stolls style, so I kept checking. Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes. I quickly readied my sword and hid amongst the shadows. I didn't have time to register who it was before they were slammed against a tree. But when I got a good look at who it was, I nearly fainted. I had pushed Will Solace against the tree, our faces inches apart.

I nearly dropped my sword, but I decided that it wouldn't be good for either of our feet, so I quickly tossed it on the ground a couple of feet away. His eyes, those beautiful sky blue eyes, looked into mine. I turned away, blushing enough to make a tomato proud, and stared at my feet. I broke the silence, muttering an apology and tried to move, but my feet were stuck. Like, literally stuck. Will must have seen I was trying to move, so he grinned and said, "The Hecate campers owed me a favor, so I decided now was a good time to use it."

So I was stuck mere inches apart from my crush, I was blushing, shaking, and I couldn't move. I felt a warm hand on my chin, lifting up my head. I watched as his eyes took in my appearance, silently scolding the bags under my eyes. Then, he leaned in, so close our noses were touching, he whispered, "Nico, I like you. A lot. And I'm going crazy not doing anything about it." That got to me. I closed the distance between our lips and kissed him. It was passionate, needy, and long awaited by both of us. My fingers found their way through his golden curls, almost tugging. Suddenly, a piercing yell cut though the air.

We turned to see none other than Percy yelling and whooping, while Annabeth was leaning against a tree as if to say, "I don't know this crazy person." Percy stopped yelling and smirked. He said, "Well, I'm glad HE'S your type!

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