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Nico PoV:

"Hey, Nico! I need your help with something!" Annabeth called out.

If I had known what our conversation had led to, I would have ran like my doctor was trying to give me a shot. "What is it?" I asked.

"My cabin is trying to set up a class for the teenagers here, and we want you and Will to help me and Percy to teach it."

"And why would you want a gay couple to help teach a class? What class even is this?"

Spots of pink began to dot her cheeks. "It's, umm, sex education. And, ah, you know that you're definitely not the only gay couple at camp. We need your... experience."

I thought my cabin was soundproof!

"Yeah, sure."

And that is why I'm standing in front of my wide open closet, clothes scattered in a half-circle around me. Half of my closet was full of shirts with various gay things on them. The other half was black, so that stayed on the rack. I had decorated the inside of my closet with rainbow posters and the like, but now some of them were askew because I had been throwing clothes around. A beautiful poster of Brendon Urie was barely hanging by a single piece of tape.

I took a look around the rainbow clothes littering the floor. I could wear a hoodie and jeans, that would be simple. Or I could wear a t-shirt with my floor-length rainbow cape. It all depends on how much of a stereotype I want to be today. Assuming Will goes for his usual of a hoodie and jeans, I'll copy him. I chose the black hoodie with a horizontal rainbow wrapping around it. To be honest, I probably stole this hoodie from Will.

The sound of a fist knocking on the door startled me out my rainbow-filled thoughts. I quickly laced up a pair of black converse and went to open the door. Will stood there with a big, dog-like grin on his face and a box labels 'toys' in his arms.

"W-Will! Why are you bringing those?!"

"Annabeth asked me to, plus it's an important part in your sex education." Was his smart-ass reply.

"Fine, just make sure no one touches them. I don't want grimy teenage germs being shoved up my ass later."

That earned me a laugh as I bounded down the Hades cabin steps. Annabeth had set up a giant white sheet and a projector near the fireworks beach, so we headed down there. I noticed a few strange looks from campers probably wondering why the camp's well known gay couple was heating down to the class. Will was chuckling a bit, while my head was so far in my hood that I might as well be a walking hoodie.

By the time the grass was fading to sand, Annabeth had waved us over. She seemed a little busy, but Percy was nervously fidgeting with the water. By fidgeting I mean he was creating huge waves and barely keeping them from hitting our class setup. Annabeth was nervously glancing his way every few seconds to make sure that no water would hit us or the gathering crowd.

It seemed that most of the camp was gathering for this class. Great, I get to humiliate myself for everyone!

"Hey campers!" Annabeth yelled. "Find a blanket or something from a bin over there," she pointed to a black bin next to the projector, "and settle in."

Percy walked over to stand by Annabeth as she turned on the projector. The screen lit up with a blue screen, then changing to a PowerPoint. The screen was white with a simple font reading, "Camp Half-blood Sexual Education." I already heard the snickering in the crowd. Annabeth motioned for Will and I to stand by the screen as she clicked her fancy clicker thing in her hand. The slide changed to show two pictures. One was an egg, the other a sperm cell. Annabeth somehow now had a pointy stick which she pointed up at the screen.

"These are sex cells. When they combine, they create the beginnings of a child. On the right, here," She pointed to the sperm. "This is a sperm, which the male produces. This over here is an egg." Even though we just started, most of the camp was either flaming red or giggling. I mentally applauded the mature campers before giving Annabeth back my attention.

She had grabbed a basket that I, again, had no clue where it came from. It was your basic picnic basket with a red and white checkered cloth, but I assumed she wasn't about to have lunch with Percy.

"Annabeth, what's that-" I began.

She pulled out a white ovoid- a chicken egg. She kept the egg in her fingertips and she held it up for the very confused crowd. She motioned to Percy, so apparently this must have been his turn to present. He grabbed the egg and stood awkwardly in front of the crowd.

"So, uhh, this is an unfertilized chicken egg, or whatever Annabeth called it. And, uh, this is like a human egg but it can't be fertilized." I could see Annabeth in the background, shaking her head with her palm pressed against her forehead.

"No, Percy, that's not how it-"

"Oh. Whoops. You, umm, can fertilize this egg. Like, I could do it right now if I want. I wonder if the result would be like a horse-chicken or something..." He seemed so lost in thought that I felt bad for his stupidity, but Annabeth was already about to kill him anyway.


"Oh, umm, well.." Then he did something really stupid. He tossed the egg to Annabeth. Apparently the egg had not been cooked, so she got a face full of egg. Her expression would have made even Zeus run away screaming like a little girl. At least Percy was smart enough to bolt into the water before Annabeth could follow. She shook out her hands as she stormed back toward her cabin, sending egg flying everywhere. A couple campers were hit and some yellow spots on our white sheet.

Will stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Due to the circumstances, we will reschedule this section of the presentation for another day, but we will, uh, continue with the next part." He sent me a wicked grin and held up Annabeth's discarded clicker. After skipping through a few slides, he finally landed on the one he wanted. The words "gay stuff" were written on it, similar to the first slide.

"Okay! So if you don't know me, I'm Will Solace, head counselor of the Apollo cabin. I also happen to be pansexual, and I have a boyfriend. So today we'll present on how to make your gay sex as safe as possible!"

Oh gods oh gods ohgodsohgods please stop!

"So I have a video clip on how it works, ask any questions after it's over."

Of course Will would make the kids watch gay porn as education. Probably because that's how we both learned, but we're two people, not a class! The worst part is the campers in the back, trying to get some "pleasure" from it. They were almost worse than the video.

"Questions?" The son of Apollo asked, after the clip had ended. The joke's on him; everyone was too shocked to say anything. "Okay then. Next up, we were asked to present on toys. Hey Neeks, fetch me the box."

I found the horrid box Will had used to stuff all of our toys in. I saw a few chunks of black artificial fur poking out, but by now I had no shame. I walked up to Will, ignoring the crowds' mixed reactions. I went back to my original spot and watched.

"To start off, we have something pretty basic. These are handcuffs, which you probably recognize. You can use these for binding your partner's hands together for some extra fun. Some have fur or other decoration, but ours are plain."

Then he pulled out the furry b- nope! I'm done. Dear reader, how about you imagine this part by yourself. But if you're curious, we did get a question from a camper. One girl raised her hand.

"Have you ever tried using a cactus? I think they're fun."

Chaos ensued.

But hey, at least Will and I got a new idea to mix it up.



I blame nannas34 for this. He asked for it!

It was inspired from a line in my Easter oneshot that said:
That earned a bit of laughter, but I was still pissed off. "What the Hades are we doing that involves eggs? This better not be a sex ed thing. Last time you tried that it was a disaster."

So yeah.

Oh, and it's sad that this was more informative than my health class..

Sorry if you wanted angst, that'll be in my next oneshot :)

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