Lory ( solangelo ) Part 1

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I'm skipping down the street to my boyfriends house. I went on vacation 2 weeks ago and haven't seen him since.

Sure we talked on the phone but that isn't the same.

I open the door to his apartment building and I start walking up the stairs to his door.

What I see at his door made my heart break.

He was kissing some girl...

I walked up to him pulled the girl off of him and punched him. Hard...

I yell at him " why would you do this to me? We have been together for 3 years I thought we were going in the right direction."

He looked at me... He surprisingly had tears in his eyes...

He said " I'm sorry baby it's just you were gone and I missed you..."

Then I asked him " so you cheat on me that's what you do when you miss someone?"

The girl who I don't care who's name is said " we have been doing this for 5 months now I didn't know he was with someone..."

I turn to the girl and say " you can have him."

I then turned to him and said " we are done!!!"

He yelled behind me " but  I love you please don't leave "

I told him " I loved you and you cheated on me so that proves that you didn't love me that much."

And I ran down the stairs.

I ran up the street

I sat down under a big tree.

I cried.

For so many reasons.

I miss him already.

I loved him.

He cheated.

I hate cheaters.

I thought he loved me.

I cried some more.

Next thing I know I felt a arm around my shoulder.

I looked up and seen a guy with black eyes and black hair his skin is kinda tan. He had muscles.

He says " I'm Nico and it's OK to cry."

I cry some more.

He hugs me tighter.

When my crying is nothing more than sniffles. I sat up.

I said " thank you and my name is Lory"

I hear someone calling Nicos name.

I look up and see a guy running towards Nico he bends down and kisses his cheek. 

Nico said " I saw her crying, I don't know what's wrong but you know how I get when someone's crying."

The blonde said " yeah you get all cute and cuddly. Hi I'm Will."

He then sits on the other side of me and they both hug me. Iv never felt so comfortable.

Will then says " Now sugar, what's wrong?"

I then tell them all about how I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me.

Nico said " I don't know much about cheating boyfriends. But it would tear me apart if I found out my fiancé was cheating on me."

Will said " I love you that is never happening."

I started crying some more saying " y'all are s-s-o d-dang c-cute tog-gether."

Nico chuckled " thank you. How bout we get to know each other then you can be our best friend?"

I nodded quickly " I don't have many friends, I only had my boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend. So I would love to be your best friend." I smile widely.

They smile back.

They help me up. And they hug me again.

Nico then asked " Willy can we go to Mc Donald's? She looks like she needs a kids meal." He's giving Will big puppy eyes.

I can tell Will is having a internal debate with himself. But in the end he says yes.

Nico was jumping up and down. He jumped over to Will kissed his cheek. Then grabbed our hands and dragged us the Mc Donald's up the street.

~~~~~A few years later ~~~~

I am best friends with the one and only solangelo!

I got to be a bridesmaid.

I found out they were demigods.

I also met my m fiancé 3 years ago who is a hot son of Demeter.

I'm so glad that solangelo comforted me or else I wouldn't be where I am today.

A/N: I like this. I wanted to try Solangelo comforting someone.
My next updates are either gonna be the Part 2's I gotta do. Or a one shot.

If you want a say it what the next one shot should be about put it in the comments. You can comment a scenario and which ship and I will happily right it for you!

Please comment if you want me to write one of my head canons, mortals meet, or one shots.

Or just comment a ship and I'll write about them and I'll dedicate the chapter to you!

I enjoy writing it!

I hope you enjoy reading it!!


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