Not Even Death Can Do Us Apart

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This is the alternative ending to a previous chapter called, 'Until Death Do Us Apart'. If you haven't read that one yet I recommend you do before you read this chapter.

January 29th

Will grasped the edge of the sink, knuckles turning white. He looked up, staring at his own disheveled reflection. If Nico thought I looked like shit yesterday then god knows about today. Yes, Will was severely sleep deprived, and it was very obvious if you'd take into account his dark, dark circles; his sluggish movements or the dull glaze over his usually shining azure eyes. Of course he didn't sleep that night, how could he? Nico Di Angelo will die today. The only person he loved truly will die today.

He had to do something. There's no way he could just let this happen, have the wool unravel helplessly in front of him. Will hadn't thought through any details, but before heading to meet Nico for likely the final time, he slipped his savings of a couple thousand dollars cash into his zip trouser pockets, just in case, he told himself.

The drive to the prison was too long, Will's fingers absentmindedly drumming against the wheel. More than a couple of times he forgot to shift gears, so much swarming through his mind right now he nearly forgot how to drive a 15 minute route. It was a miserable day, much like the day Will first saw Nico Di Angelo being hustled in roughly through those doors, the rain was thick and depressing, the sky dark and gloomy even though it was early morning. Sunlight was hidden, rare peeks of it cracking through the clouds, though the whole sun could've been exposed and it still wouldn't brighten his day.

He went through with his usual procedure, arriving through the doors, ignoring the bored lady at reception and pulled himself through the protected double doors that lead to the cells. Will followed the route to 6f without even thinking about it, his feet just taking him at its own accord.

Nico was sat up on bed, leaning against the cold, stone wall, knees hitched up and looking thoughtfully at nothing in particular. Will's heart throbbed at the sight of him, how could anyone think he could ever be guilty of any crime? Truly, he was an angel on earth.

The Italian caught the new presence without Will having said a single word, he provided a watery smile which Will didn't even try to match. He simply took the keys from his belt, unlocking the gate swiftly to join Nico's side. Without warning, Will's hand cupped the prisoners face gently, bringing their lips together in a melancholy kiss. The movements were slows and savouring, simply just slotting each pair of lips together which fitted so painfully perfect. When Will pulled back with a slight tug of Nico's bottom lip, he rest his forehead against the others, holding him protectively close to Will's own body.

"I won't let it happen Nico," Will croaked, the tears that sparkled in his eyes making them seem impossibly bluer, "I will stop it Nico. I love you."

"Will, please don't. We both know that there's no hope. Just let me enjoy this moment," Nico whispered, burying his face into Will's neck, shaking as he held on to his body as tight as he could. Maybe if he held on tight enough, he'll never have to let go.


Paolo arrived in no time, giddy as usual, flashing his pearly whites to Will and mocking grin to the prisoner. The blonde felt the acid burn through his veins, murderer or not, another 'innocent' watching someone die in glee was downright sick. It made them no better than the convicted.

"How you feeling Nicky?" Paolo teased, even ruffling Nico's shaggy raven hair, "Big day today huh? No need to feel nervous." The officer chuckled menacingly as he roughly pushed Nico flat against the wall, grabbing his wrists to secure the cuffs tightly in place. Will watched the scene play out in front of him, his vision growing red as Paolo man handled him.

"Chop, chop Solace. The midazolam ain't gonna last forever, you know," the dark skinned officer heckled, dragging Nico forward, causing him to stumble and fall onto his knees. Will heard Paolo let out an annoyed huff, he pulled his baton out of his belt and flipped in the air before catching it. In slow motion, the blondes eyes widened as Paolo swung it, resonating a smack dead on the spine of Nico, who tensed up in agony, but didn't allow himself to yell out in pain. "Get up you bastard, unless you want another." When Nico didn't stand, Paolo tutted disapprovingly, "Hm, maybe that's what you want? Do you want to get beaten? Whipped? Chained? A sicko like you must enjoy it, huh? Tell me Di Angelo," Paolo crouched down, facing Nico as he roughly grabbed his chin, forcing him to stare at the officer, "Do you like it?" Nico spat on his face.

This triggered Will's trained reflexes, all the gears clicking into place as he found himself pinning Paolo to the ground, pressing his face into the stone. Will didn't even know where this sudden action came from, he didn't register what he was doing until he patted around at the floored cop's belt, grasping the pistol that was tucked within.

"Will..." he heard Nico say warning as he dug the barrel into the curly, brown hair. All the power was now in his hands, a simple pull of the finger and this man would never touch his Nico again.

"Solace! F-fuck man, what the fuck are you doing?" Paolo demanded shakily, not daring to struggle out of Will's sturdy grasp (not that he could if he tried), desperation evident in his tone. "Get of me," he sobbed.

Will was going to do it, he was going to kill him. End his pathetic existence right then and there until he felt the hand lightly touch his shoulder.

"Will. Don't."

It was as if his voice was hypnotic, perhaps it was, because for all Will knew, he found himself releasing Paolo from the floor, yet the gun still trained on his figure. "Paolo, your master card, I need it," Will commanded steadily, the gun point never faltering.

"Will... W-Will man, what are you doing?" He asked wearily.

"Give it to me!" The blonde demanded, notching the pistol causing the dark skinned one to whimper. He produced the card from his pocket and threw it at him, entirely under his mercy.

The blonde made a quick effort to grab it from the ground, smirking as he held the key that unlocked any of the doors in the building. He was just about to leave him there, take Nico and run, but he was no idiot. No, Will wasn't going to kill him, he was disgusted he even thought he was about to. Instead, he swiftly removed the handcuffs that restricted his lover, replaced them from Nico's wrist to one of Paolo's and a bar of a jail cell, he made sure to dig the cuff in as tightly as possible.

"You're going to regret this Solace," Paolo spat, however Will ignore him. Instead lacing his hand with Nico's and running out of 6f.


Even when disposing of Paolo's threat, Will still had no plan. Where was he supposed to bust out and infamous criminal in bright orange from a maximum security prison? Even with the master card giving him access through all doors, Will still had no idea where he was going, and post the adrenaline left his system, he grew more and more paranoid.

"Where are we going Will?" Nico spoke for the first time since the encounter with Paolo, he seemed cautious, yet he still grasped onto the blonde's hand for dear life, trusting his every move.

Will spoke almost immediately, "Out," he said, "Where you belong. I'm telling you Nico, you're not going to fucking die okay?"

That was all Will knew as he sneaked through isolated rows and rooms, no matter how badly this plan was thought out, he wasn't going to lose Nico tonight.


He saw his chance in the most unsuspecting places of all. The staff bathroom. Which weren't anything like the brick bathrooms for the prisoners, these ones were tiled, bright and well lit. Light coming from the windows that allowed sunlight to flicker through.

The windows didn't open, but Nico made quick care of that by simply breaking the glass instead by using Will's baton. Now they had to move quickly, it's been a few minutes since they left Paolo chained, someone was bound to have checked on him by now. There must of been a search being ordered as they stood, and now the noise of breaking glass was sure to draw attention.

So they did move quickly, Nico was first to jump out onto the concrete ground, followed by Will who gracefully landed onto his feet. The blonde barely allowed the Italian at the glance of the stormy sky he hadn't seen in so long, immediately grabbing his hand as he lead him to jump the fence.

Will cursed, his car was parked in the prison grounds, it was too risky to go back in where they'd be suspecting them to go. In their eyes, Will was as much as a criminal Nico was; even worse, a traitor.

"Will stop," Nico shucked out of Will's grasp, staying rooted on the wet, grassy ground, "Where are we even going? Do you have a plan? We're both as good as dead now Wil—"

The blonde pulled the $6500 from his pocket and pressed it into Nico's palm. The Italian's eyes widened at this, spluttering subconsciously. "We're going to Italy, Nico," Will said, smiling for the first time in a while, "Me and you, just like I said."


"And in order to do so, we have to move quickly. And you need to get new clothes. Even in this light, that jumpsuit is still highly visible," Will explained as the rain started to spit down again, so the sky darkened even more as if by command. Nico looked up in awe, and Will looked at Nico in the same way. Finally, Nico had hope, it warmed Will's heart to the brim.


"Will! What the fuck happened?!" Kayla exclaimed as he knocked furiously on her door at 7:56am. If there was anyone Will trusted the most in the world, it was his sister. He knew she would understand, he knew she would believe him in the most disbelieving of cases.

Kayla was a mess, and she looked crazy as she took in who exactly had turned up at her backdoor in the early morning hour. Will, that was understandable, but she chocked back a gasp as her eyes scanned the orange jumpsuit, "Will, I—" she recognised the prisoner immediately, she squeezed her eyes shut as she said, "You guys better come in."

"You better have a good fucking explanation for this Will, he's dangerous. A murderer," The blonde woman had her hands on her hips, staring Will down with daggers.

"He's innocent, trust me, please," Kayla's gaze softened as she sighed, "We need clothes for him, we can't have him roaming the streets like this. He'll be caught immediately. We barely made it here!" Will explained rapidly, eyeing Nico who stood awkwardly in a corner, giving a slight lopsided smile to perhaps charm.

Kayla pinched the bridge of her nose, "Will you fucking idiot you can't bust someone out of deathrow. For fucks sakes you're not some sort of hero," she diverted a quick glance at the Italian, she was pitying. "You guys can stay here," she said tightly, "Just because I love you, Will."


"Emergency flight bookings are available to Venice soonest at 7pm," Will announced, using Kayla's laptop as Nico walked out from a shower. "We can leave for then."

"Will," The Italian said softly, sitting besides the blonde on the bed, tugging the laptop off his lap to face him seriously. "Believe me when I say I appreciate everything you've done for me. You've risked so much just for me, nobody has ever done that for me. Ever. I loved you before you did this all. But now, I cannot ask you to end your life here to come with me. You have your sister, I had my sister but I can't look past what she's done. I want to start new and you've given me that chance Will. I simply can't thank you enough, but I don't want to ruin your life even more for my sake."

Will looked at him grievously, taking in every single detail of his angelic face. The tear dropped from the side of his watery eyes, the blonde swiped it away with his thumb and placed a gentle kiss upon his forehead, "I'm coming with you, Nico. I won't ever leave you."


Will had to get to Travis and Connor before 4 if he wanted to get any chance of getting Nico a fake passport. Trust the Stolls for about 50 different ways to break the law and hand it to you with a negotiable price. However, the blonde was still uneasy, unlike with Kayla whom he trusted his life with, the Stoll's weren't as dependable. Sure, Will had a steady friendship with the two, but that wasn't nearly enough.

He didn't have any other choice though, so he changed out of uniform and into the hoodie he thankfully forgot at Kayla's that one time which concealed his face and his stupidly attention drawing hair. Will kept his face down as he strolled through the streets almost too casually. Maybe word hadn't got out about Will just yet, but he wasn't going to be taking any stupid chances. Leaving Nico at home though was an obvious choice though, he'd be spotted almost instantly in that jumpsuit. Kayla was also out right now, picking out some clothes for Nico to blend in with.

Travis was smoking outside, a foot against the brick wall, seemingly immune to the rain as he stood like it was any other sunny day. He probably didn't recognise Will due to his hood, so Will strolled inside telling the other to follow.

Will revealed his hair and face to Travis when he closed the door, a grin slip through his features. "Solace!" He exclaimed happily, slapping his shoulder, "How you've been? Why you looking so shady bro?"

"I need a fake passport ASAP," Will said and the brunettes smile vanished in a flash.

"No problem, but what did you do?" He asked trying to be subtlety causal.

Will sighed, running a hand through his golden, unruly locks, "I busted someone out of jail. And now I need to get him out of the country." Travis was shocked by this news, that much was editable with his 'O' shaped lips and the surprised curve of his right eyebrow.

"No problem, just need a name bro and I'll get to work," Travis smiled, "You can stay here until it's done. Shouldn't be longer than an hour, I'll tell Connor to get the case before he gets here."

Will sighed thankfully, a large amount of weight he didn't realise he had on his shoulder vanished, "Nico Di Angelo," Travis snickered at this, obviously recognising the name. "I'd thank you, but I know you douches are just doing it for the cash," the blonde joked.

Travis flashed his infamous grin, "Anything for the money, Will. Don't you ever forget it." He saluted before he swaggered into another room, pulling out his cell from his pocket to shoot his brother a quick message.


About 30 minutes later waiting in the Stoll's house, Will heard the front door creak. Must be Connor Will thought. To be honest, the blonde didn't know why he had been to indecisive upon coming here. As much as the Stoll's were his friends, they'd always be more than happy to help out... that is when there was a sum of dollars involved. It was always like this with them, even back when they were in summer camp together, the Stoll's were pretty much the smugglers who risked everything just to get a few bucks.

A presence entered the room and Will looked up, delighted to see Connor after such a long time. He certainly looked different, he looked a lot more mature now, more so than Travis. Still he had that unnerving, cunning edge that gleamed in his dark blue eyes.

"Solace!" Connor greeted, smiling too cheekily for the blondes taste but got up to 'bro hug' him anyway, "You should see the headlines about you my friend." He said, wandering towards the other side of the room, Will followed his trail with his gaze.

"What are they saying?" Will asked, but not because he was nervous or scared or anything, just out of a weird, comical curiosity. He felt strangely secure here, being around these old friends gave him a abnormal sense of warmth.

"A lot of things," Will's attention snapped back towards the door where Travis leaned lazily against the frame. He started counting on his slim, slightly bronzed fingers, "Traitor, murderer, lunatic, illuminati member. And that's not even the best part! There's a couple of WANTED posters already up, plastered with your name."

Will laughed uneasily, that may be a bit of an issue, now that the streets would now know the appearance of his usually low profile identity within society.

"Yep, and in big bold letters they say, 'Will Solace. $75,000 for capture, dead or alive'"

The blonde suddenly gasped before he could even registered those words or the audible bang. He merely stood there, dumbstruck and wide eyed, quivering slightly. The pain didn't even hit him immediately, just the sheer shock of the sensation. Cautiously, Will brought his hand, dabbing at the centre of his chest, feeling wet moisture, seeing crimson red.

Only then, did the actual pain kick in. In a silent scream he fell to the ground, violently shaking as he just kept seeing the dizzying flow of red from his body, his eyesight turning blurrier by the second.

"Why?" He managed to wheeze ever so quietly, he curled on the ground, the light above him hazy.

He heard one of them chuckle, not sure who, maybe it was both? Or maybe he was hearing things? At this point, he couldn't tell any difference. "Take a guess, Solace. 75k is quite a generous amount, don't you think?"

"Jason Grace wasn't nearly as valuable."

Will didn't think, well, at least not of what they were chuckling about. Why were they chuckling again? Will didn't care. As the world grew darker, he didn't see the glimpses of life flash before his life like everyone claims. All he saw was splotched of pitch black dancing over his vision. All he could manage, was the tiniest of prayers for his lover before the light turned into nothingness.

Well there you have it, an alternative ending for you guys.
What? Why are you looking at me like that? You were the ones who asked for it.
Wow, at least thank me, I didn't kill Nico, you guys wanted this!

No but really I didn't even plan on ending it like this. But hey, shit happens and here we are.


(Don't kill me please)

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