Chapter 1

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It had been weeks since she had been able to wander free and just be herself. But there, trapped in a cage that limited her use of her power, she could do nothing but wait and hope that someone would be able to rescue her before the Serpentine began their plan.

However, they had already built their machine and were celebrating, not caring about the state of their captive. "Finally, a world where we'll be able to sssssurvive forever and get rid of the ssssurface dwellerssss!" Scales exclaimed to the whole group of serpentine.

"We will burn them out and take the city without a fight! Not even the Ninja will be able to figure out what'ssss going on. Letsssss get this sssstarted ssshall we?" He called out, earning shouts of agreement.

Two serpentine went and took out the girl from the cage, chaining her to the machine with her hands on a glowing ball. "You won't win Pythor." She glared weakly, barely able to stand up. Her lack of nutrition and water had made her weak beyond compare but that didn't matter to Pythor. He only wanted her for her power and nothing more.

"Oh, it looksssssscto me like I already have. Activate Operation Ssssssolar Flare!" He ordered and just like that, the machine buzzed to life. A strangled cry left the girl as pain began to flow through her limbs, her elemental power forcing the clouds away and the sun began beating down relentlessly, leaving no room for the cold weather anymore. "Let the ssssurface dwellersssss sssssulk in their housesssss and we'll take Ninjago without a fight! Come my ssssslithering brethren, we have a city to destroy!"


Over in Ninjago City, everyone began to wonder what had caused the strange weather change but were immediately excited because now they didn't have to worry about being cold. Instead, they went to the pool and the lake to swim and have a great time, and that included the ninja. Wu and Garmadon however, knew otherwise because they knew about the mysterious master of weather but not who it was.

The sound of a faint cry echoed over the water but the excited ninja took no notice, too busy enjoying the suddenly warm and pleasant weather to even worry about it. They were just happy to have a warm day to enjoy once again before fall set in. Or so they thought it would.

"Man, we've been waiting for it to rain and instead we get a glorious sunny day! Not even a cloud in the sky!" exclaimed Jay happily as he swam in the sea where the Bounty was currently drifting.

"It is highly illogical that this type of phenomenon should happen without any known reason." Zane said monotonously but was enjoying the water as well. "However, this is nice too." he added with a smile, swimming with a backstroke.

"You can enjoy all the water you want, I'll just take to staying on deck thanks." Kai muttered, shooting a dark glare at the water like it had done something to offend him in a way.

"Lighten up big bro! Winter is clearly going to be completely different this year and probably more fun than any other one before! We get to actually swim in the fall!" Nya cheered, being completely in her element.

Lloyd wasn't saying anything, just enjoying this time with a blissful smile on his face. It was one of the rare days the ninja just got to relax and enjoy the weather and time they had off. The warm weather making everyone sluggish and excited at the same time.

However, the heat began to pick up and began making everyone grumpy after a few days. "What I wouldn't give for some rain about now." Kai panted despite being immune to most heat. He was exhausted and, for once, was okay with Nya using her power to dose him with a little water here and there.

"No kidding. I think that the lake has even began to dry up in this heat." Cole agreed, fanning himself with his hand.

Jay was laying eagle-spread on the floor, not even having enough energy to play video games. All of the ninja, save for Zane, were coated in a thick layer of sweat and were starting to wonder what was going on.

Wu and Garmadon had changed from their usual robes to khaki shorts and normal shirts. "Ninja, we think we know why the weather has been so relentlessly sweltering." Wu began.

"Something has happened to the Master of Weather." Garmadon added, both brothers tapping the bottom of their staffs on the floor of the Bounty.

The ninja shared weird looks, unsure about what they were speaking about. They had no clue about her but knew that other elemental masters existed out in the world, having made friends with a few. Neuro, Master of the Mind and Shade, Master of Shadow, being two of them along with Skylar, Master of Amber.

Nya was the first to speak up. "'Master of Weather'? Who is that?" she asked, seriously wondering who they were speaking of.

"Yes Nya. One of the first elemental masters to ever exist after the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago." Wu explained and knelt down on a cushion with Garmadon next to him.

Zane gave them curious stares. "What do you mean senseis?" he asked, sitting up and making it snow inside to try and help keep it cool inside. "How do you know it is who you say?" he added.

Garmadon gave his brother a look before looking back at the ninja. "We knew the other master of Weather who passed years ago but we had no clue that a child had been born and gained their ability. Now we know and fear that they may be in danger." he explained.

The group gasped and looked at each other, determined looks appearing on their faces. "We will help you find and save them, wherever and whoever they are." Lloyd voiced for the team, all of them sitting up and ready. They changed into their coolest Gi's before meeting up in the bridge to try and identify if and where anything was out of place.


Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed my first chapter of this book! It took me a bit to finish and I welcome any constructive criticism or suggestions. Thank you to all my followers for all the support you've given me throughout my time on here.

I love you all so much.

One more thing, what season(s) would you like to see them go through later in the story? I don't want to just throw them into any season but whichever one is chosen, I may have to change it because Nya is already the water ninja. Thanks for the support and love Leaf Bladers!

Snivy489, OUT!!!

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