Chapter 3

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The battle raged on for about an hour before the serpentine were forced to retreat in anger and from the loss of numbers. Lloyd quickly uncuffed Dawn from the machine which made her let go and fall back into his arms weakly. Her eyes were barely open as she gazed up at him. "I-I knew... help would come.... if I waited....long enough." she muttered before passing out in his arms.

"She's burning up. Let's get her back to the Bounty." the green ninja ordered and began to race as quickly as he could back the way they came and toward the surface of the tunnels. Of course, some constricti were burrowing, trying to bury them beneath layers of rock and earth. "Oh no!" Jay exclaimed, seeing what was happening.

"If they bury us, who will be left to help us?!" Nya exclaimed. "Hurry up!" she added, picking up the pace and trying to beat the rocks that had began to fall down from the ceiling. With the added body weight, Lloyd was being slowed down and lagging behind. Running back, Cole grabbed her and took over carrying her while letting Lloyd run ahead and barely getting out before the exit was closed himself.

They were all breathing heavily, the sound of crunching machinery came from deeper in the caves but it was muffled by all the rubble in the way of getting back inside. "Misako, bring the bounty closer and lower the gurney." Nya requested, waiting for the Bounty to appear over head so they could get back on board.

"We are on route to your location now and will be there shortly." Misako promised. Not two minutes later, the red and brown of the hull came into view and the gurney was lowered. They quickly worked to strap the girl to it before it was pulled up and they were pulled up by the anchor themselves. Swift as the wind, they placed her on the medical bed and began treating her as best they could, dabbing her sweating forehead softly with a water soaked cloth.

Wu and Garmadon shared a worried look but pushed it away before sighing. "Now all we can do is have faith that she pulls through." Wu muttered quietly. Garmadon nodded in agreement and placed a hand gently on her arm along with Wu, both with a fatherly and friendly vibe.

"Indeed brother. All we can do is have faith." the former dark lord agreed with a simple nod of his head. "Zane, will you alert us if anything changes?" The nindroid nodded. "Good. Everyone else, we must continue on. Training will resume tomorrow at normal time." the sensei stated flatly.

The others groaned and began slowly trickling out, the last to leave being Lloyd. He could see that his father and uncle were hiding something but didn't push it. He would ask them later when they were alone and for now, focus on protecting Ninjago. They couldn't afford to slack off and be rusty in case another threat appeared.


Hey everyone! I am well aware that this chapter is a lot shorter than the other ones but it's completely necessary for what I have planned for next chapter. Please, be patient with me and if it feels rushed, please let me know.

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