24.The Chapstick Challenge

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The brown haired boy was currently sat on the couch of his and Sam's lounge. After hours of mindlessly scrolling through instagram posts he got bored. He didn't know what he was looking at. It was almost as if he was searching for something, but he just didn't know what. Nothing in particular caught his attention, that wasn't until he stumbled upon one post.

"Hey, Sam. Come check this out," Colby called out.

"What is it?" Sam asked from their room.

"Just come here. I have an idea," Colby says.

Colby hears his boyfriend's footsteps coming into the room. Sam peeks his head through the door.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Come here and look. I wanna do this for my next video," Colby replies.

Sam fully enters the room and plops down onto the sofa right next to Colby. He casually puts his arm over Colby's shoulder and leans toward his screen.

"'The Chapstick Challenge'?" Sam reads out loud. "What is that?"

"It's basically where person A tries on a bunch of different Chapstick flavors and person B doesn't know what it is and has to guess which flavor the Chapstick was," Colby explains.

"That seems cool. But how do you guess the flavor? Does person A put it on person B and they're blindfolded or something?"

"They just have to kiss."

"Oh! That sounds fun. I want to do that," Sam says excitedly.

"Alright, I'll just need to buy some weird flavored Chapstick and then we can do it."

Colby received the package of his variety of Chapsticks that he had ordered online the other day. He went to get the package as Sam was currently in Colby's room setting up the camera and the rest of their film equipment for Colby's new video.

Sam had just heard him and goes to greet his boyfriend. "You're back. Shall we get started now? I have everything set up and my lips are ready to be smooched."

Colby stares at him before snorting. "Please don't ever say that again."

Sam laughs and says, "Well did you get everything?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised at how many different kinds of Chapsticks you can get online." Colby shrugs as he says his next few words. "And I'm not sure if you're going to like a few of these."

"Oh no, don't make me regret this."

"We'll see."

"Hey what's up guys!" Colby said as he did his signature hand signal.

"So as you guys can guess already from the title of this video, I'm going to be doing The Chapstick Challenge! Now I don't know about you guys, but I am really excited for this, because I bought a bunch of random and strange flavors and my lips are super moist."

"Please don't say that, Colby," Sam says off the camera.

Colby laughs. "Right. Well I obviously can't be doing this alone, so I'm going to need Sam to sacrifice his lips for me."

Sam walks through the camera shot and sits with Colby on the couch. "Hey guys!" Sam said while waving towards the camera.

Sam looks towards Colby. "So who's going to be the one that has to guess?"

"Sam, I'm the one who bought these. Of course you're going to guess, I already know what flavors I got," Colby says.

"Oh, right." Sam laughs.

Colby looks into the camera while shaking his head.

"Alright, Sam. Are you ready for this?" Colby says as he blindly rummages through a plastic bag.

"I'm kind of scared and nervous at the same time," Sam replies.

"I think you'll be fine." He randomly pulled out a Chapstick and reads the label. He laughs. "Oh, never mind. Not with this one, you won't."

Sam looks at him, wide eyed. "The first one, really?"

"Eh, it's not too bad actually. I like this, but you don't. However, I don't know if I'll like it on a Chapstick," Colby says.

He opens the cap and applies the lip balm to his lips. He presses his lips together loudly and sighs.

"Actually, I don't know why you're the one complaining. All you do is literally sit there and get kissed by me while I actually have to put this thing on."

Sam shrugs. "Just remember, this was all your idea."

"Yeah, yeah." Colby rolls his eyes. He leans towards Sam. "Pucker up."

Colby gives him a light peck on the lips and quickly moves away. There's a big smile on his face as he's waiting for Sam's answer.

Sam sits there with a confused thinking look on his face. His lips were put together as he was trying to determine the unknown flavor. He quickly runs his tongue over his lips for a taste. He immediately grimaces though as he recognizes the flavor.

"Ugh! No. Bleh, no. That's gross," Sam shivers.

Colby starts laughing. "So what's the answer?"

"It's pizza! Why would they make a pizza flavored Chapstick?" Sam asks.

Colby is laughing so hard at his boyfriend's reaction and is a bent over his set, doubling up from laughter.

"Fuck! How did you know? I thought it would have been harder for you to figure out because you don't even eat pizza that much!" Colby exclaims.

"I just know! I just know that taste. God, ugh, that was awful," Sam complains.

"Well, congrats. One point to you," Colby says.

"I didn't even enjoy that," Sam says with a pout.

Colby wipes away the excess lip balm and rummages through the bag to pull out another stick. He reads the label and says with a smile, "Hmm, I think you'll enjoy this one."

He opens the Chapstick and tries on the mystery flavor for Sam to guess. He leans over to Sam again and cups his cheek before pressing his lips firmly against Sam's. He doesn't pull away as quickly as before. Instead, he lingers there a bit longer and he can feel Sam's breath on his mouth. He can see Sam smiling and pulls him into a kiss again.

"Mmm. I like this one. It's sweet," Sam says against his lips. Sam moves away and licks his lips.

"Okay, so your final answer is?" Colby asks.

"I don't know, I think I need another taste," Sam says with a slight smirk.

Colby rolls his eyes. "There are children watching this, Sam."

"Fine. Cherry. Easy," Sam says with a triumphant look.

"You would know that, wouldn't you," Colby says, giving him a knowing smile.

"And you say children are watching this."

"What? I mean, you like cherries. Don't you, Sam?" Colby says innocently.

Sam stares at Colby.

Colby laughs. "Right next one. One more point for Sam." He wipes his mouth again. "I hope wiping my lips is enough to get rid of this. If not, whoops."

"Why don't you go wash your mouth?" Sam asks him.

"Eh, can't be bothered," Colby shrugs. He pulls out another flavor. He laughs. "Oh, this is interesting." He quickly applies the Chapstick and leans into Sam again to kiss him.

He pulls away and Sam pops his lips multiple times and Colby quietly laughs at him.

Sam scrunches his nose in disgust. "What is that?!"

Colby bursts out laughing. "Come on, guess."

"I don't know! It tastes terrible," Sam says.

"Come on, man! I know you know this," Colby says encouragingly.

"It tastes like hell."

"Mm, but what kind of hell?" Colby asks.

"Is this..." Sam licks his lips. "Is this like some sort of meat?"

Colby laughs. "It's Spam."

Sam's eyes widened. "Why would someone think Spam flavored Chapstick is marketable?"

"I don't know. So I think you deserve a point. You had to suffer that. Well, I did as well, but you just got the shock of it." Colby laughs.

"I'm very upset by this," Sam says with a pout.

"Okay, our next one is the last one, by the way. And I think it's kind of nice, so that's good," Colby says.

"That's good," Sam says as Colby wipes his lips for the last time and applies the next flavor.

"Come and leave a big one on me, Sam."

"Colby! You can't say that!"

Colby laughs and says, "Sorry, sorry! But seriously, come here."

Sam moves his body closer to Colby's and brings his hand up to cup his cheek. Sam gives him a gentle kiss and then moves away.

"Mmm. This is kind of nice. It's smells and tastes a bit fruity," Sam says.

"Come on, if you can not get this, I will literally punch you. This is one of the most generic flavors ever!" Colby exclaims.

"I don't know. It tastes a bit like orange but also like mango."

"What?! How? I will literally hurt you, Sam. This should be the easiest thing ever. If you could guess pizza but not this, I will hurt you," Colby says.

"I give up." Sam sighs.

"Sam. Are you kidding me? Are you actually kidding me?"

"What? It tastes like a mix of orange and mango! I don't know what that is!"

"It was lemon!"

"What?! Really?" Sam asks.

"How did you even get a mixture between orange and mango, Sam?" Colby asks.

"I honestly don't know. That's what it tasted like to me. Although, I can taste the lemon now."

Colby sighs and simply facepalms. "Why do I even bother?"

"Because you love me," Sam says as he reaches over to glomp his boyfriend. Just as this happens, the two fall out of their chairs and they both end up on the floor. Colby is glaring at Sam. The blonde haired boy begins to laugh.

Colby gives out a sigh, yet smiles. "You know I'm going to have to edit all of that out now, right?"

"There's no harm in that. Plus, I can always help you." Sam smiles.

"Shut up, you nerd."

Sam quickly pecks his lips. "Finish this video so you can edit it and finally upload it."



"Uh, Sam? I think we have a problem," Colby says as he was looking through the comments of his new video.

"What is it?" Sam asks.

"I don't think we entirely thought this through before posting the video."

"What do you mean?"

"We forgot to tell them that we were dating," Colby says bluntly.

"Oh." Sam says. "How did we forget that?"

"I honestly don't know." Colby shakes his head.

"Oh well." Sam shrugs.

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