32.You, Me And A Hybrid Between Us

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Jack arrived home from work to find his boyfriend of two years, Sam, waiting in the kitchen, dinner laid out on the table. Now it wasn't that Sam didn't cook for him - because he did all the time - but the spread Sam had set up that night was far beyond the normal selection for a two person dinner.

"What's all this?" He asked, dropping his keys on the table by the door and crossing to the kitchen to greet his boyfriend with a kiss.

"Dinner." Sam replied, grinning up at him. Jack rolled his eyes. Alright then. He'd find out what Sam was after soon enough.

The two chatted amongst themselves, barely making a dent in the giant pile of food set out by Sam and Jack was just contemplating whether or not he could fit in another serving of lasagne when Sam finally made his move.

"So I've been thinking." He trailed off, Jack sitting a little straighter, ears pricking up.

"Yes dear?"

"Well I was at Elton's today, and you know how he got another kitten to keep Corey company while he was out?" Jack nodded.

"Well we were talking and he said when he went to pick up Brennen - that's his new one - there were still a whole heap from that litter who hadn't found homes yet. So I was thinking, we've got loads of space and we've been talking about pets for a while. Maybe we could go for a hybrid?"

Jack fixed Sam with a look. "We were talking about actual cats, Samuel. You know a hybrid will be a lot harder to care for than a simple house cat."

"But, Jack." Sam pouted, his blue eyes shining with disappointment. "You've met Corey and you love him and Brennen's really great as well and they love Elton and Elton loves them and everyone's happy all round. That could be us, Sam. Please?"

Sam's lower lip jutted out even further, Jack helplessly tried to look anywhere other than the blonde haired boy in front of him. Just when he thought Sam might have stopped, he chanced a glance out the side of his eye, only to find Sam's pout still in full force.


"Please, please, please?"

Jack slighed. He could feel his resolve crumbling around him like the biscuit bases on Sam's cheese cakes.

"We can have a look." He finally relented. Sam cheered, kicking his chair back and rounding the table to straddle Jack's lap and pepper kisses all over his face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"We're just looking though, Sam. No promises." Sam hummed in an entirely patronizing way, the sparkle in his eye not dying for a second. Jack felt a little wounded in his boyfriend's lack of faith concerning his resolve.


The next day, walking through the animal shelter, completely understood Sam's lack of faith.

Sam was skipping along in front of him, cooing eagerly at the various kittens, some pressed up against the bars of their cages eagerly, others curled up in the shadows.

He watched Sam pat the head of a ginger cat named Ed and felt his heart melt a little. Who was he kidding? They were definitely going to be leaving with a kitten today.

They spent 20 minutes wondering around the shelter, Sam scratching at the ears nearly every kitten they passed before Jack saw Sam freeze up ahead, his gasp travelling down the hall.

"Jack!" He called, crouching down in front of a cage, eagerly scratching the ears of the kitten inside it.

Jack scuffled his feet a little, putting off the inevitable pleading eyes and pout he would be faced with when he reached Sam. He knew as soon as he reached the cage and found Sam petting the kitten's chocolate coloured ears, which poked out of the kitten's perfectly windswept hair that Sam had found the one he wanted. Yep, they were getting a cat.

"Hey there little guy. What's your name?" Sam cooed, moving his hair to scratch under the kitten's chin now. The kitten ,or should Jack call him a boy? He didn't quite get the whole hybrid thing just yet, purred happily, tilting his head to nudge his scalp against Sam's hand, prompting him to scratch behind his ears once more.

"Colby." Came a small, shy voice from the kitten, who looked up at Sam with wide, adoring blue eyes.

"Hi Colby." Sam murmured. "How would you like to come home with me and my boyfriend, Jack?"

Sam motioned for Jack to come closer and Jack did, crouching down next to Sam to meet who was apparently his new kitten.

"Hi Colby." Colby tore his eyes away from Sam, to sweep quickly over Jack in what he felt was an entirely too judging way for someone who was half cat and looking to be adopted into his home.

"Are you sure about this one, Sammy?" Jack asked, feeling a little put out by the kitten's obvious dismissal of him. He knew it was too late though. Sam was enchanted and Colby was the same.

Sam merely nodded, refusing to tear his eyes away from Colby who was staring back at him equally smitten.

"I'll go find someone then, yeah?" He was ignored, so he set off to find the minder and begin working on the paperwork.

He was sure he was just overreacting and that Colby would like him after all, he was simply too enraptured by Sam- a feeling Jack could entirely relate too.

'Everything will be fine.' He told himself as he set to work signing various documents and being schooled on care instructions. 'We'll take him home, he'll settle in and once he's actually gotten to know me he'll be fine.'

Jack had never been more wrong about something in his whole life.


They had gotten Colby home and he had immediately run, Sam trailing along after him, exploring their small apartment, climbing on the furniture and somehow managing to get into Jack's sock drawer (Sam claimed to have had nothing to do with that but the smirk on his face said otherwise).

For the first week Jack was simply telling himself that Colby was still getting to know Sam, which was why the kitten didn't really pay him any attention, but the second week rolled around and Jack found that Colby still wouldn't give him the time of day.

A month in and Jack found it absolutely impossible to find any time with Sam alone, as Colby was always glued to his side.

Jack would come home after finishing up his night show at radio 1, ready to cuddle up with his boyfriend, only to walk in and find Colby in his bed, curled up against Sam's side, completely unwilling to move.

The first few times Jack told himself that they definitely weren't smug looks Colby was throwing him from underneath Sam's arms, no. The kitten was simply content. The third time it happened, Jack decided that, yes, he definitely wasn't imagining this.

Not only had he wound up with a kitten who absolutely hated him, he had would up with a kitten who was absolutely determined to steal his boyfriend. Fan-bloody-tastic.

Frustrated as Jack was by Colby's antics, he found them easy enough to deal with. Sure it was a little annoying that Sam told him he was simply imaging it when Jack brought up his concerns.

"Colby likes you just fine, Jack. Don't be so dramatic." He had insisted and Jack had simply shrugged his shoulders in defeat, eyes narrowing as Colby shot into the room, curling into Sam's side and shooting him another triumphant gaze.

The final straw, however, came when Jack and Sam returned from their date night (Jack had finally managed to convince Sam to leave Colby's side for one night), only to find Colby, naked and spread out across their bed, a light sheen of sweat across his chest, his brown tail twitching around his leg and his cock red and hard, leaking pre-come from the tip.

Sam had gasped out a surprised, "Colby!" Striding across the room in three large steps and crawling up beside the whimpering kitten.

"Please." Colby had whimpered, gazing up at Sam desperately.

"Sam, just leave it. He can sort himself out." Jack felt himself quickly growing impatient as Sam's eyes swept between the two of them, his expression torn. "Sam." His voice held a warning note now.

Sam bit his lip, looking at Jack one last time before turning his expression back to Colby. "Colby?"

"Sam. Please?" The kitten choked out, his eyes boring into Sam imploringly.

"I can't just leave him like this, Jack. What if he's in heat or something?"

And that was how Jack found himself, for the first time but certainly not the last, watching as his boyfriend fucked their kitten into their mattress. And there was that smug look from Colby over Sam's shoulder. His life was fucking great.

After that, Sam fucking Colby in their bed while Jack watched on in growing frustration became a regular thing. And that bloody cat (Jack refused to acknowledge him by name now) just kept smirking at him when Sam wasn't looking. That stupid animal knew exactly what he was doing, the little shit.

Jack tried to ignore Colby's subtle but ever present jibes for Sam's sake, who was slowly starting to realise that maybe Colby didn't like Jack much after all.

Colby too was trying (when Sam was in the room), if by trying you meant he kept his smirks and eyebrow raises to a more minimal level, but Jack could feel everything bubbling to the surface and knew it was only a matter of time before something had to be done.

Everything came to a head when Jack came home from his meeting at lunch time, to find Colby, seated in the middle of the living room, surrounded by every single item of clothing Jack owned, right down to his socks and underpants.

He froze in the doorway, gaping at the mess the bloody cat had made. Anger welling up inside him, he turned his murderous gaze upon an extremely pleased looking Colby.

"You." He pointed a finger at the kitten, striding across the room and yanking him up by the collar of the ridiculous striped shirt Sam liked to dress him in. "You are a bloody nuisance."

Colby raised an eyebrow at him as if to say "so?" in a manner that was entirely too sassy for a cat.

"I don't know what I've ever done to you, but I'll have you know that if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be here right now. If I had said no, Sam would have left you there and you'd still be rotting away in that cage, so next time you're cuddling up to my boyfriend or messing up my things, remember that I can easily send you back there. Sam will forget about you soon enough."

Jack was breathing heavily, his eyes still narrowed, fist still bunched up in the striped material.

"You're just jealous he likes me better." Jack's eyes narrowed further, reducing them to the tiniest of slits as he took in the longest sentence Colby had ever said to him in two months of living together.

There was nothing but the sound of Jack's heavy breathing and Colby's tiny growls, until Jack broke.

He yanked Colby in by his t-shirt, his free hand wrapping around the back of the kittens head, smashing their lips together in a heated kiss that was all tongue and teeth, Colby battling Jack for the control Jack was not willing to give him. It was time to teach the bloody cat a lesson.

He pushed Colby down on the couch, tumbling ungracefully on top of him, their lips glued together the entire time. They made quick work of each other's clothing, tearing off the offending items, hips grinding together desperately searching for some form of friction.

It wasn't long before Jack was pushing himself inside Colby, the kitten mewling eagerly, his legs wound around Jack's waist, claws scraping down his back.

It was fast and it was so, so rough, but Jack would be damned if it wasn't some of the greatest sex he had ever had.

Neither of them lasted long, Jack's furious pace not allowing them to prolong the inevitable. Colby came with what was practically a howl, tightening around Jack, who groaned and released, filling Colby up with his come.

This was another thing that became regular after that.

On days when Sam was working, Jack would come home to find Colby surrounded by Jack's shredded paperwork, or emptying Jack's tube of hair gel out onto the carpet. Each time, Jack wouldn't even bother to yell, instead sweeping across the room, gathering the kitten up in his arms and fucking him senseless on the nearest surface.

Sam had absolutely no idea what was going on. Jack didn't feel guilty about not telling him because he didn't want to deal with Sam trying to give them couples counselling or some rubbish like that in an attempt to make them get along. What they had worked. Angry sex worked.

Sam had noticed, however, that something was going on. The tension between his boyfriend and his kitten had definitely lessened, the two even starting to get on to a certain extent.

He even tried bringing it up at one point, only to have Jack vehemently deny even the tiniest bit of tolerance for Colby, while Colby slunk his way into Sam's lap, shooting daggers at Jack over his shoulder.

Sam dropped the subject after that and Jack thought they were off the hook. That is until Sam came home early from work the next week to find Jack furiously pounding into Colby against the wall in the hallway, surrounded by what appeared to be all of Jack's shoes.

"I knew it!" He had shouted, pointing his finger dramatically at the two, an ecstatic grin on his face. "I knew you two would have to give into all that sexual tension eventually!"

Colby quickly shoved Jack off of him, stalking down the hallway to wrap around Sam, burying his face in Sam's neck, refusing to look at Jack.

"This doesn't mean anything, Sam." Jack insisted, glaring at Colby who was now licking along Sma's jawline.

"Come on guys, can't you just try and get along? For me?" Sam pouted first at Jack, who's shoulders slumped in defeat and then at Colby, pulling the kittens face out of his neck to look him in the eye.

And of course no one could possibly refuse Sam Golbach's infamous pout.


One month later, Jack found himself curled up on the couch, watching reruns of friends, Sam curled up on one side and Colby on the other. He and Colby had definitely been making an effort to get along for Sam's sake and, much to Sam's delight, it was mostly working.

Jack would never admit it but the past month he had felt himself growing attached to the kitten, not minding when Colby would wind himself around Sam, rather finding it endearing, or that, when Sam was busy, Colby would instead come and cuddle up to Jack whether he was on the couch watching telly or in bed reading. The sex had gotten even better as well. Sex with Sam and Colby by themselves was amazing. Sex with Sam and Colby together was bloody phenomenal.

In the short space of one month Jack had found himself growing quite content with the changes in their lifestyle and the third person in their relationship. He even found himself wondering how he and Smahad managed to last so long without Colby there with them.

And not that Jack would ever admit to it (especially to Sam, he was already too smug as is), but he actually found that he quite loved Colby now. And he reckoned that Colby may just feel the same way too.

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