42."Helping Out" #2

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"What are you doing?" I yelped, blushing an even deeper shade of read as his hand kept massaging me, making this even more awkward.
"Well it's not like you'll be able to do it," he muttered, giving my legs a bit of a push but I refused to budge. This was too embarrassing, getting hard from my best friends head massage. Not to mention the fact he wasn't even trying to turn me on.

"Still!" I squeaked, wishing I could wrap my arms around my legs to hold them closer and hide my problem, but they were next to useless at the moment. But that's what got me into this stupid mess in the first place.

"Still what? I wouldn't pass up a free handjob if I were in your position," Colby replied nonchalantly, as if we weren't talking about my horribly embarrassing boner which I was doing everything to hide. I knew I was bright red by now, there was nothing I could do about that.

"Colby!" I yelped, unable to think of any other words. His fingers were still running through my hair and bringing me immense pleasure, but I think he knew that by now. He just giggled at me though, trying to move my legs again.
"Come on Sam, I feel bad. I should have known this would happen," he laughed, pushing his hand between my thighs and I couldn't do anything to stop him.

"Why should you have known?" I asked, looking around somewhat wildly and then settling on his eyes. He looked as calm as anything, and I wondered how he did it. How he wasn't getting all flustered over offering me, his best friend and flat mate, a hand job.

"Because when I gave head rubs to my old boyfriends they'd get really turned on from it," he noted casually as his hand got closer to the top of my thighs, making me wriggle even more to try and get him to stop. I squeaked as he hit my groin and started moving his hand, wriggling it around until he was cupping me and then started to move his hand a little against my bulge.

"Colby!" I reprimanded, trying to swat him away with my useless arms but found that the effort was futile as I couldn't hit him hard enough and he didn't seem to want to stop.
"You can't tell me you're not gay, I've seen your browser history on your laptop," he chuckled, palming me gently as his other hand kept those damned fingers running over my scalp. He was working me at both ends and I could hardly remember why I was resisting in the first place.
"What were you doing on my laptop?" I asked distractedly, holding on to his arm with my few working fingers but no longer trying to move him. I was too far gone.

"Seeing what porn you watch... obviously. You have a thing for orgies or something?" He chuckled, and I was pretty sure if there was any darker shade of red possible I would be turning it.

"No," I murmured, furrowing my brow. Sometimes, just sometimes, when Colby wasn't being that adorable man who was rubbish at video games and still wore odd socks, he was actually kind of hot and authoritative.

"Yeah," he replied knowingly, using that tone people use when they know they're right and they know you're lying. I sighed and couldn't help but mewl as he did something really good with his fingers, coincidentally hitting just the right spots on both my head and my dick.

I lowered my legs a little, surrendering to the fact that evidently this was going to happen and I couldn't do much about it. He grinned a bit more at that, and cupped me harder, wiggling those magic fingers and through the two layers I was wearing I could feel myself get even harder. If his head massages were anything to go by, this was going to be something that I really enjoyed. I mewled again rolling my hips a little as he squeezed and groped me, and I stared up at him helplessly as he reduced me to a writhing mess.

His actions continued for a few moments and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his face. He looked so smug, so content to be doing this for me whilst I lay there, lost in his spell. His hand on my dick slipped away from the area and I whimpered, furrowing my brow as since I had now resigned myself to getting a handjob I wanted it to continue. Hopefully he wasn't backing out.
"Let's get this conditioner out, yeah? Then I can concentrate," he explained, making me sigh a little. As he started to run the water through my hair to clean it I moved my hand with the boxed in fingers to my groin, trying to keep the sensation going but failing miserably as all it did was make it awkward and clunky.

That made him laugh, though, and it was such a gorgeous noise.
"It'll only be a second," he tutted, running the now slightly less warm water through my locks to clean it once again, while I wriggled and gave up on trying to pleasure myself.

Colby was right, I couldn't do it properly. In a different universe, when I was less embarrassed, I would have been openly glad to receive this favour from Colby. But no, I was sitting here as red as anything and biting my lip so hard it was probably going to fall off. It didn't help he was running his fingers through my hair again, getting me more worked up than I was before and making tiny little noises.

"All done," he announced, bringing the towel allocated for my hair towards it and then sitting me up a little as he gave it a rub. The movement of me sitting up caused some friction on my dick, and I whimpered a little more as I huddled over and he dried my hair a little.

"Let's sit on the sofa, yeah? Less risk of you falling into the bucket or something," he said and it sounded like he had a grin on his face, making me smile a bit too even though he was teasing me.

"I won't fall into a fucking bucket Colby ," I scoffed, trying to be my confident self but it was obvious who was in charge at the moment.

As I went to sit up more I realised that I was quite low on the ground, and due to my arms I couldn't get up. I sighed and rolled my eyes, then looked up to Colby who was already on his feet.

"I'm stuck," I announced, cocking my head to the side and holding my arms out, hoping for a bit of help. But instead of that, what I got was a complete lift off of the ground as he picked me up bridal style. I yelped a little and tried to grab on to his neck or something, and hold myself up.
"Since when were you able to lift me?" I asked, looking at the ground and then back at Colby's smug face. All I was hoping was that he wasn't going to drop me.

"Since always, obviously. Have you not noticed how ripped I am?" he asked, giggling a little as he pulled me over to the couch and then sat down, making me land in his lap. I scrambled to get off of him, but a strong arm across my chest prevented that.
"Stay, it's easier," he noted, moving that other hand down to cup me again. The blush that had only just left came back, and it was like when he was touching me there all I could do was stare at him in amazement. This was a side of Colby that I'd hardly ever seen, but it kind of made me want more of it. I like dominant Colby.

Time passed and the hand that was holding me down by my chest had moved to play with my nipple through my shirt, and his other one had dove underneath my trackpants and was stroking my dick through the fabric of my underwear, which were getting increasingly tighter as time went on.

"Co-Colby" I stammered, cursing myself for sounding so pleasured but I guess that's what I was.
"Mmmyeah?" he asked, aloof as anything as if we were just watching a movie or something.

"C-can..." I began, then cleared my throat to stop that cursed stutter. "Can you, um..." I tried again, growing more embarrassed and then trailing off.

I decided to show him what I meant and used my good fingers to push the side of my trackpants down, then looked up at him, hoping he'd get the hint. He obviously did because he simpered gleefully, then stopped palming me long enough to push my trackpants down to around my knees, then pulled in his other hand to take care of my underwear. I sighed with relief as I was exposed, being all cooped up in the layers of clothes was getting hot and frustrating. My relief was short lived though, because as soon as my erection was free he took a hold of it and started pumping, making me wiggle a little abashedly but soon forget it as it bought me too much pleasure.

"You're all ready leaking," he giggled, running his thumb through my slit to evidently collect it, and use as a faux lubricant. I scowled and glared at him, my lips parted so it was easier to breathe.

"It's been a while," I defended, half crossing my arms. At least as much as I could manage to cross them with all of my bandages.

"How long?" he queried, tightening his grip and stroking me a bit harder. My breath came out in stutters and I inhaled deeply, trying to hang on that little bit longer.

"A week or so before I hurt myself," I replied, leaning back against the arm rest and bucking my hips a little, biting my lips as I tried to stop myself from moaning aloud.

"I hear you sometimes," he noted absently, and I felt a finger on my lips, pulling it from the tight hold I had on it. "You can moan, I don't mind... they're hot," he added as he opened my mouth for me and I whimpered, rolling my hips again.

"Perv," I muttered, rolling my eyes back and then closing them as I gave in to the pleasure. I was so close, it was blissful.

"I think you listen to me too," he noted stroking me harder and moving his other hand back to my nipple. "Whenever I wank, the next day I come out into the kitchen and you have this really guilty look on your face and you don't make eye contact for like an hour,"

He made me squirm again, and I tried to hide my face even though it hurt my arms.

"No," I squeaked, even though he was right. He laughed and pumped me faster, wriggling his hand underneath my shirt so he could play with my nipple better.

"I'll take that as a yes then," he noted, flicking his wrist and doing all of these perfect things that were making me so hot I was almost uncomfortable.


I made eye contact with him to give him a look that said 'yes you are but I don't want to admit it' which only made his smile grow.

"C-close," I murmured, just to give him some warning and tilted my head back, giving in to the concentrated pleasure I was receiving and letting myself go. My hands and arms fell away from my face and I just let them rest on my chest, my right hand fingers combing through my still slightly damp hair. Lucky the towel had come with my on the journey to the couch so I didn't get the fabric wet.

That amazing pull in my groin started pulling, and as I finally allowed myself to make some moans and groans I started approaching climax. My hips were rocking and I screwed my eyes shut as I finally came, concentrating on not moaning his name as I did so and started panting already.

I rolled out my orgasm using his hand, which he was still diligently pumping but at a slower and slower pace. My eyes fluttered open and I glanced at him, then down to his hand around my dick and... the lack of cum in the surrounding area. I opened my mouth to ask where it went, but before I could get any sound out he opened his mouth wide and showed me his tongue, covered in white. My jaw dropped and I watched as he notably swallowed, pushing his Adam's Apple out then grinning fiendishly at me.

"Saves on tissues," he explained, licking his lips and then let go of my dick, tucking me away again and pulling all my clothes up. But all I could do was stare in shock, wondering who the hell had come in and replaced my best friend with this hot, sexy, confident guy I was sat on.

"Stop looking at me like that," he chuckled, shoving me a bit. I shook my head, trying to stop but it was just so hard to. "Come on, get up, I'll make us a snack and we'll watch some TV yeah?" he asked, wiggling a little more until I got to my feet, and still just stared at him.

"Colby..." I began, my voice still full of disbelief, I was almost... amazed at what had just happened and how casual about it he was being.
"What?" he chuckled, getting up himself and then walking over to the bucket we used to wash my hair. He picked it up in one hand then walked back over to me and grinned, looking me over with a satisfied look.

"You just..." I stammered, furrowing my brow as I tried to get him to see how I was feeling.
"Yeah, I did. Next time I wash your hair you might get the same treatment... if you're lucky," he grinned, giving my ass an unexpected slap and squeeze and then walked away from me. He headed towards the kitchen and left me standing dumbfounded in the lounge, staring after my best friend with a new level of appreciation. Colby Brock wasn't adorable, he was hot.

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