57.I'll even wear my uniform for you.

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"Sam!" A kick to his feet jolts Officer Sam Golbach awake, head rolling lazily to meet Chief Elton's annoyed gaze. He lifts an eyebrow, tilting his head. "Yes?"

Chief (Uncle) Elton sighs and shoves familiar darkly dressed gangster into the chair opposite of Sam's desk. "You might be the precinct's rising star but that doesn't mean I'll tolerate you sleeping on the job." He smacks the back of the gangster's, glaring at him with disdain. "Process this piece of shit so we can go home before the storm gets worse."

As if on cue a low crack of thunder makes the lights in the station flicker ominously. Sam glances around at the empty desks, the other officers went home hours ago while he had been stuck with night shift because Chief Elton had a grudge against him.

"Yes. sir." Sam mockingly salutes him, hiding a smirk at the glare he receives from the Chief.

Chief Elton narrows his eyes, anger straightening his back. "Golbach, I don't like you and if you weren't an asset to the precinct I would have kicked your ass out of here, you cocky asshole." He throws down a set of keys onto Sam's desk and turns to leave. "Lock up, I'm going home."

Chuckling darkly, Sam looks over the man sitting across from him. He bites and he trails his eyes down the dripping wet man in front of him. Dark brown hair shoved back into a black snapback, revealing the smooth skin of his forehead. Earrings litter the lobes of both ears, a silver eyebrow piercing that catches the fluorescent lighting of the station. A simple black choker adorns his pale neck, the color complementing the smoothness of his skin. Black leather jacket that giving a hard edge to his button nose and pretty blue eyes.

Sam allows a slow smirk to curve his mouth, lifting his eyes back up to the man in front of him, watching with keen interest as beads of water roll down the gangster's neck and catch on his choker. "Colby Brock, back so soon?" He leans forward and purrs, voice honey smooth. "Did you miss me that much?"

The gangster, Colby, sighs disdainfully and cocks an eyebrow at him. "Officer Samuel." He clenches his jaw and sighs tiredly, the sharp line of it sends a twinge of arousal through Sam. "look, just throw me in jail so I can sleep and you can go home."

Sam ignores him, more interested in the glimpses of silver in Colby's mouth as he talks. He leans forward and catches Colby's chin between his thumb and forefinger, yanking his head down. "What happened to the gold barbell, babydoll?" He drawls, voice dropping an octave.

Colby jerks his head out of his grip, sighing as he looks over the officer. "Is that part of your interrogation," He pauses, pierced tongue peeking out to wet his lips. "Officer Sam?"

"Of course, it'd be very helpful. Now, would you be opposed to a dashingly handsome officer bending you over over a table?" He hides his grin at the flush rolling up Colby's neck and heat in his eyes.

Colby jolts forward, broad shoulders in sharp relief as he straightens, handcuffed hands behind his back. "Samuel Golbach! It's nearly five in the morning and I'm fucking wet and tired. Uncuff me and put me in a cell."

The officer's eyes linger on the slight blush sitting high on the gangster's cheekbones. "You okay? You're looking a red in the face there, babydoll."

Colby scoffs, anger at war with the obvious arousal in his eyes as he leans back. His shoulders twist before he stands up and carelessly tosses the handcuffs onto Sam's desk. "Shut the fuck up, interrogate me in the morning if you want but I'm going sleep."

Sam sits back in his chair and let Colby walk away towards the cells, eyes on the tattoos peeking out on Colby's thighs through the rather illegal rips in his jeans. "I see you know your way around a pair of handcuffs."

Without turning around, Colby lifts his right hand with his middle finger raised and continues into the cell.

The officer laughs quietly, tracing the tattoos on the gangster's hand. He always did like them feisty.

The shrill whine of the smoke detector rips Sam from his pleasant dream of tattoos fingers around his cock and teeth nipping into his lip. He sits up quickly and draws his gun, eyes darting around for signs of a fire.

"Thought you were a police officer, not a firefighter." Colby speaks up over the smoke detector. "And what the fuck were you gonna do, shoot the fire?"

Whipping his head towards the cell, Sam drinks in the sight of a messy haired Colby leaning against the bars of the cell, his pretty lips wrapped around a cigarette. He narrows his eyes, zeroing in the cigarette in Colby's hand.

"Are you fucking smoking in a police station?"
Colby holds his eyes as he takes a long drag and exhales, white smoke tumbling from pink lips. "Oops?"

Stalking towards him, he yanks open the door to the cell and steps inside. "Put it out, smoking's nasty."

Humming, Colby takes another drag. His lips lift in a slight smirk, low voice dropping even lower. "But I look so good doing it though."

Sam growls in annoyance, yanking his baton from it's holster and pointing it at the cell bed. "Sit your ass down or I'll have to handcuff you to the bed."

Colby lazily exhales a cloud of smoke, cigarette dangling from his tattooed fingers. He raises a dark eyebrow, eyes unimpressed. "Kinky."

Sam pauses, eyebrows lifts as he tilts his head to the side, smirking slowly as he moves closer. "Are handcuffs your kink? I've always pictured you as a blindfold kind of guy."

Before Sam can get any closer, Colby drops the butt of cigarette to the icy concrete, lunges for his belt loops and yanks Sam's hips to his and grabs him by the back of the neck to pull him down to growl in his ear. "Listen up you little punk, I'm fucking tired and my back hurts from sleeping on this shitty bed. Your Chief arrested me on bogus charges so let me go before I fucking rip your dick off and feed it to my dog."

Unfazed, Sam presses Colby against the bars with his body and nuzzles his face into his neck. "You swear too much for someone so pretty, babydoll." He levels his eyes with Colby's, smiling at the anger and desire flashing through Colby's pretty eyes. "You're also really violent for someone so small." Dancing his fingers along the curve of Colby's spine, he slips his hand into Colby's dark hair and tugs his head backwards. "You're so small, I could easily shove you against the wall and-"

"Officer Golbach! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Sam sighs into Colby's neck, effortlessly keeping him still even as he struggles to get away. "Scherer, what do you think I'm doing?"

Officer Corey Scherer's voice get's even higher. "It looks like you're fucking canoodling with a criminal in a jail cell!"

"Canoodling." From behind Corey, officer Aaron Doh's baritone dissolves into giggles.

Sam sighs again, stealing the opportunity to press a wet kiss to the side of Colby's throat before he releases him and moves away to glare at his friends. "I wasn't canoodling, I was simply interrogating Colby. Right, babydoll?"

Colby simply snorts and shoves his snapback onto his head.

"Babydoll?!" Corey's voice raises. "Samuel John Golbach! Are you getting involved with a criminal?"

"Corey." Aaron throws an arm around Corey's shoulders, good naturedly. "Let him be, he's not a little kid." He directs him to the break room, turning over Corey's shoulder to flash a thumbs up and mouth good job to Sam.

Colby scoffs, the effect ruined but the laughter brimming in his eyes. "Friends of yours?"

"Yeah." Sam sighs deeply, watching Corey and Aaron fight over the last of the cream filled doughnut.

Colby snickers mischievously, feeling Sam step up to stand behind him. "Shouldn't you be over there fighting with them over doughnuts?"

Sam fakes a laugh. "Oh, you mean because I'm a cop?" He clears his throat and drops his head to Colby's neck, skimming his lips up to his ear. "I know something else that's cream filled you can have if you're hungry."

Colby whacks him with his shoulder, making Sam step back. "Shut the fuck up, I can't believe I was thinking of letting you slam me against a wall and have your way with me."

Sam stills, sparkly eyes darkening with interest. "Was?"
Smirking slowly, Colby gives him the filthiest once over before backing out of the cell. "I'll see you around," He flicks his pierced tongue out to lick his lips, smile teasing. "Officer Golbach."


"I still can't believe that hot piece of ass is the Colby you've been wanting to bang." Corey whines in Sam's ear. "He was literally so hot that the smoke detectors were going off, or was that from the steaming sexual tension between you two?"

"Corey, the smoke detectors were going off because he was smoking." Sam adjusts his leather jacket as the chill of the night seeped in.

"Yeah, smoking hot!"

"He's a criminal!" Aaron shouts from Corey's end of the phone conversation. "A criminal!"

"He's not a criminal, Colby said the Chief arrested him on fake charges." Sam crosses the street, noting the lack of street lights. He feels for his gun, just in case. "Besides, he didn't seem like a bad guy aside from his swearing."

"Sammm" Aaron's voice is closer now, like he stole the phone from Corey.
"I just want you to be safe, You're like a little brother to me, I raised you on my back!"

"My mom would disagree with that." Movement in the dark alleyway catches his eye. "Hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

He hangs up without listening to Aaron's reply and steps into the alley. The sound of the city's nightlife quiets as he moves further in. Unsure of what prompted him to chase after movement in the dark, he unclips the strap of his holster just to be safe.

"That was all kinds of stupid. Don't you watch horror movies?"

He whirls, hand going to his gun at the sound of a voice. "What the fuck."

The click of a tongue and Colby steps further into the light, pierced eyebrow raised in amusement. "Officer Sam, you shouldn't curse. It's uncivil."

"Uncivil?" He releases his gun. "You fucking crept up on me."

Colby shrugs, playing with the zippo lighter in his hand. The black butterfly and tattoo on his knuckles standing out against his skin. "You're a cop, aren't you suppose to be a aware at all time?"

"I'm a cop, not a ninja."

Humming, Colby rakes his eyes down Sam's form. "Not in uniform tonight?" He clicks his tongue in disappointment. "Gotta say I'm disappointed."

"Yeah?" Sam smirks, pushing his tongue against his cheek to make it bulge as he checks out Colby. "You don't seem very disappointed." He reaches out and easily pulls Colby to him.

Colby tilts his head back to meet his eyes, brows furrowed in mock anger. "Did I say you could touch me?"

Running his thumb along Colby's neck, Sam hides his smile as Colby arches up into the touch like a cat. "Your eyes did."

Colby snorts, leaning into him and sliding his hand up Sam's chest to his neck. "My eyes?"

"Yeah, they were saying touch me, fuck me Sam. Oh! Sam!" His porn-worthy moan is cut off as Colby's grip on his neck tightens.

"You're a brat, anyone ever tell you that?" Colby glances up at Sam to get his point across before dropping his gaze to his tattooed, broad and veiny hand wrapped around his throat, honey gold against the pale of Sam's neck.

Sam follows his gaze, mouth lifting in slow and infuriating smirk. "Pretty, isn't it? I bet your hands would look even better around my-."
Colby squeezes his hand in warning. "Shut the fuck up."

"Demanding, aren't you?" He reaches down the hook his fingers in the loops of Colby's jeans and slotting a thigh between his legs.
Colby gasps, head falling forward to rest his forehead on Sam's chest while still maintaining a steady grip on Sam's neck. "I fucking hate when you haul me around like that."

Sam chuckles, dark and seductive. "Do you really? I've seen the way you look at me, babydoll." He laughs as Colby jerks in his hold, hips moving. "Are you going to ride my thigh? You can if you want, my thighs are amazing."

"Shut the fuck up." Colby growls but adjusts his hold on Sam's neck to roll his hips down.

"Make me." Sam laughs again, low and smooth.
Colby groans, fingers flexing around his neck. "That's such a fucking cliche thing to say."
"Maybe." He drops his head to Colby's neck, breathing in his scent and nipping at the skin at the base of his neck. "I heard it's good for making sexual tension."

Pulling away, Colby leans his head back to shoot an incredulous stare at him. "Do you really think we need more sexual tension? We're fucking making out like teenagers in an alleyway."

"I beg to differ, we haven't kissed once."
"Oh my God." Colby sighs exasperated, and yanks him down to kiss him hard and filthy, all tongue and teeth.

Sam smirks into the kiss, flicking his tongue against the barbell. Colby moans quietly, hips stuttering in their steady pace of grinding down on Sam's thigh. He pulls back to catch Sam's eyes as he slips his hand from Sam's neck to his shoulder.


Sam winks at him, hands going to Colby's hips as he flexes his thigh muscles. "When don't I? I'm a police officer, I'm very well-behave."

Colby's shaking moan has Sam's dick twitching in interest as he watches Colby rolls his hips down harder, eyes closed tightly at the pleasure coursing through him. Sweat makes his light skin shine in what little light the alley has to offer but what a sight his is. Brown hair damp and falling in his face, cheeks flushed and bottom lip red and abused from biting into it as he ruts against Sam's thigh.

Sam's cock hardens with every whine and groan that falls from Sam's pouty lips. Colby's grip tightens on Sam's shoulders and he knows he's close as he slides up and down harder, chasing his release.

Lifting him up slightly by the hips, Sam leans down to suck a bruise at the pulse in his throat that has Colby keening. He smirks and bites a bit harder, not enough to break the skin but enough to let Colby feel it through the haze of pleasure.

Colby groans lowly, deep from his chest and he's coming, hips slowing and falling forward into Sam's arms. Hoisting him up, Colby sluggishly wraps his arms around Sam's neck and his legs around his waist and pants quietly in his ear. Sam hisses as Colby shifts, the front of his jeans sliding against his dick, the friction sending little shivers through him. He ignores that in favour of pressing kisses and bruises along the side of Colby's neck, lapping at the salt of Colby's skin.

Colby sighs and drops his head, breath heavy and hot against Sam's collarbones, the officer's arms wrapped around him to keep him from slumping to the cold and dirty concrete.

"You okay there, babydoll? I know my thighs are killer but you've been unmoving for the last five minutes and I would really like to come. No offense but I probably couldn't ride yours, they're kind of scrawny, you should do some leg exercises or take vitam-."

"Sam, shut the fuck up." Colby smacks him lightly on the chest and unwraps his death hold on Sam, straightening his clothes.

Sam watches him, patting himself on the back for the flush in Colby's cheek and the hickeys on his neck. "So, you gonna help me out here?"

" I'm not letting you fuck me in an alley." Colby throws him a hard stare, lifting his pierced brow.

"Fine, what about-."

"I'm not giving you a blowjob either, the ground's fuckin' nasty."

Sighing, Sam reaches out to tug Colby to his side. "Come on, I'll take you back to my apartment and you can blow me or I'll fuck you, take your pick. Then I'll let you buy me some food. There's this hole in the wall place that serves the best lamb skewers."

"Why the fuck do I have to pay?" Colby grumbles but continues following Sam.

"I just let you ride my thigh and I'll even wear my uniform for you. What do you say, babydoll?"

Colby growls under his breath at the nickname but relents. "Fine, you got a deal."

Sam laughs and presses a kiss to the side of his head while slapping his ass. "I knew you had a uniform kink."

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

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