60.You Have 1 Month part1

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Sam looks beautiful, Colby thinks. The blonde boy is lying on his back as he tries to catch his breath and and making it difficult for Colby not to stare. They're both naked and if you look, you can see where Sam's fingers left quickly darkening bruises on Colby's hips. The brown boy secretly loves when Sam accidently marks him. Colby secretly loves Sam.

Sam huffs and draws Colby's eyes from his sweat slicked chest back to his face. He looks tired as if he hasn't slept in a day or two. Colby wants to ask why, but is too worried that it will cross into a more personal topic that they may have agreed to avoid.

The slightly smaller boy stands and begins to slide his boxers on. "Thanks, Colbs." He gives a friendly smile and Colby knows that Sam is waiting for him to get dressed and leave. Colby tries not to once again be affected by the way he feels after they do this, when Sam treats him like a friend and as if his dick hadn't been inside him five minutes ago.

Colby rubs his eyes and slides out from under the covers to find his clothes and leaves without a goodbye.

You see Sam and Colby have a kind of complicated relationship. They are strangers, roommates, friends and friends with benefits. It's hard to explain what they are to eachother but one thing is as clear as glass. Colby doesn't like seeing his roommate fuck thousands of girls in their dorm appartement but also he feels special because he was the only boy Sam ever fucked. This fact makes him smile as he left Sam's room to go to his own.


"Stop looking at him." Brennen says as he sits down beside Colby and gets out his notes.

"I'm not." Colby denies as he gets out his pen and pretends to be looking over yesterday's notes.

They both know that Colby was staring at Sam from across the classroom. Colby is always staring at Sam when they are in the same room. It's like he's the only thing there with Colby and in a way, he is.

Ever since the first day of the semester last year, Colby has only had eyes for Sam. Colby is still not sure if Sam is aware of how much he stares and that's why he approached him on his way to his dorm all those months ago or if it was something else. He hopes that it was something else because the thought of Sam knowing about how Colby pined after him is mortifying.

The fact that they live together now makes things for him easier and harder at the same time. About 3 month ago they found something brocken in Sam's dorm apparently it wasn't so dangerous but the school still decided it would be best to get the students out of there and to put them in dorms where some thing was free.

With Colby's luck he had one bed free in his dorm so now he had this fuck boy but also sex on legs near him all the time. Colby wouldn't admit it but he kind of hated that he loved Sam.

Their agreement came with the time as Sam constantly had all these girls around or had to send a nude or as he got one as he jerks off loudly. Colby couldn't stand it anymore after a while and told Sam that he had 1 month to get himself under control or that Colby would leave and he knew that Sam hated to be living on his own.

Sam knew he probably couldn't quite keep his promise to stop with all the sex and stuff but maybe if he tried another way Colby maybe wouldn't care and wouldn't leave. This is how they became friends with benefits. One drunken night were Sam was everything but drunk he leaded Colby into thinking they did it.

Than they did it again and again this time sober on both sides. Colby was happy so far because Sam now didn't have had so many girls as he used to have.
Maybe but only maybe Colby have may or may not started to slowly fall for the blonde boy.


During the two hour long lecture, Colby peeked up a few times to get a look at Sam on the other side of the room. He wonders how well the other boy is doing in this class because every time he looks, Sam is messing around with his friends in the back, throwing pens and pieces of paper and giggling. If the professor notices, he doesn't say anything.

Colby tries not to be bitter about how guys like Sam and his friends get everything for nothing and how guys like Brennen and Colby get nothing for everything. Sam's parents probably pay for his tuition while Colby is on a scholarship and if he even thought about slacking off in his classes, he'd be on his way back to his parents house. Colby also tries not to think about how Sam can have anyone he wants.

"Colby." Brennen whispers loud enough to be harsh, but quiet enough not to catch the professor's attention from where he is writing formulas on the green chalkboard.

Colby sighs and goes back to scribbling half-assed notes and thinking about whether Sam is going to call him tonight or if he'll have someone else to fulfill his 'needs'.


Sam is never subtle about his intentions with Colby. He always calls and he always gets right to the point. Colby's not sure if it's easier or harder for him that way.

"Wanna come next door?" Sam says, forgoing a greeting when Colby answers the phone.

"Sure, I will be there in ten." Colby replies without thinking and Sam hangs up, and that's it. Colby packs up his psych notes he was copying from a guy down the hall and takes his things before he is leaving the library and stared walking to his and Sam's apartment. Before he went to Sam he quickly put away his stuff and prepared himself mentally. Than he finally went to the room next to his.

"Come in." Sam says when he answers the door. Colby follows dutifully to Sam's bedroom, trying not to think about how he really only saw his bed and ceiling. He never really had the opportunity to look around.

Colby lays on the king sized bed that's much comfier than his twin sized back in his room. He starts to take his shirt off and hears Sam swear.

"I bought more stuff and left it in the kitchen. I'll be right back." Sam promises before exiting. Colby sighs and removes his jeans so he is left in his boxers. Again he didn't have the opportunity to look around because Sam returns shirtless with lube and condoms in his hands.

He smiles at Colby on his bed and Colby wills his heart to not speed up at the sight. Sam places the lube on the nightstand and puts the box of condoms in the drawer after removing one and throwing it beside the lube.

Sam smiles again as he crawls over Colby and slides their lips together. Colby kisses back and unbuttons Sam's jeans, struggling to remove them. Sam laughs and sits up to pull them off and then straddles Colby. He wastes no time in grinding their half hard cocks against each other and creating friction.

Colby moans and Sam slips his hand into the younger boy's boxers to stroke him. His pace doesn't slow as he reaches over Colby to grab the lube and he only stops to remove both of their boxers. Sam slicks up the first finger and circles Colby's hole before slowly working it inside of Colby. When Colby asks for another one, Sam obliges and soon he's got three fingers thrusting into him.

"You ready?" Sam asks as he pulls his fingers out of Colby and wipes them on the sheet. Colby nods and Sam grabs the condom and puts in on before positioning himself at Colby's entrance. Colby nods and Sam pushes inside of him with a groan.


Most of the personal information Colby learned about Sam was from the first time they spoke. Colby had just finished his English class and was walking back to his dorm to start an essay when Sam approached him.

"Hey, you're in my political science class right? Colby?" He asks. Colby just stands there with probably the most embarrassingly shocked look on his face. He's been staring at the blonde boy for the better part of the last three weeks. Colby realizes that he might not have been so subtle about it and Sam is probably here to tell him to stop.

"Yeah. It's, uh, Colby." He confirms, silently praying that he's not about to get called out by his crush.

"I'm Sam." He smiles and Colby resists the urge to roll his eyes. Everyone knows who he is.

Even though Sam isn't involved in any sports or extracurriculars, he is hands down one of the most popular guys at the university. He's at every party and when something crazy happens, he's always the one to tell everyone about it. That's why it's so puzzling for Sam to be talking to Colby. Colby's only friend is Brennen and he never wants to go to any parties and prefers to hang out in his dorm playing video games and eating as many whole pizzas as he can. So that's how most of Colby's free time is spent.

"Want to come hang out at my place?" Sam asks Colby, surprising him further. This is the absolute last thing Colby expected from this conversation. The worst possibility would have been him yelling at Colby for being a creep and the best possibility was for him to ask to copy his notes. Colby didn't even know how to respond, but he tried anyways.

"Oh, uh, yeah that sounds- that sounds great." He stumbles and manages a smile at the end. Sam smiles back.

"Awesome. My apartment is just off campus. Follow me." He says and walks the opposite direction of where Colby was heading. Colby trails after him and Sam starts talking to him.

"What's your major?" He asks and once again, Colby tries not to roll his eyes. It's a cliche question and Colby wonders how Sam gained his status of golden boy with his obvious underdeveloped conversational skills.

"English. You?".

"Musical Arts." He answers as they turn left off campus. "I was undecided for a while but I finally chose last year."

"My friend Brennen is majoring in Musical Arts." He says. Brennen has always loved music and when he's not destroying Colby in every video game they own, he's fumbling around on his guitar. Somehow he still doesn't know how good he is and always waves off Colby's compliments when he picks it up around the dark haired boy.

"Taylor? Yeah I have a class or two with him. I like his hair." Sam nods, talking about Brennen's with blonde highlighted dark brown hair. "Right here." Sam points to a large, gray brick building they're approaching that Colby figures is where he lives. The exterior is plain but still clean and shows no signs of falling apart or being anything less than impeccable. Going up the sides are nice balconies, some with plants and some with a few chairs sitting on them.

"Come on." Sam says after leading Colby through the automatic doors of the building and walking through the lobby to an elevator. Sam tells him to press the button with a black three printed on it and when the elevator stops, they get out.

"You live on campus?" Sam asks as he turns a key to unlock a door with a large number 34 hanging on it.

"Yeah." Colby answers, walking into Sam's apartment. Inside is much like Colby expected. It's a little messy in some places, but overall nice with new furniture and pristine white walls.

"I will live there too in a week but anyways want to watch a movie?" Sam asks. Colby nods and sits on the couch facing the sleek flat screen tv that probably cost more than anything Colby's ever owned. "How about the Lego Movie?" Sam holds up the dvd from where he is squatting by the television.

"The Lego Movie?" Colby quirks an eyebrow. Maybe Sam is a dork just like he is. Colby likes the thought. Makes Sam feel less like The Popular Boy and more like a nice, normal dude.

"It's my favorite movie." Sam defends his movie choice and Colby chuckles.

"Alright. I don't mind." Sam nods and puts the movie in.

While it plays, they don't really watch it and instead they get to know each other. Sam has one older brothers and sister, his mom is a math teacher while his dad owns a business. Unsurprisingly, Sam tells Colby that his parents always spoiled him because he was the youngest and did the best in grade school without trying.

Colby tells Sam about his family and older brother who graduated from college two years ago and works as a teacher's aid. They talk about music and school and movies and Colby likes this. Colby likes talking to Sam.

Colby likes kissing Sam more though. One minute they're laughing about a time Sam was chased out of a book store for knocking down a display and the next, Sam's lips are on his and Colby can't believe it. Sam's pink lips feel so nice and he's half leaning on him and half leaning on the couch and it's great and Colby doesn't think it can get better till they're making out as Sam leads Colby through his bedroom. Colby doesn't even have time to look around the room before he's laying on his back in Sam's bed with the taller boy grinding their crotches together and it's heavenly.

Colby moans and then both boys are removing their clothes and Sam wastes no time getting his mouth on Colby. He sucks on the tip briefly before he's deep throating him and Colby's choking on air at the feeling. Colby tugs on the blonde boys hair and he moans around his mouthful. Sam pulls off after bobbing his head shallowly a couple of times and makes eye contact with Colby who is sweating and panting from Sam's mouth. It's almost pathetic how close he already is from a rushed blowjob.

"What do you want?" Sam asks, stroking Colby slowly.

"Anything. Please." Colby almost begs, bucking his hips into Sam's hand.

"Okay." He nods to himself and reaches in the bedside drawer and grabs lube, squirting his it on fingers and and slowly pushing on inside Colby as he resumes his hand movements from earlier. "Good?" He asks and Colby nods desperately.

Sam takes his time prepping Colby till the boy is almost begging. His pace is slow and agonizing but when Colby threatens that he'll leave and finish himself if Sam doesn't get on with, Sam becomes significantly more motivated.

Colby stares at the ceiling of Sam's bedroom and the younger boy pulls a condom from somewhere outside of Colby's peripheral. Once more, he can't believe that this is actually happening. He's lusted after Sam for so long now and he is actually currently in bed with him and it's difficult for Colby to wrap his head around. Can you blame him?

Sam is the polar opposite of Colby with his obvious desirableness and money and friends. For fuck's sake, he doesn't even live on campus, another sign of how out of Colby's league he is.

Colby is forced out of his insecure thoughts as Sam leans over him once again. He takes the time to commit how Sam looks at this moment to his memory, because he isn't confident he will ever see Sam with this hungry look burning in his eyes ever again.

Sam slides the condom onto himself as Colby watches. "Are you ready?" He asks, hopeful.

Colby nods and Sam pushes in at a pace that isn't too fast or too slow while holding the back of Colby's thighs so they are nearly parallel to his chest. When he bottoms out, he pauses and waits for Colby to get comfortable. Colby hasn't had sex since high school, forcing himself to actually focus on his studies, and while he enjoys the stretch of finally being fucked, it takes him a bit longer to get used to the burning sensation.

Colby nods again to signal Sam to move and Sam slowly grinds himself into him. Colby moans and digs his fingernails into Sam's shoulders, the sound of the blonde's panting above him like a sweet song to the dark haired boy.

Sam pushes deeper into Colby without speeding up and Colby bites back the needy noises bubbling up in his throat, reminding himself that Sam has neighbors.

"Sam" Colby drawls and he nods, knowing exactly what Colby wants. A look of concentration settles on his face as he tries to angle his thrusts. Colby moans louder than he means to when Sam finally hits his prostate.

"There, baby?" Colby nods, seemingly incapable of actual, verbal feedback but he scratches his nails down Sam's back in response to the nickname. Sam grants him a groan at the feeling.

"Faster." Colby breathes and Sam immediately speeds up, wrapping his hand around Colby and jerking him off quickly. In seconds, the older boy is arching his back off the bed and coming hard all over Sam's hand and chest. Moaning into Colby's neck, Sam comes few thrusts later.

"I'm going to go make a sandwich." Sam announces, pulling out. "You can take a shower if you like, but a few friends are coming over around eight so," He doesn't finish his sentences and instead, gets up and slides a pair of boxers on before leaving the room.

Colby is taken aback by Sam's words and it hits him that this wasn't a romantic thing at all. Sam doesn't like him or want to hang out with him, he just wants to fuck. Colby really should be less surprised, but he already knows that he will be whatever Sam wants him to. Sam is a magnetic person and Colby doesn't doubt he knows this. He knows that people will do what it takes to be close to him. Colby curses himself for being weak and like everyone else but he knows as he walks out Sam's door with a small wave to the blonde boy, that it will not be the last time this happens.

There is more but I will post this tomorrow

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