63.Coming Out???

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"Honestly, go suck on a garlic." Colby sneers at the pale man seated across him, by means of complexion as a human or not.

"I won't be hesitating to stab you with a sliver knife right now." Sam shots back, eyes rolling at how stupid the boy's comment was since they both know that garlic isn't really a good way of defense for vampires.

"So you're just going to rely on silver, then?" Colby smirks and leans forward, his eyes narrowing. "I never knew you were such a wimp, Golbach."

The statement made Sam's eyebrows twitch in annoyance and took a glance around the room, making sure no one is really watching their banter.

When he figures that no one is really paying attention to them, he turned back to Colby with a cute smile before planting a quick peck on the lips, making Colby's face flush pink.

"I swear to fucking God I will rip your damn fangs off." He groans with his hands on his face.

"Awh, sorry, I keep forgetting the fact that I'm supposed to be arguing with my boyfriend." Sam coos in a high-pitched voice, just to rile Colby up more.

"Shut up."

But Sam just giggles and whispers in his ear.
"Meet me in the pantry."

With that, Sam stood up from the couch opposite from Colby, then walked out of the room with a small wink he gave to him.

Colby stares at the wooden door for a bit, before scrambling to his feet and rushes to the pantry as Sam had said.

There was no one in sight, but he still thought of knocking.

He was about to place his fist against the wood until the door opened and he was pulled inside.

"Took you long enough." Sam grins in the dim light, his fangs shining slightly.

"Ew, retract your fangs." Colby jokes and places his hands on Sam's hips, to pull him closer.

"Excuse me," Sam utters with a fake hurt expression. "I do not complain whenever your tail pops out of your ass in bed."


"But more of this banter later, right now," The older boy licks his lips, then gazes at Colby who's biting his own pair. "I kinda want to make out with you."

"Then why don't you?" Colby asks softly and pulls Sam by his neck, finally pressing their lips in a firm kiss.

He feels Sam's tongue lick against his bottom lip and eagerly opened his mouth, which he just as eagerly shoved his own tongue inside Sam's mouth and sighed contently when he didn't feel his fangs.

They pulled away, breathing heavily at the rather heavily intimate action.

"You're such a piece of shit." Colby mumbles, but with a fond smile on his face that makes the sentence endearing instead of an insult.

"You're just as shitty as me, admit it already." The vampire chuckles and pulls Colby again for another kiss that was broken by the other.

"Yeah, and that's why you love me."

Sam was silent for a while, looking anxious.

"What's wrong?" Colby inquires in a nervous tone.

"I'm just thinking- thinking about you know, us." Sam answers truthfully, still averting his gaze.

Oh God, Sam's going to break up with him, isn't he?

"Shit- Sam, did I do something wrong? I'm sorry- I'm so sorry, I love you so much please don't leave me- oh God Sam- what did I do to make you think about breaking up with me- I- I promise I'll change whatever I did that made you mad, I just- please don't leave-" Colby rambles, clutching Sam's shirt tightly as tears threatened to spill on his face.

"What?" Sam blinks at Colby and realizes how he sounded. "No no no, I'm not breaking up with you." Sam explains alarmingly, wiping the tears that slid down the tanned cheeks. But Colby's still looking sad and he knows it's his fault.

"Look, Colbs, I'm not going to break up with you, yeah?" He mumbles in a gentle voice, and nuzzles his face in Colby's neck as a proof that Sam isn't leaving him anytime soon.

"Yeah." Colby sniffs back, sounding less shaken.

"Good." Sam smiles at him and pecks his lips gently. "I actually want to talk about- uhm, about us- coming out."

Colby stares at him, as if he was processing what Sam just said.

"Are you-" He tries to say something but he was still dumbfounded. "Are you serious?"

"Why? Are you still not ready to come out?" Sam inquires, pulling a worried look.

"No- I'm fine, I want to come out and hold your hand instead of making out almost every time here in the cupboards, I'm just-" The brunet drew in a breath. "I'm so glad. I thought you're more worried about our old reputations and- yeah."

"Do you actually think that I'd prefer before to now?"


"See?" Sam grins lightly and hugs him tight, inhaling his scent quickly. "I love you, you know."

"M'hm. If I wasn't a supernatural kind or to be more specific werewolf , I wouldn't be your Beloved right now."

"I'm obviously glad, y'know."

It's probably confusing.

I mean- who wouldn't be confused?

Like, they both act like they hated each other's guts, when in honesty they are basically the sappiest couple in school.

Except they haven't come out.

How long has been like this? A year? A year and half, maybe?


And funny enough, no one caught on.

Even with those sneaked in pecks, those heated looks, and those strangely synced absences.

Which made their facade of pretending to be rivals and sworn enemies easier.

Honestly, the idea of hating each other isn't really far out in the horizon for it was how it really was indeed when it all started.

Colby was new in school, Sam got mad because he was passing him in class and in the honour roll- and yeah, all that cliché stuff.

And then, more cliché events happened and looks like they're partners in training.

Meaning: arguments and fights almost every time and goddamn, the teachers' ears were ringing, their friends' ears were ringing, everyone's ears were ringing.

It all came down to the time where they were training in the sunflower field behind the school building and Sam had Colby pinned down the ground.

Then Colby screaming bloody murder at Sam and trying to knock him down by his knee but only made things worse, making Sam fall down and have their lips crashing.

To make things even funnier, none of them pulled away.

Colby didn't push Sam off, Sam didn't roll off.

They just laid there, lips pressed together and eyes staring wide that made each other wondering why the other's irises were full-blown.

Just when Sam was thinking of pulling away, Colby started to move his lips

It was a shy, hesitating kiss at first that Sam had no idea how to respond.

But then he decides.

'Fuck it.'

With a quick movement of his hands, he places a hand against Colby's cheek, deepening the kiss with no hesitation anymore.

A fiery sensation seeping through his veins and- damn, he loved it.

It felt...weird?

There was a pull, an actual force that he felt he fell down- no, not gravity- that made him feel at place, like that's where he should've been since the start.

Then he realizes something.

The reason why he couldn't help but return Colby's remarks, keep up their rivalry, not being able to tear his gaze at their glares, his odd attraction to Colby despite loathing each other.

Colby was his beloved.

So now, here we are.

Sam was standing in front of the canteen, smirking at his friends who tried to outrun each other.

He was nearly caught off-guard when he felt warms arms snake around his waist, only to smile and look at Colby brightly.

"Hi." He giggles and kisses him quick.

"Hello, love." The smile on Colby's face was sly, as if planning something.

Then Colby started tickling his sides.

"Col-Colby!" Sam screeches, then he attempts to pull away Colby's hands. "Stop it!"

"Noooope." Colby expresses in a sing-song voice, continuing to poke at his boyfriend's waist.

"Coollbbbyyy- they'll see!"

The whining gave Colby an idea, so he leaned in to Sam's ear and whisper what it was.

Sam briefly nods at him, pecking him one last time before running off in the middle of the lot, where most students were hanging out- basically gaining every attention of almost everyone.

The brunet followed seconds after him, then pulls his arm and punches him almost obviously gently on the face. Then Sam has to make a dramatic effect of falling down the ground.

Colby straddles him afterwards, clutching him by the collar that made Devyn- Sam's friend who he was originally waiting for- run to his feet.

But she was already too late. Sam got pulled up and was heavily making out in the middle of the lot.

Colby probably should say sorry later for he just made Devyn drop her coffee, but he's not really into that at the moment.

After all, he's making out with Sam right now.

"Colb-Colby," Sam breathes on his lips, eyes still lidded and cheeks rosy. "They're all watching."

Which was right.

Every eye was on them and Colby could only clutch onto Sam tighter in embarrassment.

"I know." Colby mutters almost inaudibly. "What a way to come out, yeah?"

"M'hm." Sam agrees and plants another kiss on Colby's lips. He was about to deepen it when they were pulled apart by Devyn, with their friends standing behind her, eyes wide and basically awkward.

They got a lot of explaining to do.

"What," Brennen Taylor, basically the one in Colby's group of friends who was openly gay, looked thoroughly mad and shocked at the most recent events. "-Is the meaning of this?"

They were currently near the cork tree on the lot, their friends basically trying to register what just happened.

And Sam and Colby are just standing there, hands clasped and radiating off 'couple' vibes.

They took a moment to glance at each other, before looking back to Brennen and shrugging at the same time.

"No, no." Brennen barks, pointing his finger snappily.
"No, I will be having none of that. What is this?"

Sam just shrugs again. "Isn't it obvious? Colby is my boyfriend."

"What the-" Brennen was cut off by Corey, who is just as frustrated as him.

"How long have you two been together?"

Colby seems to be thinking for a second, before showing a full, wide, smile that made his dimples go deep.

"A year and a half."

And here goes another wave of gasps.

Sam could muse that this would be all he will be hearing throughout the whole day.

"Are you- are you serious? What about the rivalry? The arguments?" Corey exclaims whilst he throws his arms in the air, basically stressed by how it all came to them.

"What was that about indeed?" Sam smirks as he nuzzles his head on Colby's neck and kisses it gingerly.

"It's ike a game of house. We're trying to see how much we could act." The younger answers for him, trying to hold back a moan as Sam started to lick the bite mark he left last night. "Not here."

Sam pulls away with a childish pout, but still beamed afterwards.

"Oh my god-" Brennen exhales deeply as he fans himself with his hand. "They have PDA, I'm so-"

"Calm your fucking tits Brennen, you're not the only one who wants to snap their necks." Corey groans to him, resting his back against the tree.

"Well," Devyn sighs wistfully. "As long as the two of you are happy."

Colby looks up at Sam and kisses him fully on the lips, until he pulls away to laugh at Devyn's remark.

"Oh, we definitely are."

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