8.addicted to you

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The thing with being in a werewolf/vampire relationship was that you could always tell what the other was feeling.

Like right now, in the back of Sam's expensive Mini Cooper that he had imported all the way from England, Colby could tell that Sam was horny from the hormones he smelt rushing through the vampire's bloodstream. Enhanced senses helped a lot. That, and the boner that Sam was sporting was obvious to the both of them.

"You just gonna stare at me, or are you actually going to fuck me?" Sam, always the cocky, confident diva, smirked at Colby. His tongue darted out between two elongated top canines to slide so slowly that it was damn near erotic over his red painted lips, the blood-red lipstick gleaming in the light cast from the nearby streetlight on the empty back road that the car was parked on.
No chance of anyone catching them here.

The other perk with being in a werewolf/vampire relationship, was that with both of their own enhanced abilities, they could cut right to the chase. So that was why, at close to midnight on a Sunday, when Colby was meant to be home studying for a science test the following day; and Sam was meant to be home trying not to kill his annoying younger siblings, Colby found himself lying on his back on the backseat of Sam's Mini, with his jeans and underwear hanging around his ankles and his combat boots leaving scuff marks on the upholstery, with a very horny vampire above him who was grinning like the Cheshire cat as he lowered himself down onto Colby's dick with a shuddering breath.

It was like something out of a porn film. And Colby loved it.
Sam's grin widened - though Colby didn't think it should have been physically possible - when Colby pushed Sam's impossibly-tight skinny jeans further down his milky-white thighs to reveal smooth skin underneath, and it was Colby's turn to grin as he grabbed hold of Sam's behind and began bouncing the vampire on his on his dick, creating intoxicating friction.

Sam slumped forward, dipping his head to press his lips against Colby's neck, his fangs gently grazing the skin.
Colby knew that Sam would be hungry, it was hard for any vampire to survive on animal blood, so he arched his neck to the side, exposing the taught vertical bump of his jugular vein to the vampire's sharp fangs, and said softly; "You can drink, you know."

Sam smiled against Colby's neck, thanking God, Buddha, hell even Zeus, that he had found such a caring man to be his mate. He pressed his lips against Colby's neck, showing his gratitude towards the werewolf with a gentle kiss, before he opened his mouth wide and swiftly pierced the jugular vein in Colby's neck with his razor sharp fangs.

Beneath Sam, Colby hissed in pain, but quickly the pain subsided and he was able to focus on his cock inside Sam, and the growing pleasure it was bringing them both.

Sam almost faltered at Colby's neck when the werewolf grabbed his hips tightly and picked up the pace, pounding into Sam with a force that would break a human. Another perk of their relationship, high-powered fucking.

Sam moaned. Between fucking Colby and drinking his blood, he was in pure ecstasy. Colby's blood splashed over his tongue, his taste buds exploding with the rich flavour of the crimson liquid as it spilled down his throat and warmed him to the core. And Colby was causing a fire of his own. Sam's cock was rock hard, standing to attention against his flat stomach, precum dripping from the rosy head as Colby hit his prostate with expert precision. Sam moaned loudly. He wanted the entire fucking world to know that Colby brought him so much pleasure that he thought he might just die from it; that the only person who could make the vampire moan like a whore in heat was Colby, that his blood tasted like ambrosia to him and had him begging for his next hit like a crazed drug addict, and that he was addicted to Colby.

He was addicted to the chocolate-brown werewolf who set his undead heart racing whenever he glanced at him from across the classroom, who would send him late night text messages like a lovesick puppy, who would tear off Sam's clothes and let his wolf side show as he growled when Sam would moan as his cock filled him completely and he had the vampire repeating his name like a mantra.

Colby wrapped a hand around Sam's cock, his head filled with the dull sound of the vampire gulping his blood down like a starved man, and the moans that were ever increasing in volume, as Colby's calloused fingers began to work deftly on Sam's cock, sticky with precum and hot in his hand as he alternated between massaging gently and stroking vigorously, drawing moan after moan from the vampire's red-painted lips.

If this was heaven then Sam had new found faith that there was a god.
Colby felt the warmth pooling in the bottom of his stomach, and with the way Sam was groaning and pushing his behind down each time Colby thrusted up, then the end was soon to come.

Colby just had time to warn the vampire when his orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks, screwing his eyes shut and growling out Sam's name as he pushed even further up into Sam and painted his insides white.

This set Sam over the edge, the vampire detaching his fangs from Colby's neck and sitting up straight, pushing himself down hard on Colby's dick to hit his prostate once more before he threw his head back and screamed to the heavens, hot cum shooting into Colby's hand that was still around his dick.

Colby watched Sam in awe. The vampire was panting harshly before he slowly regained a more undead heartbeat, dropping his head back down to stare at Colby through blonde hair that had once been so carefully styled, but now clung to his face with sweat. His irises, coloured a vivid red from blood lust, now turned back to their natural blue colour and Colby found himself lost in their strong gaze. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to pull Sam close, to hold him tightly and feel the warmth of his own blood in the vampire's veins warm Sam's body and his own.

So he did, pulling out of the vampire with a wet "pop", before his strong arms enveloped Sam into a tight but gentle hug, Sam's head resting by his neck. Sam watched as the two small holes from where his fangs had pierced closed up, the flesh then skin regrowing until there was nothing but flawless skin. Sam bent his head forward and licked off the streaks of blood left behind.

Colby smothered his face into the crook of Sam's neck, inhaling deeply. His sharp senses picked up the overpowering smell of jasmine and he knew that he would smell of it when he got home. But that smell was only the perfume that Sam covered himself in to disguise his scent from other werewolves, his real scent was hidden beneath. Colby knew Sam's scent like the smell of his own fur when he turned wolf, and after countless affairs with the vampire he was able to pick it out from underneath the perfume easily.

Sam's sent was the best thing Colby had ever smelt, the prominent, sweet smell of gardenia flowers was followed by a mix of the honey in his body wash and the old, musty smell of age - like the smell released when an ancient book is prised open. Colby inhaled deeply again. The smell was intoxicating, wrapping around him and filling his senses until all he could smell was Sam and all he could feel was lightheaded ecstasy. And in amongst Sam's scentwas Colby's own, the sharp smell of his blood in Sam's veins the raw, primitive smell of his scent clinging to Sam's skin like sweat. It caused a surge of emotions in Colby, his love for the vampire welled up in his chest and he held Sam even tighter, whispering; "My mate."

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