Chapter 1: Soledad

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Her full name was Soledad Olabunmi Williams, but people called her Bunmi. Her parents were wealthy enough to buy the president's villa. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were also popular people. Mr. Williams, Bunmi's dad, was a guru in business and was prominent for his intellectual intelligence and fame. He had enough wealth to last him five generations to come. Other wealthy people also recognized Mr. Williams for his moral character, kindness, and honesty. People wanted him to participate in politics since he had the traits of a promising leader, but he rejected several offers. Mrs. Williams too was a professional accountant. She worked at the Jaiz Bank of Nigeria headquartered in Area 3, Garki Abuja. It was the best and most famous financial institution in the country.

However, they had only one security officer known as Mr. Fatunla John. Mr. John was a jovial and transparent person. He was also trustworthy enough to work and live with the Williams. His loyal wife, Rebecca, also worked as a maid. The John family lived at the apartment by the gate side. They had a son called Alexander, but people referred to him as Alex. Mr. Williams made sure that Mr. John's only son attended the same school as his daughter, Bunmi.

Alex and Bunmi grew as siblings, though Alex was two years younger. They shared and did the same things together. Mr. Williams got a lesson teacher and paid him monthly in other to teach both of them during weekends. Bunmi and Alex studied together, ate, played, and went shopping together. Both families goes shopping with the both of them after attending church services on Sundays.

"Bunmi is the apple in her parents' eyes." Rebecca told her 9-year-old son, Alex. "Make sure you don't leave her to harm, because she's your sister."

Alex glanced at the ceiling, confused.

"Okay mum, but.. What do you mean by that? Bunmi is a person, not an apple," he corrected his mum.

"That was an idiom, son." She laughed at him. "You'll learn that in school later on. What I meant was that Bunmi is precious to her parents."

"Oh, I understand now. Well, Bunmi is also the apple of my eyes, mum. I will always defend my sister." He assured with a smile.

"Good." She handled him his lunch and then hurried out. Alex was smart and always attentive.

His dad, who was also the driver, was waiting for them outside. The kids climbed the car, and they hurried for school. Mr. And Mrs. Williams had their personal car. They drive themselves to their place of work. Mr. John only takes the children to school and back from school during weekdays, and drives the parents out occasionally, during weekends.

Many called Alex the driver's son, knowing that his parents worked for the Williams. The pupils of Basic 5 did this in order to down-grade Alex. This made him sad most of the time. No one wanted to become his friend. Greater Heights Academy was a prominent school located in Area 11, Garki Abuja. None of the kids wanted to settle for a poor friend. Alex's classmates avoided him that they never played or talked with him. Every newly admitted pupil was just like the rest.

Once, when Alex was in Basic 3, the school was to hold an Inter House Sport Competition.

Mrs. Atinuke, their class teacher, asked Bose, the House captain, to get five boys from Basic 3. Alex wanted to join because he like football. He approached Bose at once.

"What do you know about football, shortie? I bet you've never touched a ball in your life! Your parent can't afford to buy a television, so why would I allow you fail our team?"

"What?" He cracked and nodded at her attitude. Alex's eyes widened as he frowned. "Don't be ridiculous, Bose. I play football at home. You have no idea."

"Hm! You would have been living in the streets if not for Bunmi's parents." She pressed at him and Alex simply nodded in disagreement. Knowing how hardworking his parents are.

"Don't let this parasite in our team, Bose!" Daniel, a boy from their class, hissed. "I'll participate!"

"Good, let's go." Bose curled her upper lips at Alex while Daniel stuck out his tongue at him before leaving.

"I can play football." Alex yelled, convincingly, but before he knew it. Bose had taken off to their class teacher, with Daniel, and he participated.

Thinking about what had just happened, his eyes dropped into a vacant stare. Everything got blur except for Bose and Daniel. She cheered to him with such excitement and the match began. Alex's vision spinned around him. He almost fell, but held onto the corridor's wall. With a slack expression, he reached the toilet's door.

Searching for Alex to pee, Bunmi, who was then, in Basic 1 tried to find her brother, he was nowhere to be found. When her effort to find Alex failed, she walked up to Bose and asked of him.

"Where is Alex, please?" Bunmi's eyes turned moist and her lips pulled down as if to cry.

"Don't bug me about Alex. I'm not your sister, am I?" Bose spat at her. After a minute of silence between them, she shook her head at her pestering.

Bose cringed to her mouth and rolled her eyes. "Check the male toilet!"

At once, Bunmi stormed to the male's toilet. Her little leg kicked the door open one after the other until she got to the last. He locked it indoor. Listening to the silence, she heard Alex's trembling breath.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

"Open this door right away, Alex!" she demanded.

His silence replied her again, and she kicked harder on the door.

"I know you're in there. Just open the door already!" Her raised brows glanced through the keyhole, but she couldn't see anything. Bunmi then squat to the bare floor. "I can see your feet."

"Go away, Bunmi. This is the boy's toilet."

"I'm pressed. Can you help me pull my shoes?"

"You're above that level now, Bunmi! Just leave me alone for now."

"What are you doing there?"

Confused on how to reply her, Alex exhaled noisily through his pursed lips.

"I'm... I'm thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

An awkward silence reigned between them. Alex's sniff disrupted it while wiping his wet nose. About to hit the door, he pulled it open from within.

And her worried face met his.

Red and swollen.

"Have you been crying? Look at how you're sweating. How long have you been here?"

"I'm fine, Bunmi." He nodded with a half opened mouth. "It's nothing. Make sure you don't tell mum and dad about this, okay?" He persuaded, staring into her eyes

Bunmi raised her nose up and exhaled. "On one condition."

"What's your condition?"

"That you take off my shoes because I'm really pressed." her drifting eyes misled the attempt to make a direct eye contact. Bunmi looked away and around.

"Okay. Let's go." Alex walked out of the boy's toilet.

"Wait for me! Alex!" Bunmi called after him, running.

Once they got outside, Alex helped her unbuckle her school sandal. While doing that, she read the sadness in his eyes. His brows were still furrowed, and sweat still covered him. Bunmi used the closet and returned to Alex, awaiting her outside to fix her shoe. Her direct eyes gave a sad smile.

'Why do you let them speak ill of you, Alex? Why?' Although she knew how Alex was discriminated against in his class, he compelled Bunmi to turn a blind eye to that.

"Daniel! Daniel!" Alex heard the students hailing his classmate's name.

Daniel scored two goals and won the football match. Alex wished to be in the football field, even once. But no one wanted to play with him.

An hour later after the inter House Sport Event, parents came to pick up their children from their classes. Me. John drove a black, high lander jeep. He wore a big smile and bright eyes as he called on Alex and Bunmi. He was a dedicated man who finds pride in his job.

"What happened at school today?" Mr. John asked the kids.

Bunmi turned to Alex, noticing he was gazing outside, through the dark, tinted window.

"We had fun today. I ran with my friends and took the second highest score at school today." She reported with a fake smile across her lips.

"That's nice. What about you, Alex?" his dad raised, glancing at him in the rear-view mirror.

Alex kept quiet with delicate eyes filled with worries.

Noticing his devastation, Mr. John drove home without asking him question. He knew the school activities must have exhausted him. “He probably need some rest.” Mr.  John pondered, focusing on his driving.

Later that day, when they got home, Alex couldn't hold himself as re remembered all what happened at school. He kept on sweating.

Once Rebecca saw Alex, she placed a hand on her son's forehead and clamoured,

"He is running temperature."

"Really?" Mr. John hurried to him.

"What happened at school today?" Her face contorted in fear.

"Nothing. I didn't participate in the sport activities because I had a headache." Alex squeezed his face and lied.

That day, his parents took him to a nearby clinic for treatment. They only prescribed some pain releaver, so he slept well.

Later that night, Alex cried in bed, remembering what happened at school. Sadness clouded his features. He wept so hard that his eyes hurt from the tears. Slowly and sorrowfully, Alex rested his heavy head against his pillow and sleep took over his eyes.

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