Chapter 9: Left in the Lurch

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"Fine, call the lawyer because there is no time on our side."Mr. Felix grumbled with a curled lip and clenched jaw.

Without wasting time, Mr. John dialed the lawyer's contact and invited him over. It only took twenty minutes to get to the Williams' house. With the will at hand, Barrister Frank entered and greeted everyone generously. Then, he brought out a stapled brown envelope and showed that they properly sealed it before tearing it open. Barrister Frank started reading the will.

Felix's feet tapped against the tiled floor as he impatiently listened to the reading. The will was written five years ago.

"I, Mr. Thomas Williams grant two million naira to my loyal worker, Mr. John, and his family, while all of my assets and properties go to my only daughter, Olabunmi Soledad Williams. Although." he paused, watching the curious reaction on their faces. "Although, she won't be able to fully take over the company until she reaches the age of 18. Her legal guardian remains Mr. Mayowa and Mrs. Rebecca John."

"Aargh! I know that this will happen. You strategized a plan with a local tout! This quack of a lawyer to read a fake document in order to inherit my sweat and hard work?"

"No o, it's not like that." Mr. John wanted to say more, but his wife blinked her eyes and nodded negatively at him, so he didn't.

"How can this little girl? This little girl of seven inherit all these? You aren't even family and you succeed in earning two million naira? Don't you get paid as you work here?"

"It's only natural that Mr. John bequeathed such an amount." Barrister Felix clarified. "He worked for this family since they got married ten years ago. This document had been willed five years ago, sir. And only Mr. Williams himself can change it or the rightful heir."

"Shut up, you fool!" Felix hissed with a raised hand at the barrister. As his face contorted with rage, his teeth bared. And the barrister raised both hands in self defense.

About to hit him hard on the face, but he halted as if scared of facing the consequences. "I sponsored Williams instead of myself. I am practically his father and there's nothing for me to take after. Not even this house? The devil is a lier, this must be a dream."

"Hey, Barrister Frank, or whatever you call yourself! Leave here and never come back again." Mr. Felix instructed. His face thundered cloud.

"B...but sir, I'm only doing my job. It was Mr. William's will and wishes. Respect them, sir," the barrister persuaded, packing his papers.

Mr. Felix trusted him out forcefully out of the house and banged the glass door. It creaked, but he didn't completely shatter. It took the will of God.

"I should be in nothing but wealth. Williams didn't even sponsor my kids. He left us forgotten in the village. What a heartless goat! I wonder who he takes after." Mr. Felix felt miserable trying narrated his ordeal to be accepted by his younger brother. "And on top of all his suffering and sacrifices, Williams died."

Gulping down a mouth full of juice to calm his nerves, Mr. Felix gripped the glass in his hand. His first thought was to throw it to the floor and smash it, but he knew if he did that, he wouldn't stop until every glass in the house was in shards.

Rebecca looked away from her husband, John, and dragged her legs out of the Williams mansion. The more Felix fumed, the smaller she made herself.

“Daddy Dara, no need to get worked up." His wife, Mrs Felix, forced herself to say. "There are more important things we can accomplish in our lives. Just let it go.”

With the way her voice cracked, one would have thought she was crying a storm, but she didn't shed a tear. Instead, Yemisi did. She cried an ocean of crocodile tears.

"Mr. John, or whatever they call you." Mr. Felix asked, her eyes flashing angrily. "I want you and your pathetic family out of this house. You've done enough harm than good. As you know, my junior brother is dead. The best thing you can do is to report to your company and leave this house. If you're lucky, they will repost you somewhere else."

"B...but sir, please, sir. Reconsider, I have no place to go. I really have no place to go." John said casually, shrugging.

Immediately, Mr. Felix's cheeks flushed. His facial muscles became rigid as he stomped towards him. Seized him by his collar, she flinched him close to his face.

"I hate repeating myself. I also hate it when you bark and stammer." Mr. Felix's voice thundered and stormed, "You are not the boss, so do as I tell you without complaining! LEAVE THIS HOUSE.-"

The sound of shattering interrupted his yelling. The broken door smashed as Bunmi shoved it open and walked through. Her curious eyes wondered where and why there was so much noise in her parents' house. Met with her dad's brother.

"Uncle Felix."

Flinging Mr. John to the ground, Mr. Felix straightened his shirt and strolled toward the door. Directly before he reached it, he spun around and bitingly remarked, "I'll deal with you later."

Without introduction, Bunmi knew who they were. Her egotistical uncles and envious aunts. They only visited whenever they were in need. "Why are you here?" her eyes peeled at their direction. She wanted up to Uncle Felix.

Starting at her uncle in the eye, Bunmi frowned at him. "Was this how your late parents raised you? They never thought you to greet an elder, especially if he's family?" he seemed innocent, but he wasn't.

Bunmi felt a mix of emotions as her parents whispered her name. Telling her not to be rude.

Tears stung her eyes as it grew behind her filled ears. Watching his vile smirk, unease unfurled in her chest, and she bravely gulped it in.

Bunmi pictured a knife cutting Uncle Felix's stomach open while still smiling kindly. There was no longer any tension or arousal. No anxiety. None of the normal reactions, just the awkward stare and death silence. She wished she could silence him that very minute, but wouldn't people consider her a devilish child?

"Why are you so silent? Don't tell me you don't know about your parent's death. They must have hidden it from you." Me. Felix tilted his head backwards and flashed her a predatory smile.

"I know they got involved in a plane crash, Uncle. They visited God in heaven. Go back home, uncle. We should respect the deceased."

"Hah-hah! if you believe that." He suddenly cackled and smiled at his own joke.

"Go back home, uncle. We should respect those who have passed away." She warned in an audacious tune. Her head raised up in a firm position.

Gobsmacked, the weight of Uncle Felix's smirked reduced to a malicious scowl. Bunmi watched his deep piercing eyes and shallow mind that betrayed all innocence.

Rebecca gasped in fear. 'What if he strikes her with a dirty slap? They would say Bunmi was just a child, but children don't know death. They do not understand it.' She couldn't help but to wonder what had gotten into Bunmi.

Mr. John, who was in pain, limped. Rebecca rushed to help him to his feet, but he asked her to take Bunmi away and start with them till his arrival.

"I won't leave, Uncle Felix. I will be back."

"Come on, let's leave the elders to discuss." Rebecca whispered to her, holding her by the arm. Bunmi flinched.

With no further words, Bunmi cast a sideways glance at her aunties and walked out of the building.

Mr. Felix shook his head and massaged his temple as he watched her leave. "Such a spoilt brat!" he cursed, holding onto his out of deep in thought.

'What was he thinking?' Mr. John pondered. He knew Bunmi's life would be a mess if she stays behind with them.

"For me to leave is not a big deal, but let me fulfil my loyalty by taking Bunmi with me." Mr. John broke the silence.

"You mean Soledad? Hahaha!" Mr. Felix and his wife roared loudly in laughter.

"We don't care about that kid. Do you think she is ordinary? Just see how she behaved. Soledad is the bastard child of this family, anyway. I wonder where they adopted her from. Her attitude doesn't relate with ours." wrinkles firmed on his forehead as he wore a malicious grin.

"We knew that witch Benita lured our brother throughout her life." Mrs. Felix slammed. "She wasn't useful to this family, once. So, you can take the witch's daughter along with you. We don't need that evil blood to stay or grow within us."

Finally, they came to an agreement. That afternoon, the John's family packed their luggage and quietly left the William's compound.

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