Author's Note - Read!

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Hello folks!

First I want to thank everyone that has read, liked, disliked and commented on 'Solitary Alpha.'  It was my first original story and my favorite to write.   It really has meant a lot to have so much interaction and response for a story I wrote for myself and whoever happened to come by it and enjoy it as much as I do.

This 'book'  is in essence an online sketchbook to showcase bits of art work that I hope to create for Solitary Alpha.  I know I will definitely have character sheets for them but that will take time.

I feel that I can get the drawings to convey how I want my 'people' to look.  I haven't drawn in awhile, sadly, depression can do that but I need to get back to it as it is therapy for me and I feel that the best way to showcase my original characters is through my art.  The more I draw the more my original style returns.  Posting and showing this will help me stick to accomplishing my dream.

I prefer to draw with good old paper and pen but I'm learning to transition to digital.  Sketches will be pencil or to the line art stage.  If I'm happy with the digital art, I'll post that.

The character portraits/character sheets will be more detailed than the 'working character'.

(still learning how to draw repetitive characters - same character, different angles...etc)

My goal/dream is to have this evolve into a web comic or something similar.  Yes i know it will be a ton of work but once I get back into my drawing style, I think things will go at a steady pace.  If not, there will still be the character portraits and design sheets with character bios. 

I'm thinking of either Patreon of Ko-Fi to showcase completed artwork but only when I have art to show.  For now this will contain sketches and the digital doodles.

Thank you so much.

*** The artwork on the cover is an example of my artwork.  The drawing is NOT a character in the story.

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