☽ Chapter III ☾

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That night had been long and endless. There was a lot to discuss, a lot of things to deal with and put in order. It was all too much for a moment, exhaustion dominated the body of the young Potter, and even the dead who could never feel tired pretended for a moment.

Was that even what Amalthea really wanted? She knew she wanted to leave, she needed a break, a break from everything and everyone that tormented her. She wanted to feel like she was the owner of her life, the lady of her destiny. She wanted to live for herself for the first time and not carry the problems of so many others on her shoulders as she had to carry all these years... But leaving for another world? It was scary... So much could go wrong. What if Hecate didn't hear her prayers? What if the Goddess listened and granted her wish but Amalthea could never return? What if she could never see Hermione, Ron, the Weasley's, Neville, Luna, Andromeda, and her little Teddy, who needed her so badly?

Seeing her discomfort and doubts, James said: "Nobody is forcing you to go, pup. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. "

"Yes..." confirmed Fred. "Choose what you think will make you happy and not others."

Amalthea heard their words but doubts were still firmly implanted in her mind. "Teddy needs me. Traveling to another country is one thing, but traveling to another world with no guarantee of ever being able to return is another. If I went and never came back, Teddy would feel like I left him and I can't do that to him."

"Oh, Thea..." began Remus, with his scars glowing in the light of the flames from the fireplace and from the candles that Kreacher had lit all over the place. "Teddy would always know that his godmother loved him and cared for him. He might not understand for a while, but he would never blame you for anything. "

Amalthea's long hair was now gathered at the top of her head, her legs curled up on the sofa and in her beautiful dark blue dress. She hid her face in her hands and stifled a frustrated cry: "Remus, I promised that I would protect and love him as if he was mine. He has already lost so much, he lost you... I don't want to add more pain to that poor innocent baby."

"Then take him with you." Suggested Sirius, with an air of uncertainty in his aristocratic features.

"No!" Thea had been quick to reject that suggestion with a heavy heart. "It's too dangerous, we don't even know if it will work. That boy is the last spark of hope in Andromeda's life now that she has no one left, I would never take him away from her."

"Tonks and I decided that you were the best choice for Teddy's godmother because we knew you were the right person to love and protect him, and we never regretted that choice. Teddy is my son and I love him with every bit of me and every part of my soul, but I love you too. And I know you've suffered too much, and you've sacrificed almost everything you had. So I assure you here and now, and if you want to summon Tonks she'll say the same as I... It's okay to choose this for you. Teddy will be safe with Andromeda, she will ensure that he always knows how much his godmother loves him, just as his parents do." Remus Lupin spoke in a voice so calm, full of feelings and assurances, that it brought thick tears to Amalthea's eyes for a moment.

Life was so unfair for some people...

She left her face hidden in her hands while weighing the pros and cons. It was so risky and scary to go out like that blindly, having no idea what would be on the other side... But the idea of a new beginning and an adventure... An adventure that she chose to have was so tempting. Finally, after several minutes of reflection, she raised her head and looked intently at the twins who remained quiet for most of the night.

"Can you promise me that it will work?" The woman wanted to know. She needed something: a guarantee, a word of comfort, a hope to hold on to...

Hamish Peverell shook his head full of black hair: "We can't guarantee that, Amalthea Potter... The choice is in the hands of the goddess..."

Harlan, the Missing Twin, continued the sentence where the other brother stopped: "We can, however, guarantee that if it works, you will have a life that you will never forget..."

"And you will never be the same again." Together they concluded, their voices as nearly as identical as the rest of their carnal similarities.

The conversation went on until the sun came up, and the pale icy morning light came in through the window. Amalthea had spent the night awake, listening to all the information that Harlan had about this world. The young spirit told her about its lands, its people, and its legends. He informed her that the man who had saved him so many years ago was a man named Torrhen Stark, who was once a king, but in those days he was no longer one. He told her about how the King-Who-Knelt kept him safe in his stone castle, in the lands of snow, fed him and gave him a place to rest. He talked about Targaryens, Lannisters, Martells, and all the other important houses and informed her of everything he remembered and that could be useful.

The lack of rest reflected in the Amalthea's figure. Her hair was slightly disheveled and dark bags over her eyes were evidenced by the skin that was getting paler.

When the twins were about to leave, Harlan said: "I don't know how much time will have passed in Westeros or what situation you will find yourself in, when or if, you get there. I advise you, however, to trust the Starks of Winterfell. They once did me a great service, and if it weren't for them I might not have survived. They are honorable people and will help you. Tell them that you are from House Peverell, the Lady of Moat Cailin and that you have our ancestral sword, Soteira, with you. That will prove that you speak the truth."

Frowning in confusion, Amalthea replied, "But I don't have that sword."

Harlan's white teeth flashed when he grinned. "The sword will appear to those who have Peverell blood in their veins, say the name and it will show itself to you."

The eyes of all the dead were once again on the young witch. Lily whispered beside her in encouragement as her daughter tried to summon a sword she had never seen, but which belonged to her.

With all the concentration she had managed to gather, she closed her extremely green eyes and extended her magic. Amalthea let it get out of her magic core little by little, let it roll over every inch of her skin. She thought it must be similar to when she summoned the Twins. She imagined the sharp blade, and the hilt held and balanced in her hand. Thought of the magic and Peverell's blood that ran through her body and veins. The sword is mine, she said in her mind. It belongs to me. I want it...

Suddenly she felt a weight in her hand and smiled when she opened her eyes and looked at the sword that was now hers.

Amalthea carefully examined it. It was long and heavy, a perfect weight for her. The hilt was black and beautiful, with delicate veins and details in silver, and in the shape of a half-moon but she could handle it perfectly. As she unsheathed the sword, she watched as the sun's rays from the windows rested on the metal of the blade, a spotlight reflected off blinding everyone for a mere moment. Amalthea let her gaze travel the blade... it was extremely sharp, long, and well cared, made from a material that she had never seen before. She followed the entire length of the flat side of the blade with her fingers, feeling the material cold to the touch, and finding herself gently caressing the word written there: Peverell. Just like Gryffindor's sword, Harlan Peverell's sword had his name engraved on it in beautiful and intricate work. The sword - Soteira, as it was called - was beautiful and perfect for Amalthea.

"What material is this made from?" She questioned.

"Valyrian steel imbued in my blood and magic. It is lighter, stronger, and sharper than an ordinary sword. During my time in Westeros, I did plenty of research, and, I learned a few things.. I tried to get my hands on each piece of Valyrian Steel I could find and I forged it into a sword, again. Magic helped, of course. The inserted blood ensures that it can only be wielded by a Peverell, in other hands the sword will feel very heavy and uncomfortable. It will have no use for others, but it may be essential for you."

Amalthea nodded understandingly, admiring the intricate work done on the sword before snapping it back into the dark leather sheath. She carefully laid it down on the sofa, freed the satin of the dress from her, stood up, and approached the twins with careful steps.

She looked at their face features: almond-shaped eyes, a small and straight nose, the lower lip slightly thicker than the upper, and a smooth jaw. She now saw her father's smile on Hamish and Harlan Peverell's lips, and her own nose. Thea felt extremely hot when she recognized that... her whole life she wondered where her genes came from, what her family would be like and now she had the opportunity to meet two of them.

"Thank you for everything, really. I have no words to express how grateful I am for all your help."

Hamish smiled playfully and Harlan smiled too, beautifully as his brother: "You're welcome, Amalthea Potter... You bring pride to the Peverell family."

Harlan continued, now with a certain seriousness in his brown eyes: "It is our pleasure to help. However, I have a request."

"Anything... Ask and it will be done." The young woman assured him while her family looked at each other.

"Restore our House to its former glory. I don't know how you will find Moat Cailin or if anyone still loyal to me lives there, but if you can, guarantee a future for our House. Here you are the last of our lineage but we want to see our blood and magic alive once again. You can change our banners and change our words to those that please you the most. But don't let House Peverell be forgotten, nor our gratitude to the Goddess."

Determination filled Thea's eyes that shone like a thousand stars in the night sky, with a green fire inside. "I assure you that I will not rest until this is done and I will spend my whole life trying to fulfill that desire."

The small bodies flickered for a second while an air of satisfaction filled the faces of the thirteen-year-old twins.

"We truly appreciate it. We wish you the best future, Amalthea Potter." And with those words, the Peverell Twins disappeared as if they had never been there.

Behind them they left a soft silence interrupted only by the crackle of the remains of wood in the fire that was almost extinguished, by the sounds of songbirds and the sounds of cars driving on the asphalt road.

Amalthea took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air that came in through the now open window, fill her lungs. She peeked outside to see a postman heading for a house across the road, rummaging through his bag. Some children were walking, still very sleepy, on their way to school and their parents watched them go on their way while they prepared themselves for work.

After some time of observation and thought, she rolled gently on her bare heels and smiled at the remaining spirits who never left her.

"Well... you already know what my decision is."

And even if she had said nothing, if she had never let a single word escape her lips, everyone in that house knew what decision had been made.


She decided, however, to wait for a certain moment to leave. That would give her time to put her duties in order and spend time with her loved ones, Teddy most of all. As much as possible.

She still remembered when she told Andromeda about her decision. Teddy slept in Amalthea's arms and Remus and Tonks watched the baby's features next to the chair where Thea was sitting. The moment Thea explained the situation and her decision to the other, a mixture of emotions shook the woman so much like her playful cousin. Despair, betrayal, a little anger and, deep down, understanding.

"Do you intend to take Teddy with you?" Questioned the gray-eyed woman uncertainly.

"No, Andromeda, you know I would never do that to you and I would never risk Teddy's safety, in my life," Amalthea assured her, with a loving look focused on the boy's chubby cheeks. She played with his small hands and kissed each little finger. "You need him and he needs you, I would never separate the two of you."

"He needs you, too."

"Not the way he will always need his grandma."

"We can go with you!" Said Andromeda, who deep down also needed an escape from so much suffering. Every time she closed her eyes she could see her husband, her son-in-law, and her beloved daughter with her bubblegum hair.

"And leave everything you know? Would you leave your home, the memories of your family, and your happy moments? Would you let Teddy be without the memories of his parents? Would you deny him of the great future he can have walking in Hogwarts corridors and following Remus and Tonks' footsteps?"

"Their memories are too painful," Andromeda confessed, wanting to cry.

Beside her, Tonks' hair turned gray when she felt her mother's sadness. "Tell her everything is alright and that I will always be here."

"Tonks is here Dromeda, as well as Remus. Your daughter hasn't left your side for even a second since The Battle. She says that everything is fine and that it is not bad to cry if you need it. But you can't let the sadness that you feel replace the happiness that you may feel one day."

Tears poured into the older woman's aristocratic features when she sobbed, "I know Thea, believe me, I know."

Amalthea remained silent letting the other have her moment, and looked back at her when Andromeda wiped her tears with a pearl white tissue.

"I intend to name Teddy heir to the Potter and Black family." Said Amalthea, at last, and without further ado.

A shocked expression was on everyone's face - living and dead - when Thea had said those words.

"Are you sure?" Andromeda asked.

"Of course I am. Teddy has the Black blood in his veins and it was always my intention to make him the heir of that line. No offense, but I prefer it to be him than Draco. Narcissa may have saved my life once, but I don't want to see the future of the Black Family in their hands. I don't forget their side in the war."

"But what about the Potters?"

"I am the last Potter, but where I'm going I will use another name. We can change his name to Edward Remus Lupin Potter-Black but that would be too much of a mouthful. He may not even use the name Potter-Black, but he will be the heir to those lines. One day when he is an adult and already has his own children, they will inherit it too. One could be Lupin-Potter and another Lupin-Black or as he wishes." Amalthea explained. "I have already taken care of everything with the goblins and opened an account in Teddy's name. He will have money that will last him a lifetime and a few more generations, and as long as he is a minor you will be managing that money in the best way. The rest I'll take to help me with anything I need."

Andromeda nodded understandingly in her black mourning dress: "If that is your wish."

"It is." Amalthea confirmed, kissing the baby's soft forehead. "You will also have Kreacher to help you, and Grimmauld Place is now in your name. Kreacher!"

The old house-elf appeared with a pop!, wearing clean white robes with the Black Family crest on it and a copy of Slytherin's medallion around his neck. "Yes, Mistress?"

"Kreacher, you'll be staying with Andromeda from now on." Amalthea informed.

The elf took a shocked deep breath, opened his eyes wide, threw himself at her feet and started to cry. "No, please, Mistress, don't leave Kreacher."

"Kreacher..." Thea started to say, looking sad at the poor thing. "It won't be safe for you. I don't even know if it will be safe for me."

"Kreacher is a good elf, he served the Black family for several years!" The little being squeaked as he pulled his long ears in an act of desperation. "Let Kreacher go with you, don't leave Kreacher like Master Regulus did. Kreacher can't handle such pain."

Amalthea's heart weighed with those words and she tried to swallow the guilt that dominated her.

"Oh Kreacher..." Said Thea, with tenderness in her voice looking at the elf who years ago had been so bitter and grumpy but who had changed when he knew he was loved. "I only want the best for you, and here you will be safe."

"Kreacher will go wherever you go. Kreacher will not abandon his Mistress." The little wrinkled one said, with a determination in his big ball-shaped-eyes that reminded her so much of Dobby. "Kreacher will be safe with you. Who will protect Mistress other than Kreacher? No, no, no." He tapped his small foot on the floor, making a sound that woke Teddy out of his sleep. "Mistress have to take Kreacher, please. Please, please!"

"Are you sure you want to go?" Amalthea asked.

"Yes, Mistress." Kreacher confirmed with confidence in the old face. "Kreacher wants to go with his Mistress, yes he does."

"Alright then. You will go with me, don't worry."

Amalthea kissed his little bald head and after a few more assurances on her part, and little sniffles on the part of the elf, Kreacher returned home after his big scare.

On her lap, Teddy moved. He yawned, moved his chubby legs and arms, and smiled at the young woman who was already smiling brightly at him. His beautiful hair slowly changed to black and his eyes turned to exactly the same shade of green. He seemed to be her son, but he wasn't. He might not have been a son of her body, but he was a son in her heart.

"Look who's awake." Amalthea commented cheerfully, gently poking his tummy and listening to the beautiful baby laughs. "This little one must be hungry."

And in fact he was. After a whole bottle of warm milk, which Teddy eagerly drank, the little boy fell asleep once again in his godmother's arms.

"You are so good for him." Andromeda commented on the other chair where she was admiring the scene, tenderly. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

"I need this, Dromeda. I know you understand. There is nothing I want more than to take you with me, but it is too risky. I hope I can come back but if I can't, please promise me that he will know that I love him. Tell him how much it cost me to make this decision and how much my heart broke at the thought of not seeing him once more. Please tell him..."

"Every day..." guaranteed Andromeda. "There won't be a single day when I don't repeat those words to him."

Amalthea knew how much she would miss that sweet boy. She would miss his baby scent, his soft turquoise hair that he intended to turn black when she was close to him, his small weight in her arms and his beautiful laughs... She took thousands of pictures: some of all of them (Hermione, the Weasley's, Andromeda, Teddy, and Amalthea), others with godmother and godson, and others of only her... She wrote letters, dozens and dozens of them that Teddy would read when he was older, explaining why she had to do what she did, guaranteeing that leaving him was never her intention... that she loved him more than anything in this world.

In the time she decided to wait, Amalthea wanted to learn everything she considered useful for that medieval world. She began to practice with the sword and the nights, when she returned home with her body full of bruises, were immense. She learned to use a dagger and a bow and arrow. Learned how to sew and embroider, to heal wounds with and without magic. Thea learned everything that could guarantee greater protection and survival.

Without realizing it, the days went by quickly. Days passed to weeks and weeks passed to months. It was now June and the Summer Solstice was getting closer and closer.

Her days were mainly training and more training, hours of preparation - she wanted to make sure she didn't miss anything - and to enjoy the time with her loved ones.

That day, after ensuring that everything was ready, In the late afternoon Amalthea was in the garden of The Burrow. A large, aged wooden table had been set on the green grass, with white plates full of food that smelled wonderfully. There was hot bread and butter, strawberry jam and pear jam. There was chicken just out of the oven and chips that Ron had been quick to get his hands on, molasses pie, pumpkin juice and peaches dipped in honey.

The Weasley family made tremendous noise, everyone talking loudly to each other with their faces almost as red as their hair due to the heat. Hermione and Andromeda were in a small corner of the table talking about politics, Luna's blonde hair waved in the wind when she jumped with the intention of catching a butterfly with blue wings and Teddy laughing beside her on the soft grass while soap bubbles of different colors fled by the tip of the younger Potter's wand. Neville was unable to come that day but Amalthea had already said goodbye to her good friend.

Thea smiled brightly when she saw that Teddy's hairs changed quickly like a rainbow to match every bubble the baby saw. She kissed his chubby cheeks and whispered that she loved him.

Mrs.Weasley sniffed as she placed a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table, and fixed Amalthea with an extremely sad and tearful look. Thea showed her an encouraging expression and the matriarch fled into the house again, rubbing her eyes furiously.

"Hello, Thea." A voice beside her said. It was Luna, who had finally left her game and sat beside her, smiling at the summer breeze that hit her milk-colored skin. The pale green dress she wore made the little blonde look like a fairy.

"Hello, Luna. I see you got tired of the butterflies."

"They are the ones who got tired of me. It doesn't matter, today is a special day and later the fireflies will replace the butterflies."

"Yes," agreed the black-haired woman. "Yes, it is."

The blonde hummed softly and popped a yellow bubble with her index finger. She focused her bright blue eyes on Thea's greens and said, "Oh Amalthea Potter, if you only knew the brilliant things that are in your path. You were born to do wonderful things, but be careful with the Nargles, as they are now in disguise. The smell of wolf will protect you, but those golden monsters just want chaos, and you have the misfortune to always seem to be involved in the disorder that others cause. "

Just as Luna had appeared, she left, went to the table and took a slice of bread buttered. Amalthea smiled at her friend's strangeness, but thought carefully about her warning. Teddy screamed out loud in amazement when a red bubble burst on his forehead and Thea screamed together, taking the baby in her arms and gently tossing him into the air.

And so the hours of what might have been her last day in the magical world passed, amid laughter and smiles, hugs and beautiful words. The blue sky had darkened as small stars appeared in the black expanse and the full moon came up, finally reflecting its pale light in the lake near the red-haired family's home.

"Look at Teddy, the moon." Pointed Amalthea, cozy in a tree with her godson in her lap. "Do you know what that means? It's time of the wolf. Do you know how to howl like a wolf?"

Teddy's little face showed extreme confusion when Amalthea turned her head to a bright and very high moon, and a huge howl escaped from her throat. Her friends fell silent, listened, and laughed out loud when Teddy clapped and did the same thing, even without knowing why.

"It's time." She commented with the others. The effect was immediate and extremely sad smiles adorned their faces. Amalthea felt like crying but she controlled it, unlike Molly and Hermione who tried to contain their sobs. Hugs were exchanged, sad but hopeful words were said.

Amalthea hugged Teddy tightly, not wanting to let go of the boy. She kissed him a thousand times... and a thousand more. "Oh Teddy, your godmother loves you. You are so loved, my little wolf. Never forget that." She wondered if her own mother was like this in her last moments with her daughter: with tears in her eyes, a tightness in her throat that almost prevented her from talking and a heavy heart.

"I'll see you again one day." Thea assured, taking one last glimpse of her friends. And with a twist on her heels and a pop! the young Potter disappeared in the air.

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