☽ Chapter IX ☾

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The moon shone high in the sky outside, the room was warm and Catelyn sighed in contentment in the arms of her lord husband, who kissed the top of her head and stroked her fire-like hair. Life was good and she was so, so happy. She had a husband that she loved deeply and beautiful children that she loved even more.

Maybe we will have one more, I miss a baby in my arms to love and care for, she thought, maybe a boy with dark hair and grey Stark eyes. Of all our children, only Arya looks more like Ned.

She still remembered when Robb was born, screaming when he came into the world with his little lungs, with very little red hair and the Tully blue eyes... That was something that at first caused her great concern. But her husband loved his son anyway despite not having the Stark colors, just like the rest of the children. Life had been treacherous in the beginning: Ned was not the one she had first been promised, but his brother instead. But Brandon had been dead and buried for a long time, and the past was not to be broached. Catelyn had learned to love Eddard over time and that was all that mattered.

However, there was something that bothered her at the moment and she was not ashamed or afraid to talk about it (there were two in fact, but she didn't want to remember that the boy existed): "I don't like her, Ned." She said simply, having the notion that her husband would know who she was referring to.

The husband made an inquisitive sound in his throat, a low and deep sound that she loved, and hugged her even closer, bringing her to him. "What do you have against her?" He wanted to know.

Catelyn wrinkled her nose as she chose her words. "The disagreement she had with Theon and the things she said in front of our children did not please me, to begin with."

"Only the elders understood the meaning of her words. In addition, Theon was out of line and has already been scolded."

"Still, I don't want her here."

"She will stay, Cat." Ned's voice had an edge of purpose. Catelyn despised how this conversation was becoming so similar to others that they had before about the bastard.

"But why?" The woman wanted to know. "Do you really trust her? Don't you think it is suspicious that she appears now, after years and years that so many hooligans tried to get hold of her landlord and Moat Cailin?

"So far she has given me no reason to be suspicious of her. She has physical similarities to Harlan, and even better, she has the real Peverell's Valyrian sword." Said her beloved.

"Oh Ned, I don't know..." She sighed thoughtfully. Her husband was so smart and honorable, but he trusted too much. Maybe she was being paranoid, but still... " Trusting on the basis of a sword... We don't know anything about her and her companion."

"We know what they told us."

"Is that enough?"

"It has to be." Ned said.

"But why?"

"If she really is who she says she is, and if I send her away... how do think the other houses will react after seeing the Lord of Winterfell despise an ally house and family friend? Besides, it's the honorable thing to do."

Catelyn frowned, expressing what she thought. "You trust too much."

"Maybe, but Cat, I saw the pain in her eyes when she told me her story, I felt the grief in her voice, all of her was saddened and above all truthful." Confided Eddard kissing Catelyn's perfumed hair again. Ned had already repeated everything that had been revealed by the woman with the greatest precision, and a part of Catelyn couldn't help but pity the young woman despite the other part, the one who suspected her, being bigger. "Our children seem to like her. Try to get to know her and maybe you'll like her too. "

"Yes, I think that is what I will do." It was time to talk to Amalthea Peverell for a while and try to find out if her intentions were pure and harmless.


In the time that Amalthea wasn't in the library tower she was closed in her room. She had moved the chair close to the window, and there she was reading one of the books she may or may not have stolen for a while.

When she slept, it was very little. Most of a day and night was spent reading as fast as she could, wanting to devour all the information that was possible. She read about Aegon I and his sister-wives, Visenya and Rhaenys, who three centuries ago had conquered Westeros each on the back of their own dragon. She read about the kings who succeeded him, Aenys, Maegor, Jaehaerys and Viserys, and so many others. Thea was now a quick reader and knew that Hermione would be very proud of her.

The history of the Targaryen family was immensely interesting, their affinity for fire-breathing dragons was even more curious... despite having a strange addiction to incestuous relationships.

So what was her surprise to discover that the current ruler was not a Targaryen, but someone named Robert Baratheon. Upon arriving in Westeros Thea knew the basics about the main families through Harlan, Baratheon was one of them but she was extremely surprised to read about the defeat of the dragon family. From what she perceived the noble houses and even the people had been having mixed feelings towards the Targaryen dynasty. There were good and bad rulers, just like everything else in the world, and the last king of Westeros was bad enough to create discord, distrust and fear... fear above all.

King Aerys II's reign began peacefully, it could be said, and it looked very promising. Aerys wanted to be the greatest king that ever existed, wanted to be known as the Wise or the Great, and seemed determined to make that happen... Except that it never really came to concretize. Despite being young and charismatic, despite having already secured his reign with an heir, his son Rhaegar - this one being born in a huge tragedy that resulted in the death of Aerys' grandfather and so many others - there was something wrong with him and this came to be seen in the years that followed.

Some say that Aerys was always like that, others that it was a set of years full of paranoia due to the constant mentions that Tywin Lannister (his Hand) was the true king, to the multiple abortions and stillbirths that his sister-wife suffered, and to the time spent in captivity in Duskendale. But the truth was that Aerys was now something darker, unrecognizable and delusional. The king was more monster than human with long dirty hair, yellow teeth, long nails like claws and crazy eyes. Gone was the one who wished to be Aerys the Wise and gave way to Aerys the Mad King, the one who laughed at the heat of the fire and practically fed himself with the smell of burnt flesh.

The people of Westeros lived in constant fear and could not hardly wait for the day when the Crown Prince came to the throne after Aerys. They prayed in secret and pleaded to the gods for a better ruler. But it was then that Rhaegar did something that no one would ever expect... he was good and kind, a lover of books and music, just and honorable... But even though all of this the Silver Prince abandoned his wife, Elia Martell of Dorne and the two children she had given him, and kidnapped Lyanna Stark of Winterfell.

And it was from there that the Targaryen house was lost and dethroned.

Thea closed the book carefully, the pages were already a little old and yellowed, and felt the roughness of the cover with her fingertips. With a sigh she placed the book on the arm of the chair by the window and looked out at the world. The sound of wood hitting wood caught her attention, and then Thea turned her gaze in the direction of the sound. It was Robb and Jon who were training under the admired gaze of young Bran and baby Rickon. Focused on her reading, the woman had not even noticed that they were there, but apparently they must have been in their training for a long time, as they were already glistening with sweat.

Now that she thought about it, Thea hadn't seen or interacted with the two boys of her age in the past few days except for meals, but then all her attention was on the younger Starks (who practically fought for her), and the rest of her time was busy with reading.

"Lady Amalthea! Thea." Curiously she got up and went even closer to the window. The screams of her name came from Bran who was jumping in his place with his younger brother at his side, trying to get the attention of the young woman he had spotted.

With that noise Robb's head turned so quickly that it probably must have hurt, and he looked in the direction Bran was pointing, seeing her leaning on the edge of the window, her elbows on the stone, the pale skin of her face to her throat looking like it glowed like pearls and with her black hair spread in the icy north wind.

"Hello boys!" She had said aloud, smiling in a friendly and genuine way.

And the next thing Robb knew was that he was no longer looking at the woman but at the clear sky instead, his hand that previously held the training sword was now unoccupied and buried in the mud - all of him was covered in mud, actually - and all the air had escaped from his lungs. With a shudder knowing very well what had happened, after all the pain in his back and laughter did not deceive him, Robb closed his eyes feeling himself dying inside. Gods, bury me, kill me, get me out of here, he thought mortified as his brothers laughed so hard they couldn't even speak. The worst part was hearing the female laughter come joining them.

Finally, the heir of Winterfell opened his eyes just to see Jon's pale hand extended to help him get up, and the provocative smile on his bastard brother's face. "Distracted by a pretty face, Stark?" And to his shame, as much as the redhead wanted to deny he did not succeed, because the truth is that in the few seconds that his gaze was fixed on the figure of Amalthea at the window, Jon continued his training and Robb, oblivious, was not able to avoid his blow and ended up lying on the floor.

"Shut up." Countered Robb with his cheeks on fire, but even so he let his brother help him get back up with all the dignity he was able to muster (which was not much, he well knew).

With a cherry-red face Robb watched Bran and Rickon practically fall on top of each other with laughter, choking on the air each time they tried to stop, but his withering look only made them laugh even more. Despite everything, the older boy can't help but smile.

"You have something on your face." Jon commented, leaning against one of the wooden posts, amused.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Just a little bit of mud, nothing much."

Hurriedly Robb tried to wipe his face with the clean part of his shirt, peeking through the copper hair falling, wiping off all the mud and sweat, seeing Amalthea still at the window trying to hide her huge smile with her hands. She, seeing his look, nodded cheerfully to which Robb shyly returned the gesture. The sound of her beautiful female laugh sounded, and the Stark boy couldn't help but laugh at his own situation by taking the fallen wooden sword and attacking Jon who fumbled a little, but managed to dodge in time.

In the bedroom, still at the window, Thea kept smiling in amusement watching the boys for a little while until a knock on the door interrupted her.

Frowning but still with a hint of a smile on her lips, Thea opened the door to see a quiet waitress waiting for her.

"May I help you?" Questioned the young witch, observing the severe features of the woman in front of her.

With a stiff posture and pursed lips in disdain the woman of about forty years old, if the wrinkles on her face and the silver strands were a clue, examined Thea upside down and answered. "Lady Stark invited you to have tea with her, Lady Peverell."

"Oh," exclaimed Thea in surprise. She had promised Sansa and Arya that she would join them in their embroidery class that afternoon, so Catelyn's invitation was unexpected. "Now?"

The older woman snapped her lips. "The sooner the better, Lady Stark is not a person to be kept waiting."

Amalthea was already looking at her book and the window with a longing sigh before being abruptly interrupted.

"Are you coming? Lady Catelyn awaits you in her solar. "And without waiting for an answer, the woman turned on her heel and began to advance down the corridor.

Thea narrowed her eyes but closed the door, carefully and discreetly cast a spell that would keep her room safe and forbidden, and then she followed the woman in the plain white dress. They walked in silence, a servant at the front, stiff and striding, and Thea at the back, hands folded in front of her trying to maintain an elegant and smooth posture.

"Can you hurry up? There are those who have things to do, today if possible." Ah, how the young witch had to swallow the frustrated growl. Finally, after a suffocating silence, the maid stopped in front of a door. "Here we are."

The woman was already turning to go when Thea stopped her with a question. "What is your name?"

"Erin." The other replied with a face that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Erin..." Amalthea tried the word, hissing it slowly and languidly so that it resembled a snake. With narrowed eyes and a dangerous smile, she said then. "I will remember that." You can be sure of that.

And without further ado, leaving Erin pale for some reason (perhaps because she realized the way she treated her lady's guest, or because even though she was unable to see it, she was able to feel something strange and almost dangerous around her), Thea knocked on the door and was greeted by the warmth of the room. Her feet stepped on the brown skin of a bear lying on the floor near the door. Catelyn was already waiting for her sitting in an armchair and embroidering something carefully. She smiled slightly when she saw Thea and waved to the chair opposite her, in a gesture full of elegance.

"Ah Lady Amalthea, I am so very happy that you accepted my invitation. Please, have a seat." The Potter heiress was quick to comply with her request, sitting down and looking around admiring the room.

It was a rather small and rectangular room with its two armchairs and the small round table next to the fireplace that was opposite to the entrance. It was well lit due to the candles in the iron candlesticks, and the natural light that came in through the glass windows. It was cozy and in its own way reminded her of Hogwarts.

Without wasting time Catelyn abandoned her embroidery that the young witch noticed that it was a trout in shades of red and blue, took the teapot and started pouring the tea, first filling Thea's cup and then her own. "I hope you like chamomile. A sugar cube or two?"

"Just one, please. I appreciate your invitation, my Lady."

"It was a pleasure, it was time to get to know each other better, don't you agree?"

"In fact."

Catelyn kept stirring the tea with her spoon watching Thea do the same, while examining the girl. "Your dress is very beautiful." It was a soft and sincere compliment, but Thea knew its true meaning: Catelyn wanted to know where she got it, since she hadn't lent it to her.

"I'm glad you found that. Luckily I had a few coins left with me that was enough to buy this dress and a few more to a seamstress in Winter Town, this shade of dark blue is charming and the wool is so soft and warm." Thea said telling the truth. The money she had now with her was enough to buy some dresses on the days Kreacher was away. The poor old seamstress had been delighted to be able to dress the Lady Peverell, and fortunately the dresses she had were all suited to her figure, and those that weren't were quickly adjusted. "However, I thank you for all those who you were kind enough to lend me."

"It was a pleasure." Catelyn said once more.

Thea lifted the cup to her lips and blew lightly to cool the tea destroying the clouds of smoke that spiraled upward, and feeling Catelyn's heavy gaze on her. In a strange way, the young witch was having that same feeling that she always felt when she was under Snape's rigorous gaze, that feeling that the other person wanted to find out everything about her, that they wanted to invade her mind to investigate her past and unravel all her secrets. Not that the black-haired girl was going to let that happen, as nervous as she might have been, she had learned that it was best to control what she really felt. Sipping slowly the tea tasting the sweetness of chamomile, Amalthea waited for the Stark family matriarch to decide to break the silence. She didn't have to wait that long.

"How are you?"

"Good, my Lady."

Catelyn hummed sipping her tea elegantly. "It must be difficult to be in a new continent and in a place that you have never known before, far from home, especially now with the absence of Kadeem."

"I will not lie, Lady Stark, I thought it would be harder. I miss what I left, but this is what I chose for myself." Thea confessed honestly.

This seemed to surprise the redhead, it was certainly not that answer she thought she would receive. "Oh, I thought... well, I'm not sure what I thought." Maybe she expected tears and sobs, but that was over for now. "I hope you haven't had any problems here at Winterfell."

"It has been a great experience and people are very receptive, which I'm thankful for."

Catelyn then put the empty cup down, picking up the teapot again and refilling it and doing the same with the cup Amalthea had in her hands. "Lady Peverell, I am sorry if he offended you, but please, I have to ask you not to repeat the behavior you had towards Theon, especially in the presence of my children."

And there it is, Thea thought to herself, almost letting a little smile show when she finally realized the older woman's intention. "Lady Catelyn, I will not say that I regret my words because that would be a lie. Perhaps it was inappropriate on my part, but I would have betrayed myself if I hadn't said what I said."

"My Arya is already wild enough, I don't want her with ideas that are not suitable for her gender." Explained Catelyn. "I want to protect my sons and above all my daughters. There are things they don't need to know, especially as unfortunate as some of the world's realities are."

You prefer to live in ignorance and strange to the truth...

"I don't deny that in any way, I loved meeting your family and I do not want to get involved in matters that don't belong to me. Forgive me." Thea said with a bit of bitterness in her heart. She wanted to question that noble lady who seemed disgusted by Thea's past actions when hers were no better. If she loved her children so much why didn't she listen to them? Sansa's friends called her sister Horse Face and neither of them did anything about it, leaving little Arya feeling that she was alone even though she was surrounded by so many people.

Now that the cards were on the table, Catelyn would not hide what she really wanted to say or discuss. She put the cup down for good and Thea did the same trying to figure out what the tea leaves at the bottom might mean,but all she saw was a blur of soaked leaves and nothing more.

"I love my husband, my marriage to Ned was arranged and we can say that it was immensely unexpected but I have learned to love him over the time. It was difficult at first, leaving my family and leaving my home behind was terrifying, and coming to live in this cold and icy land where I didn't know anyone and nobody knew me, was even more. We were in times of war but I knew my duty and that duty was to be a good wife, a good lady and a good mother." The other explained and Thea listened carefully, wondering where Catelyn was going with this. "I remember as if it were yesterday the first time I held Robb when he was born, he was small and almost bald but he already had a little red hair, and his beautiful face was red from crying. But when I held him in my arms... when I held him in my arms, I stopped loving myself and started loving him entirely."

There was a silence.

And it was then that the woman looked at her coldly and harshly: "I love my children. There is nothing I would not do for them. I live and breathe for them, I would give my life and my soul to keep them alive, safe and happy. No one will ever love their children the way I love mine." Exclaimed Catelyn. "I know them like the back of my hand, and it is precisely because I know them so well that we are having this conversation."

"Forgive me but I'm not sure I understand where you want to go with this." Amalthea countered almost as coldly as the Stark woman.

"You have been here for a little while but I know my Robb. He is a good boy, he is just and honorable like his father, and on the way to being a man made that all maidens wish one day to have. But he cannot resist a pretty face and you, Lady Amalthea, have an incredibly beautiful face that these days seems to have catched some interest." And how she had seen that, even her son had been charmed by that strange guest of them. Normally the matriarch wouldn't mind, even she knew that Amalthea was beautiful and admiring the beauty of someone in the distance didn't hurt anyone,Catelyn had been at her window waiting for a maid to bring the tea when she saw the way the bastard made her son fall after being distracted when Lady Peverell took his attention. "He is not engaged yet, is true but he knows his duty and-"

Amalthea thought it was best to end this situation quickly. "Lady Stark forgive me for interrupting you but let me tell you that I don't think Robb is interested in me that way, he's honored as you say and a charming man but he's just being nice to me, as I am a guest in your house."

Catelyn hummed, her face showing that she didn't let herself believe."Are you interested in him then?"

Thea smiled. "He is handsome and friendly but I have only known him for a few days and I only see him as a possible friend." And then to put an end to it she gave her some of the truth, even if it hurt. Even though remembering was suffocating and her heart felt like it was being squeezed in such a way that it would turn to dust. "I was engaged, Lady Stark."

That was enough to silence the woman.

"Oh." Exclaimed Catelyn after a while, surprised again. Although I shouldn't be surprised. Beautiful, rich, with lands, with a noble name and in marrying age, she thought. "Can I... Can I ask what happened?"

"He died." Thea confessed with pain and hurt in her voice, and with suffering in her green eyes. "It wasn't arranged, I loved him and he loved me. I still love him. We have known each other since we were children, but unfortunately death doesn't spare anyone no matter how much they deserve it, not even my Frederick."

Like Brandon, and she is as old as I was when I lost him... And then Catelyn's icy heart took pity.

"What was he like?"

For a moment Thea did not respond, she couldn't and she didn't want, more specifically. Who was this woman to want to know more about her Fred? Who was Catelyn Stark to want to know about her love after practically intimidating her with that ridiculous idea that there was something more between Amalthea and her son? But she knew she had to say something, she needed to say something. The Starks and Winterfell were important. But what would she say? He had red hair and blue eyes, like your son now that I think about it, although they were different shades.

"He was handsome, tall and slim, and so kind and playful. And there was never a day that he wouldn't make me smile. I miss that... as much as I smile now it is not and will never be the same."

None of them knew what to say, especially Catelyn, who for the first time felt ashamed of her own actions. She knew her son, she had seen the delighted glow that her heir displayed when he thought that no one was watching him looking at Lady Peverell. And Cat had been so suspicious, so sure that this young woman in front of her might have ulterior motives to be there. But even that morning Ned had told her that there was no way to pretend as much pain as that which Amalthea's beautiful eyes hid, and Catelyn found herself agreeing with him.

She needed to apologize, it was the right thing to do. "I am so very sorry for my behavior, Lady Peverell, and I am even more sorry to touch on a subject that has caused you so much pain. It was not my intention to sound too harsh, but a mother has to know how to protect her children and today when I saw that Robb had let himself be distracted from his lessons, well... I imagined a scenario where he could have been seriously hurt, to begin with."

"I understand, my Lady, and I hold no grudge against you. But as I said, neither I nor Robb feel anything that should make you worried, all I want is to recover my home and live in peace." But I'll be careful with you from now on, Thea thought to herself.

Putting this behind their backs the two continued the tea that afternoon and discussed trivial things, from embroidery to the children of Catelyn, and to the customs of North and South Westeros. When they finished and each one went on their way it was with mixed feelings and the mind working hard.

For Catelyn, her conversation with the young woman had alleviated most of her fears.

And for Thea that afternoon had left her with a bittersweet taste in her mouth, knowing that as much as the conversation had gone well she knew that not everything would be so easy and that she would have to be careful with what she did or said to try to avoid the enmity of those who could help her.

"So, that went well." Fred commented beside her, his translucent body shimmering in the pale light of the corridor, while Thea made her way back to her own room.

"I will have to be careful with her." Exclaimed the young girl softly, checking that no one was close enough to hear her speak 'alone'.

"She looks like a suspicious woman to me."

"Yes, and maybe too much." Amalthea opened the door, entered, and quickly locked it again. With an exasperated sigh, she ran a hand through her hair before sitting on the armchair overlooking the courtyard. "She is concerned about her family, and I perfectly understand that after all, I am a stranger in her home. But I feel that she will now be aware of everything I do. Do you think my story is credible?"

"Quite a lot, I think you'll be fine as long as you don't let yourself be shaken or if you give them reasons to be suspicious of you. How's Kreacher, by the way?" Fred asked calmly, watching her stressed figure. Most of the time he had been watching his family for the past few days, in the other world, after the conversation, he had had with Thea after her nightmare and now he needed to be updated a little.

Thea shrugged. "Alright I suppose, everything is going according to the plan. He found a very discreet place where he hid the horses, protected it with magic so no one can find him, and has already prepared things. He has kept the horses in perfect health and well-fed and hides in his room at times when he needs to sleep. Fortunately, no one has been in or out since he left, apart from me of course. He should probably come back tomorrow or the day after that."

"This is good, do what you have to do to ensure that your stay here is calm and that you have a happy life."

The young witch smiled at him affectionately, with a sad gleam in her eyes. She might even be happy, but it wouldn't be the same, however, not without him with her... in bone and flesh with laughter and joy.

"How's George doing?" She asked changing the subject.

"He is improving, at least he's better than a few days ago. They managed to get him out of the room and are trying to convince him to reopen the store that has been stopped since... Well, you know. The last time I saw them they were in the living room with Andromeda and Teddy."

"My- my little Teddy?" This caught Thea's attention even more.

"Yes. He's fine, he was the one who managed to make George laugh when he got neon yellow hair and orange eyes. Mom and Andromeda were talking about you, wondering if you would be okay and how much they miss you." The redhead said softly, almost sorry to speak.

Guilt seemed to make her heart ten times heavier, and her stomach churned. She didn't want her friends, or rather her family, to worry but she knew it was something she couldn't change. She cared for them herself and there was not a single day that she did not think of them. Oh, Teddy...

"If there was a way to tell them that I'm fine..."

"There is not." Exclaimed Fred sadly. "They will just... have to learn to live with it."

They talked for a while longer until she was called to dinner. Dinner went well, though visibly tense between Thea and Catelyn, and the others couldn't help but notice it. Fortunately, no one commented, but when Robb looked at the young woman almost to make sure that she was alright, Amalthea just looked away.


The next morning was spent by Arya and Sansa in etiquette class, where the older sister seemed to be in her element, elegant and kind to Septa Mordane and her friend Jeyne, and where Arya could do nothing but sulk in a corner casting pleading looks at Thea as if asking her to get her out of there quickly.

However, a good part of the afternoon was spent in the library. I'm becoming Hermione, she thought. Ron would be disgusted if he could see me now. It was at that moment, when she left the tower distracted by the information she had seen in one of the books, that she collided with a small body that ran in front of her. The book in her hand fell, and Thea had to gently grab one of the boy's arms to keep him from falling too.

"Rickon, are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

The boy with copper hair and bright eyes looked up breathlessly, with red cheeks from the race but with a big smile on his face so like his mother. "Sorry, I didn't want to run into you." He said timidly.

"It doesn't matter, didn't you hurt yourself?"

"I am alright." He assured her in his soft child's voice.

Thea looked at him for a moment, scrutinizing him from head to toe. When she was sure he was okay, she released him and picked up the fallen book, which she was quick to clean making sure there was no dirt on the cover or pages, and ensuring there was no damage. Finally, she smiled at Rickon, who looked excited and was jumping around. "Where are you going?"

"I'm trying to find Bran, he is hiding from me."

"Oh, are you playing?" She deduced.

"Yes." He said vibrantly. "Bran says that after I find him we will play come-into-my-castle, but I think it is just an excuse for not having to try to find me."

Thea laughed amusedly, understanding.

"Where are you going?" He asked curiously.

"To my room."

"Come and play with me, you can help me find him. If it takes too long, he might try to make me have to find him again." He practically pleaded.

The young woman rose and lowered her shoulders, tilting her head as she thought. It would be nice and that would help pass the time faster. She had been closed for so long in that dusty library and surrounded by books that a lot of sun and fun would be most welcome.

"Of course, where should we look first?"

"Good!" Rickon practically screamed, taking Thea's free hand and dragging her with him. "We are going to the Godswood, we all know that Bran is always hiding there."

Due to all the enthusiasm and excitement of Rickon, who kept talking about any game they had played before, they arrived at a cast-iron gate that was already open, which indicated that someone had already been there. They were quickly swallowed up by the beautiful trees around them.

"Bran! I know you are here, I will find you wherever you are!"

They searched the bushes and behind a few trees that the boy insisted on looking.

"He must be close." Rickon said. "He knows he shouldn't go too far, mother and father would be worried."

"He must be-" Thea fell silent, bringing her index finger to her lips telling the Stark boy to make little noise, which he did quickly. The silence surrounded them, being broken only occasionally by the whistling wind or the song of one or another bird.

"What?" Rickon asked nervously. "I do not hear-"

But then there was what sounded like a branch breaking, hurried steps as if someone was running away and the sound of branches being pulled and leaves moving. They both exchanged glances, before smiling and moving towards the sound.

It came from the huge tree of white branches and red leaves. Oh, Thea felt herself freezing inside, feeling a nervousness invade her body while watching that colossal tree, I had forgotten. And it was true. With everything that had happened, with Kadeem's absence and her search for information about Westeros, the thought of the unusual tree and those even stranger voices hadn't even crossed her mind. But now... The face stuck in the wood that was weeping sap seemed to follow her footsteps as she approached slowly.

"Bran, I know you are here!" Rickon shouted, running ahead of her excitedly and looking around. "I already got you, it's not worth hiding anymore." He walked here and there, searching his surroundings carefully. "Give up."

And while the wolf-boy was entertaining himself, Thea came closer and closer to the bone-white tree, her outstretched hand trembling slightly in anticipation. She stopped inches away and was about to touch the wood when she retracted, her hand stopping abruptly. Should she touch it? What if it happens again like the last time? Would she hear those same voices? What did they want?

Amalthea shook her head away from the thoughts and did exactly what she wanted.

She reached out to touch the beautiful white wood, following the path of red tears with her eyes. And then...


Nothing happened. And that left the young Potter witch with mixed feelings, which she didn't quite know how to explain. She was relieved but at the same time... there was a part of her that wanted to end that mystery, that uncertainty...

The leaves above moved slightly, and Thea's green eyes left the carved face that looked back at her to follow the sound. And there, in the middle of the red leaves, was a face that was not of white wood, but of a soft tone and of colored cheeks, of blue eyes and a head of thick brown hair.

"Oh!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Rickon, hearing this, was quick to join in and looking up too before letting out a cry of delight. "I knew it, I found you!"

And the face in the trees filled with frustration, before opening a big smile. "Took you too long." Brandon Stark said without further ado and carefully descended the tall branches until he was low enough to throw himself to the ground and fall to his feet. "You only found me because you had help."

"No, no." Growled the younger brother. "I already knew you were here."

"Yes, of course." Bran looked at him amused, before smiling at Amalthea, who was quick to return. "Well, since you found me, I think it's time for us to change the game."

"That is not fair!" Little Rickon snorted with indignation in his child's voice, and the small fists clenched tightly in an act of fury. "You just want to change the game because it was my turn to hide."

"No, it is not."

"Yes, it is!"

"It is not-!"

"Boys..." interrupted Thea, amused. "What game do you want to play, then?"

"I don't know." Confessed Bran, shrugging with a cute smile on his face. "Do you know how to climb? I can teach you."

"No, not climbing!" Rickon was quick to interrupt his brother's ideas, sitting on the ground against the trunk of the tree, taking Amalthea's hand and pulling it down, indicating that she should sit beside him. "I'm tired, I want you to tell me a story."

"Oh!" Brandon exclaimed enthusiastically too, taking a seat across from his younger brother. "Do you know any new ones? Old Nan is the one who tells us many stories, but we've heard them all and she is always repeating the same ones."

"A story?" The green-eyed girl questioned beside Rickon that was quick to sit on her lap, playing with her long black strands of hair. "What kind of story do you want?"

"Do you know any about knights?"

"Dire wolves!" Demanded Rickon. "Oh-oh, dragons!"

Thea thought for a while, wondering what it would be good to tell the two boys. "I do not think I know any about dire wolves, but I do know one or two about dragons."

Rickon practically jumped, almost pulling the young witch's hair out of contentment. "Yes, tell us!"

Amalthea looked at Bran questioningly, wanting to make sure the older boy agreed. Bran shrugged again, smiling and waving. "It is good enough for me. Is it about one of the Targaryen dragons?"

The Potter girl laughed. "No, it is not."

Rickon snuggled closer to her, hugging her and still playing with the mix of braids and loose locks that adorned her hair that day.

Clearing her throat while debating deeply how she was going to get on with this story, Thea started, somewhat hesitant as she formed the plot in her mind. "This story begins with a girl... A girl too small for her age, very normal and very simple. That girl had few friends, but the ones she had were real and wonderful, they adored her and she adored them. However, the girl was an orphan and had the misfortune to live with family members who hated her for some sad reason. Do you know what orphan means, Rickon?"

The boy waved sheepishly, "It is someone who has no mother or father." The child's smile was sweet, his cheeks were red with excitement, but his eyes seemed to be getting heavy with each passing second. The excitement of the game had passed, and drowsiness and tiredness were beginning to overwhelm him.

"Yes, exactly." Thea agreed, seeing the smile of satisfaction forming on Rickon's lips. "As her relatives hated her, they didn't really care about her or what happened to her. They hardly gave her food or attention, and when they did it was always for bad reasons and she had to survive with the little she had. But one day the king of that land decided to make a request of help to all the people... The greatest jewel of his royal treasure was gone, and the king offered a great reward to anyone who recovered it, but there was a problem, the jewel was a huge egg made of gold and the king discovered that it was hidden in a dragon's lair. Therefore, to recover it, it was necessary to face the beast."

Rickon's shocked sigh was huge, and his eyes widened when he listened intently.

"I am not afraid of any dragon!" Bran roared, getting up, picking up a small fallen branch, and swinging it as if it were a sword. It was a lovely sight in Thea's opinion, and the gesture elicited a delighted laugh from his younger brother who still had his hands buried in the woman's hair. "I would face the dragon myself."

"Oh, but this was not just any dragon..." Thea whispered slyly. "This was a mother dragon."

"What is the difference?" Bran asked curiously, sitting down again and nudging Rickon playfully with the branch he still had in his hand.

"Any dragon is highly aggressive, but the females are larger and the most ferocious of their kind, and are wild and protective. The golden egg had somehow fallen into her nest, it is not known how, and the dragon thinking that the egg was hers started to protect it as such."

The boys made a sound of understanding and continued to listen.

"The girl was hungry because she ate very little, she was cold because she slept in an old and shabby barn at her relatives' house, and she wore clothes so old and worn that she thought that at the slightest touch they would break apart. People from all over the kingdom got together and waited for their turn to face the dragon, from knights to farmers, innkeepers to gravediggers, beggars, and thieves, merchants, stable boys and jugglers, all kinds of people. The girl had no intention of doing so, she didn't think she was brave enough to try and she didn't want to die at all... But her stomach rumbled and it hurt so much, and every time she thought about what she could do with the reward, the idea seemed more appealing... So she decided to try too.

> The dragon's lair was inside a mountain, and all those who were brave enough to enter were quick to scream and cry out in fear, discouraged, and defeated. Everyone looked at the girl in disbelief, no one believed she would be able to win and there were many who told her to leave and return home as this was not a place for children. But she persisted, and finally, her own attempt came. Unlike the others she did not carry any object capable of injuring, she carried neither sword nor ax, nor spear or arrows, only a small shield to protect herself. She entered through the mountain mouth, crossed it to its depths until a ferocious roar was heard, so loud that everything around her trembled, and the walls shone in shades of red and orange. And there in the middle, wrapped in hot flames was the ferocious dragon, with sharp teeth huge as swords... Its scales were black, it had yellow eyes, bronze horns, and thorns of the same color along the length of its tail. When it saw her, it roared even louder almost making her ears bleed, and she just had time to hide behind a rock, raise her shield and protect herself from the flames. The sounds that the dragon made were horrifying and hideous and made the girl tremble with fear. But despite thinking that she was normal, the truth is that she was not..."

"What was her name?" Rickon interrupted quietly, which Thea thanked because her voice was starting to break from talking. She grunted and cleared her throat for a moment while she thought.

"Rickon!" Bran shouted, startling the other two. "The story was starting to get interesting, don't interrupt anymore."

"But I want to know what her name is!" Rickon replied, forgetting the sleepiness, and almost hurling himself at his brother with fury in his small body. Thea laughed, held him so he couldn't attack Bran, and sat him down next to her.

"It's alright..." She thought again, and finally chose one, the combination of two names so important to her, the combination of her mother's and father's name. Thea thought it was a good idea, since that story was about her and when she had to face the Hungarian Horntail in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. It was based on the same story, just very modified and made more fantastical and childlike for the two Stark boys. "The girl's name was Lily-Jae. As I was saying, she was special because she had the ability to talk to snakes, and maybe that was really the reason that made her relatives hate her." Because she was different, because she had magic, Thea thought to herself.

The surprised sounds that the boys made put an amused smile on her lips. Bran's head perked up by rising abruptly, his little eyes bulged, and the branch with which he poked his half-sleeping younger brother was forgotten.

Seeing that he was opening his mouth to ask a question, Amalthea paused and let him continue: "How is that possible?"

"How do you think dragons existed?" She asked with a smile. "How do you think Brandon the Builder built that huge ice Wall that is long and tall enough to divide a continent? Magic, of course."

Bran narrowed his eyes. "But magic no longer exists, it disappeared along with the dragons."

"Magic is real, Bran Stark. It is everywhere from the trees around us and its leaves, from the smallest insect that many find insignificant to the largest animal you have ever seen. Magic is in fire and its flames, in the air, wind, water, and on earth. Magic is what gives us life and feeds us, and sometimes there are those who are born with it in their blood."

"I do not understand. Everyone says it is not possible. "

"Let me put it in other words... Do you believe in the gods? Do you believe in your heart that they are real and that they take care of you?"



He shrugged with a timid expression on his face. "I do not know."

"Come here." Bran confusedly got up and made a short walk until he was beside Thea, who had turned to the big white tree, watching the tearful face. She took the boy's hand when he sat beside her, and leaned it against the wood. "Do you feel this?"

The wind whistled and the leaves beat gently against each other, and the three watched them move in sync red as blood and dance with each other, feeling the snow-white wood under their fingers. "I am not sure what I should be feeling," Bran confessed.

"Life," Thea whispered to him, eyes closed, listening, and feeling. "You should feel the life that runs through the roots, the trunk, the branches and leaves, the life that runs through the red sap you see. You believe that the gods are real because you feel them in everything around you because they are the ones who give life to your world as you know it. And life is magic... "

"I-" Bran hesitated, watching the older woman's expression of devotion. "I still don't understand."

This caused the young witch to open her eyes, interrupting herself, and moving away.

"I suppose not." She sighed and looked at the palm of her hand, seeing the mark of Hecate tattooed on the skin and the mark of Thanatos on her wrist, only visible to her eyes and covered with magic to keep it hidden from the view of others. My gods are real, she thought, seeing herself lost in the watchful eye of the face carved in the tree and remembering the strange voices. And these gods also seem to be. "But you will understand one day."

It wouldn't hurt to say that to the child, Amalthea supposed. He would never believe, he would think it was just another story... Talking about magic reminded her of home, and her heart ached with longing. She leaned her back against the huge tree again, abandoning its watchful eye, with a Stark boy on either side doing the same still confused.

"Back to the story," Thea said, seeing that the moment had already been forgotten by the children. "Lily-Jae was special due to being able to talk to the snakes. This skill had never served her much, she used it so little that she sometimes thought she could have dreamed of the conversations she once had with a small garden snake, but that day it came in handy. Just as she understood what the snakes were saying, Lily-Jae was also able to understand the dragon-mother who shouted at outsiders to stay away from her babies or else they would be burned or eaten.

> Hearing this, the little girl still hidden behind the rock screamed, anxious, wanting the heat of the flames to stop "Please, no!", To which the surprised dragon-mother stopped and replied: "Do you speak the sacred language, little thief?"

The girl was stunned for a few moments, shocked beyond belief. Finally, she replied: "I didn't know I could, and I am not even here to steal because I am not a thief."

"Lies." The beast hissed, and Lily-Jae felt the stone floor shudder with each heavy step it took as she approached her hiding place. "You humans invade my nest with swords, spears, and crossbows, attack me, try to steal my eggs, and still say that you are not thieves. No one will take my babies away from me!"

"I promise, I'm not here to hurt you or steal your eggs. I do not have a weapon with me, just a small shield... Please listen to me."

There was a long silence and then the dragon-mother told the girl to reveal herself, which she did, coming out from behind the rock very slowly and without sudden movements so as not to do anything that could provoke an attack. The long neck moved, the dragon's head moved closer to the girl's small body and its huge spear-like teeth stayed close to her face while inhaling her scent. Lily-Jae was shaking so badly she didn't even know how she still had the shield in her hand or how she still stood up. After what seemed like years the dragon walked away and said, "Speak. Tell me what you want and why you are here."

> "Mighty dragon, I understand that you may be suspicious and that you just want to protect your eggs, but I repeat again that I have no intention of harming you or them. Look, in your nest is an egg that is not yours, I do not know how it got there, but I just want to get it back."

"Lies! Did you dare say you do not want my eggs when you just confessed that you want one? Did you dare try to trick me?"

"It is true, please see for yourself!"

The dragon looked at her suspiciously but did as she said. It approached the nest, touched its snout to the yellow eggs, and blew a breath of hot air making them glow in the pale light and the small shape of the baby dragons in formation was possible to see inside... In all except for one. The dragon-mother roared furiously at being tricked, blowing black smoke through its huge nostrils.

"How did this falsehood end up here? Who dares to put this with my babies?"

"I don't know, I just want to take it and nothing else."

"Take it, High Speaker, take it and disappear from my sight... You and the rest of the humans."

The dragon-mother watched as the girl approached the huge nest, carefully and delicately took the golden egg without even touching the real ones, and went away again.

"You already have what you want, now go and do not come back. If any human enters my den and tries to deceive me or harm my eggs, I will not contain myself and that human will die."

"I understand." And running, Lily-Jae got out of there."

"What happened next?" Bran questioned fully invested in the story, even if he had interrupted it.

Rickon's small body gradually fell, heavy with sleep, until he lay down on the grassy ground and rested his head on Thea's lap, who instinctively was quick to play with his hair almost maternally, and for a few moments imagined that that could be Teddy.

"Well..." Thea returned to the story, looking at the blue sky visible through the red leaves. How long had they been there? An hour maybe? "Lily-Jae was quick to leave the cave and the sunlight shone on the treasure in her hands making all those who had been defeated and who waited for the winner to scream in shock and denial; the Egg was huge, golden and beautiful, the size of a normal dragon's egg and perhaps that was why it had been so easy to deceive the beast. There were comments of disbelief and envy, people gathered around her and tried to take the treasure out of her hands, but the girl was able to escape and head for the king's castle where she was quickly directed to him."

"What is it that the king did? What was the reward? And the dragon and its eggs? Were there dragon riders there too?" Bran practically skipped the spot beside her, asking his questions at an absurd speed.

"Lily-Jae handed over the egg and in return received an immeasurable amount of gold and an offer of land where she could go and live and finally get away from her terrible family members."

"Only that?" Disbelief and disappointment could be felt in the Stark boy's voice.

"Do you think it is a little thing? For a girl who had no way of dressing well or who sometimes had nothing to put on her stomach at the end of the day, that was everything." Seeing Bran's slightly embarrassed expression, she decided to add something that was definitely not true, invented at the time, making the story even more fanciful than it already was. "The king ended up confessing. He was already old, without a wife or children or any other family member, and the whole point of that adventure was purely a test to find someone agile and courageous, someone, worthy of becoming his heir or heiress. And that is exactly what the girl has become. Lily-Jae was now happier, surrounded by friends and well-fed, on her way to one day becoming queen... and all thanks to a dragon and a golden egg."

And so Thea had finished speaking, her voice slightly hoarse from the effort and in serious need of drinking water to relieve her dry throat. Bran looked at her with wide eyes in surprise, but definitely happier with the end of the story, which just put a loving smile on the pretty face of the young Potter, who was still playing with the soft hair of the younger boy now asleep in her lap.

The calm and comfortable silence was broken by a clap of hands, loud enough to scare a few birds that had been perched on the branches of nearby trees and that quickly took off in retreat. Amalthea jumped slightly in place, frightened, with an arm wrapped around Rickon's little body and her hand already moving to her wand, looking threateningly at the source of the sound.

"So this is where you all have been." It was Robb who was watching them closely, leaning against a tree some distance away from them.

"Robb!" Bran ran up to his older brother who smiled and tousled his hair playfully.

Amalthea's stomach turned over in discomfort. How long had the Stark Heir been there? Had he heard her little monologue about magic? Her fingers were trembling with the urge to grab the wand and she could practically taste the memory spell on the tip of her tongue. How did she not notice that he was there? You're getting sloppy Potter, haven't you learned anything? She thought. However, without being intimidated, she questioned: "Lord Robb, have you been there a long time?"

"Not much, my lady, I only heard some last parts of your conversation. My mother has been looking for you for some time now."

Seeing Rickon asleep with his head on Thea's lap, Robb came over and rocked him gently trying to wake him up. The boy opened his eyes, groaned in discomfort, and refused to get up until Robb allowed him to climb on his back and perch like a monkey. The boy yawned sleepily and rested his chin on the older brother's strong shoulder with his big shiny eyes wanting to close again.

"They did not cause you any problems, I hope?"

"Not at all. They behaved beautifully, they are wonderful boys." Thea said smiling, even though she hesitated to look at Robb, what he seemed to notice with a confused expression on his face. The daylight made the young man's hair shine like flames.

"I am not a boy, one day I will be a knight! Robb you cannot imagine the story that Lady Amalthea just told us, it had a dragon and a golden egg, and a girl who could talk to him! Nor the Targaryens were able to talk to theirs, right?" Bran spoke hurriedly, almost not even breathing, and looked sharply at Rickon who was in Robb's back. "Rickon! You did not even hear the ending, how did you let yourself fall asleep?"

The two youngest boys were quick to get into a little argument, where Rickon claimed that he had been awake all the time and that he had heard everything and Bran said that he did not believe him because he had heard his little snores and that he was a baby for having fallen asleep. This led to an even bigger discussion.

Seeing Robb's gaze on her, Thea exclaimed nonchalantly. "It was just a story I made up in the moment, nothing important. He seems to have liked it, however."

"It seemed very interesting, my Lady. Perhaps I will be able to hear it at another time?"

And with a raised black eyebrow and a small smile on her face, Amalthea replied, "Perhaps."

Hey guys, long time no see xD Firstly I have to thank you for all the votes and comments that you left on my story. I know that many may think that this story is slow and even boring, and I apologize for that but this is the best I can do. I don't like reading stories where things happen very quickly like they meet, it's love at first sight and they get married and live happily ever after, so this is something that will NOT happen in my story. This is going to be a slow-burn, Amalthea just arrived in Winterfell a few days ago and just met the Starks so that's why I want to focus on the characters' interactions as they get to know each other, and the story unfolds.

If anyone has any suggestions/ideas of what they think it would be cool to happen in Solivagant, please tell me! I would really appreciate it since I'm kinda out of ideas.I made a discord server dedicated to this story where we can talk and interact, share ideas about this story and talk about the world of ASOIAF and HP... If you would be interested in joining, please let me know and I will send you the link.

Also, today is my birthday (09/02) so be nice with your comments lmao... Anyway, I hope you like the chapter :3

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