☽ Chapter VII ☾

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In the small comfortable room, Amalthea took a hot bath where she rubbed herself so hard until her skin was pink and later filled her belly with the food that one of the castle servants brought her. While resting in the unknown bed and trying to fall asleep, she tried to invoke the spirits so familiar for her. It took a while, much longer than normal, but finally, they appeared in different places in the room and Amalthea was immensely relieved. She didn't know if it would work in a different world. She remained the Mistress of Death, but she was not entirely sure that certain skills acquired by the title could be used in Westeros. Their presence had shown her that it was possible, and Thea was glad about it.

After telling them, word by word, what was discussed that night, they praised her for her quick reasoning in inventing a backstory and were happy that she was, for the time being, in a safe place sheltered from the cold and the terrors of an unknown world. After they disappeared, Thea closed her eyes and dreamed of rituals, swords, wolves, and a dark winged being who held out a bony hand for her.

The next morning, Amalthea and Kadeem were the new topic of concern among the servants, guards, and the low-born, as the young woman knew it would happen. One of the girls who served dinner to the Stark family the night before curiously heard their words about a Lady Peverell commented with a friend from the kitchens who commented with another, and so the message went from mouth to mouth, even faster than a forest fire.

"I heard she is beautiful." Some commented.

"I heard she arrived on a beautiful horse, with a cavalry of two hundred men to protect her." Others said.

"Oh is that so... and where are they now?"

"Lord Stark should not trust this stranger, she must be an imposter with the intention of getting her hands on the riches of the good Lord Harlan, Gods have him."

"Riches? Don't be stupid, woman. What riches does she have to claim? Moat Cailin is nothing but ruins, she will be rich in stones."

Whatever the people had to say, the truth is that Amalthea was a topic in every corner of Winterfell and that showed up with the wolf pack of that old castle itself.

"Are you sure this girl is who she claims to be, Ned?" Catelyn Stark, the matriarch, asked the night before while helping the youngest son eating.

Since each member of the family had taken their place around the long dark wooden table and Ned Stark told everything that had happened, the topic of conversation was no different. The man told them how he had been informed by a guard that two people wished to speak with him and one of them referred to herself as Lady Peverell, told them how he had first discredited her words after so many attempts at deception along of the years, but that now, after having seen and felt the ancestral sword of the Peverell family and heard her story, found himself believing.

The confusion had been immense after his speech. Each had a question of their own to ask about their new guests, and Arya and Bran couldn't help but proudly comment on how they were the first ones to meet her, in a kind of childish intention to try to make their brothers jealous.

"She had a sword! Does she know how to use it? If she really is Lady Peverell and uses a sword, why can't I learn it too?" Arya questioned, wild as always, only to receive a stern look from her mother and a sigh of disdain from her sister, Sansa.

"You will meet her tomorrow and it is certain that any questions you have will be answered by her." Ned said to his children. "You will, however, be kind and respectful to Lady Peverell and her guardian."

The conversation ended there, but curiosity had set place in everyone's heart, and whoever had not met Amalthea yet, was hoping that the next morning would come quickly to see this happen.

And it would happen quickly.

Amalthea was still resting under the weight of various furs and blankets, in a world of dreams when she heard footsteps walking through the previously silent room. Suddenly her hand traveled to the wand hidden under the feather pillow, grabbed it firmly with a racing heart, and opened her green eyes as a maid leaned over to rest something on the bed.

The brown-haired maid looked at her with a start, and was quick to say in a soft apologetic tone: "I beg your pardon for awakening you, my Lady, but Lord Stark sent me to help you prepare to join him and his family for breakfast."

Thea inspected the woman carefully, from her brown eyes and hair to her nervous countenance. Certainly, waking up with someone unknown in her room wasn't the way Amalthea would have wished that morning, but she saw no reason to blame the girl who was following orders of the Lord of Winterfell.

Definitely calmer, seeing that the maid who shouldn't have been much older than she was no threat to her, Thea replied: "You are forgiven. It is not customary to sleep so late, but I think I was very tired." She sighed looking out of the window, watching the world outside turn into a pale flash of gray and white as the sun rose higher and higher, and overhead clouds painted the sky. "What is your name?"

"Alyssa, my Lady."

"Thank you very much, Alyssa, my name is Amalthea. Well, since you are here it is better if I prepare myself, I do not want to keep Lord Stark waiting."

"Lady Catelyn had this dress delivered to her, she figured you would not want to wear the same dress as the day before."

Sitting on the bed, Thea now saw that what the maid had laid out on the bed was a dress made in grey wool, heavy and comfortable, and done in a way that would keep her warm. Without Alyssa seeing, the young Potter frowned when she saw it. It wasn't that it wasn't beautiful, because in fact the dress was extremely pretty... but the night before Amalthea had told Lord Stark that she would in no way live at his expense and here was his wife offering her new clothes to wear. She could have used the same one or transfigured a new one with a wave of her wand, but it would be disrespectful not to use the one she had been so kindly offered.

"Oh, it is a beautiful dress." She said, at last, seeing that Alyssa was looking at her with a curiosity she couldn't hide. "It is very kind of Lady Catelyn."

The maid showed a small smile. "We are very lucky to have such a gentle and noble Lady."

Without further ado, Amalthea started preparing for the day. Alyssa wishing to please wanted to help her get dressed, but that was something the young black-haired woman had politely refused. She knew it must be a normal function for Alyssa, but the last thing Thea needed was for her to look at the marks and scars she had on her body after the battle, and having that spread. She dressed behind the wooded changing screen, placed the two wand holsters in her arms under her sleeve, and when she was ready, she allowed Alyssa to help her fix her hair.

After that when she was satisfied, Thea grabbed her wands, hidden from the maid's curious brown eyes, and watched them disappear.

"I will now take you to Lord Stark." Exclaimed Alyssa.

Amalthea suddenly remembered Kreacher, a few rooms away. "What about my advisor?"

"Oh..." A shade of pink-tinted the maid's previously pale cheeks when she looked at Amalthea, sheepishly. "Forgive me, my Lady. Your advisor was given new clothes before I woke you up, and he is waiting for you outside."

In pity for the girl, Amalthea smiled: "It is alright, Alyssa, you did nothing wrong. Should we go, then?"

After the two women left the comfort of the room, Thea walking ahead with the maid following her heels, they went to find Kadeem waiting outside, leaning against the stone wall and grumbling bitterly to himself. Amalthea observed that a similar outfit to the one from the previous day had also been delivered to him, this one in black and brownish-green.

When he saw them, the old man quickly approached Thea, giving Alyssa a withering look, who remained silent as a mouse.

"My Lady..." began Kadeem, with frustration on his wrinkled face. Perhaps his luck was the fact that his few hairs were already white, because, with all the nerves that the old man felt that night away from his mistress, they would surely have turned his hair in that exact color. "Did you have a good night?" Thea knew it was his way of questioning, Were you safe? Nobody tried anything?

"Yes Kadeem, I slept wonderfully." Nothing happened, stay calm, it was the meaning behind her words.

Kreacher searched the younger woman's eyes for truth and sighed with satisfaction at what he found. Duly more relaxed after her hidden guarantees he looked at Alyssa, who was examining the visitors with barely concealed curiosity. This one feeling the weight of his gaze, quickly said: "Please follow me, I will show you the way."

In a whirlwind of skirts, the maid launched herself forward, past them, and walked the long way while the other two followed calmly behind.

Discreetly and almost silently, Thea stood side by side with Kreacher until their arms touched and exclaimed, being careful not to be heard by anyone else: "Make sure no one comes in and touches my things." She had left her sword and her purse on the table in her room, along with the dress and furs she had worn yesterday.

The man nodded and after making sure that they were not observed, replied in an equally low tone: "It will be done, Mistress."

Then, in a light and delicate gesture, Kadeem snapped his fingers, something crackled softly around him and Amalthea knew that the elf magic - despite the change of body, the magic remained the same - would guarantee that her goods would be safe from possible curious or even possible thefts. Feeling more confident, the two followed the maid through the castle's labyrinth of corridors.

The journey to the destination had been calm and comfortable, with little comments from Alyssa such as: "It is a beautiful morning, tonight the sky will be wonderfully dotted with stars", "You will be treated very well in Winterfell, Lord Stark will ensure that" and yet, "My Lady, forgive me for the indiscretion, but you have the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen."

When passing by other servants who, like the maid who accompanied them, seemed to radiate interest in the travelers, the two magical beings were quick to smile at them... Well, Thea showed a gentle smile while Kadeem showed only a vision of teeth that for some reason seemed too threatening.

Finally, after a few minutes had passed and after leaving the courtyard that shone with people and the noise of everyday life, they went to a large stone structure adorned with banners with the ferocious gray wolf howling softly at the swing wind. The oak and iron doors were huge, and when they were in front of them, Alyssa turned the body over, bowed and said: "This is the Great Hall, it is used to welcome guests and Lord Stark and his family enjoy their meals here. You will find them waiting. I will have to leave you now because I am needed elsewhere, I wish you a good day and a wonderful stay."

And as quickly as she appeared, the brown-haired maid disappeared. Without further ado, Amalthea and Kadeem opened the creaky doors, producing a huge sound that silenced the occupants inside.

As they entered, Thea watched her surroundings as Kreacher closed the doors again, cutting the cold breeze behind.

The interior of the Great Hall was also entirely of stone, illuminated by the light coming from the huge windows filling the room with a pale and clear hue, and very long with eight big rows of dark wooden tables, four on each side leaving a vast corridor in the middle where the two travelers of another world walked by. At the end of the room, on a raised platform and around a long table, nine pairs of eyes were fixed on them.

Swallowing all the discomfort and letting only the calm and serenity show, Thea approached the platform in a straight pose of confidence. Lord Stark cleared his throat, rose from the table in a gesture of greeting and politeness, and the rest were quick to follow him.

"Lady Peverell, we were waiting for your presence. This is my wife lady, Catelyn." Commented the man.

"Lord Stark, Lady Stark, we deeply regret our delay." Amalthea said bowing as Kadeem beside her bowed as well.

The woman who edged Eddard was beautiful, with long auburn hair and blue eyes, looking gentle but at the same time a little stern when she examined the two visitors. She also bowed and when she grabbed the skirts of the blue dress she was wearing, Thea noticed that she had long and slender fingers. "It is an honor to have you here."

With a rigid posture, which seemed to be something usual in his personality and body, the patriarch continued to speak: "Let me introduce you to my children, some of you already know like Robb, Bran, Arya, and Rickon..."

The nominees were looking at her curiously, little Rickon with an air of childlike admiration on his face and Arya almost jumping in her place as she scanned each extension of Thea's body with her eyes, looking for something: "Where's your sword?"

"Arya Stark!" Scolded her mother severely, practically hissing with outrage that she interrupted her father in front of the guests.

Thea gave her a kind, understanding, and amused smile. That girl had a fierce air around her...

"I did not think it was necessary to bring it this morning." Amalthea replied. It was certainly not necessary when she had two magical wands with her. "It is safely stored in the room given to me."

"Can I see it?" Arya returned to question and was once again rebuked by Lady Stark, whose cheeks were now dyed red.

Thea heard a chuckle from the other corner of the table where Robb was watching her closely, with two young men who appeared to be his age. "Maybe later." Suggested the Potter heiress.

Lord Stark watched his youngest daughter with an air of resignation, and at the moment when she seemed to want to complain, the lord's steel gaze made her silence immediately.

Young Bran remained calm beside his sister, but he also seemed immensely interested in the subject of the House Peverell sword.

Eddard then went on to introduce his extended family. "This is Sansa, my oldest daughter..."

The girl seemed to have inherited everything from her mother and nothing from her father, from her thick, shiny red hair, her big blue eyes, and round and pale face. She was thin and slender, and she was on her way to be even more beautiful one day than she was at that moment. When she spoke, it was with all the softness of the world, in a small melodic voice like a bird: "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Peverell. And you too, sir."

"It is a pleasure to meet you too." Thea commented kindly.

Then Lord Stark started to introduce the other two boys since Amalthea already knew the rest: "On Robb's left side is Theon Greyjoy, my ward, and on the right is my son, Jon Snow."

Thea's watchful eye captured Catelyn's subtle movement when the boy was introduced. The older woman's face seemed to have changed completely even though she wanted to show serenity... but Thea could read disdain, disgust, and hatred in Catelyn's features, from the enlarged nostrils to the compressed mouth as if there was something bitter on her tongue.

Interesting , thought the young Potter. Keeping this for later examination, Amalthea then looked at the remaining boys.

Theon Greyjoy was thin, with brown hair and blue eyes, with a small hint of beard on his face. He had a proud and arrogant countenance when he examined her from head to toe and smirked, which only drew more attention to the large, not very pleasant mole on his left side, slightly away from his mouth and nose. Without knowing why Draco Malfoy unexpectedly came to her mind... Perhaps it was due to the tangent of naughty arrogance that emanated from Theon. When he fixed his gaze on Thea's bust, she had to bite her tongue with all her strength to keep from scolding him with a disgusted sigh.

Amalthea then proceeded to examine the other. With hair as black as a raven's wing, with a long face, bright gray eyes, and a lean frame, Jon Snow was extremely handsome and of all Eddard Stark's children, he was most like him, apart from little Arya. He also seemed to have inherited his father's severity and stiffness, but he smiled sheepishly when their eyes met - a smile that Thea could hardly even recognize since he had only slightly raised the right corner of his full lips.

Suddenly, Lady Catelyn's previous behavior made sense. Snow while everyone else was Stark. Then she remembered the conversation she had with Harlan Peverell about the names given to bastards in each region of Westeros... Jon was Eddard's son but not Catelyn's. With regret in her heart as she watched the boy practically be struck by Lady Stark's gaze, Thea gave him a friendly smile in return. She would not be influenced by Jon Snow's bastardity, nor by the apparent hatred, his stepmother felt for her stepson. Hating bastards was such a backward and infuriating thought, full of prejudice towards children that didn't ask to be born with the weight of their parents' mistakes on their shoulders.

"For those who don't know our guests yet..." Here Lord Stark shot a look at Arya, Bran, and baby Rickon who smiled shyly. "This is Lady Amalthea Peverell, and her adviser and guardian, sir Kadeem."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, we thank you for your hospitality." Thea commented quickly, accompanied by Kreacher who also thanked them.

"Sit down, please." Catelyn then gestured with her hand and servants came in bringing plates full of food.

Thea took the vacant seat in front of the Lords of that castle, with Sansa sitting on her right side and Kadeem on her left, who was flanked by Bran and Arya. Next to Catelyn was little Rickon who blushed when Thea greeted him kindly. To Eddard's right was his heir and then Theon and Jon, respectively. Jon seemed to be as far away from his stepmother as possible.

The long table was quickly filled with food and drinks: freshly baked bread that smelled wonderful, salt, hot butter, honey, and blackberry jam to go with it. There was also cheese, fruit, bacon and boiled eggs, beer, water, and tea. Everything had a warm, delicious, and mouth-watering look.

"Welcome to my home and my table." Said the patriarch.

"Thank you again, my Lord."

They waited for Lord and Lady Stark to help each other first, and then each began to eat. They ate of his bread, drank of his wine and so the right of the guest was complete, a sacred law throughout Westeros. When invoked, neither a guest nor a host can hurt each other during this visitation period, or they would face the wrath of the gods, whether they are the New or the Old. After seconds of somewhat uncomfortable silence, Catelyn said: "I hope everything is to your liking..."

"It is, my Lady, don't worry." Said Kreacher, who was trying not to show how much he felt out of place at the table. Thea knew that he had never been treated well by the Black family - only by his master Regulus - and that the elf had never before been considered an equal and not just a slave... but that was starting to change since the elf was now in charge of the young woman. She caught a glimpse of Dobby's big eyes when she blinked and had to swallow a piece of bread to keep from thinking about the sadness.

"Everything is very tasty, Lady Stark." Thea commented seeing the other woman nod, who didn't seem to know what else to say. Well, they were both in the same situation then. Fortunately, the little red-haired girl beside her broke the silence once again.

"Do you like your dress, Lady Peverell?" She asked timidly, throwing curiosity and admiration at her.

"I love it, it is extremely beautiful." It was true, the dress was beautiful, long and warm, and it clung tightly to her curves showing her feminine figure very well.

If possible, Sansa blushed, even more, the bright red spreading quickly across her face until it reached the root of her hair. "I helped mother make it."

"Oh!" Exclaimed Thea with wide green eyes and a huge smile with white teeth. "Lady Sansa, I have to tell you that you have fairy-like hands then. It really is an exquisite work."

Lady Stark watched the eldest daughter affectionately and proudly, albeit with some hesitation towards Amalthea. But that was soon forgotten when she wiped Rickon's face, which was all sticky with jam.

"Thank you." Whispered the little girl, still very flushed. "Maybe we can make a dress together one day." Her nightingale voice was full of hope.

"I would love to, but I confess that I am not as skilled with a needle as you are." Thea confessed while praising her.

On her left side came a snort of disdain. Arya looked at her sister with an incredulous expression. "Sansa loves these feminine things... Dance, poetry, music, and sewing. There will not be a day when she is not seen daydreaming about princes and knights."


Arya shrugged her parents' rebukes and no longer controlled her tongue: "When can I see your sword? Does it have a name? I feel that Maester Luwin has already told us, but honestly, I didn't pay much attention. Do you know how to use it? Can I see you training?"

Encouraged by his sister and avoiding the eyes of his parents, Bran continued where she left off: "Do you know how to use a bow too, my Lady?"

"That is enough, both of you!" Catelyn practically growled. "These are not ways or questions to ask a lady!"

For a moment Thea felt almost twelve years old again, watching Molly Weasley scold Ron, Fred, and George after they rescued her from the horrible uncles' house with a flying car. In no way wanting to cause trouble for the children and seeing their sad little faces, Thea said, "Oh don't worry Lady Stark, they didn't cause me any trouble. I don't mind their questions."

The older woman looked hesitant, before nodding her head full of red hair and giving her children a threatening look.

"Answering then..." Amalthea continued, seeing that she had the attention of the two children - as well as that of the others - in herself. "I am reasonable with a sword since I recently started my training. With a bow, I admit that I am a little worse, but I would be able to hit an enemy if they did not move like the training dolls."

It wasn't all a lie but it wasn't all true either. She was more than reasonable with a sword, which in fact surprised her despite the short training time she had... she could hit a target with an arrow also reasonably since she was great at aiming her spells. But admitting all of her attributes right from the first conversation didn't please her very much... It was a different and dangerous world, and having a few tricks up her sleeve could prove useful in the future... which was an ironic thing to think about as she actually had her wands on her sleeves.

Bran's little face was interested and Arya opened her mouth again to say something when a laugh was heard on the other side.

It was the Greyjoy boy who smiled prettily and his blue eyes seemed deeply pleased with what they saw when he once again ran them over her body, despite his laughter being nothing more than pure contempt. His loud laughter interrupted all the different conversations that took place around the table.

"Is there anything you want to share, Theon?" Eddard asked with a warning tone in his voice as if trying to stop him already. He knew the young man too well, and he knew that something extremely evil could come out of his mouth.

"I couldn't help hearing Lady Peverell's words..." He gave an ugly smile.

With her lips pressed together in a line that almost seemed to disappear, Thea said with feigned innocence, "Did I say something funny to be the subject of so much laughter? If so, tell me what, because I would love to join."

Theon let out another low laugh, whispered something to Robb and Jon who were staring at him with empty expressions and he was quick to reply, "I just wonder why a woman needs to learn to wield a sword or use a bow."

Out of the corner of her eye, the Potter heiress saw Kreacher suddenly tense up trying to avoid bewitching the other man at that very moment, when he caught the tone of voice with which he addressed his Mistress.

The atmosphere around them became tense, Arya and Bran had their mouths wide open, Sansa was suddenly pale, Jon and Robb were wide-eyed because their friend had the courage of such arrogance and the Lord and Lady Stark looked furious. The only one who seemed uninterested was little Rickon who didn't understand what was going on and stuck his face in the crispy bacon.

Oh, how tired the young Potter was of people like him. Calm on the outside, although deeply enraged on the inside, Amalthea replied: "Those are the words of someone who was not unfortunate enough to be born a woman in a world where men want to rule."

Theon blinked over and over again: "What?"

Sipping her tea slowly, creating an even more tense air with her delay Amalthea replied with a voice that hid malice: "You speak with the privilege and security that many women will never have in their lives. You, who are a man, can be and do what you want while thousands of girls are sold every day as cattle by their parents in exchange for money or material goods, and they have no right to any opinion in their own future. Boys are taught to be knights, and girls taught to be good and obedient wives. Tell me, can you see the difference in these situations?"

Stunned and red in the face, Theon was slow to find the right words. Perhaps he thought Thea would smile and say nothing more about it, just as he was used to all the castle servants. But Amalthea would never again let anyone scorn her. Finally, he refuted: "But you are a Lady. What is the reason for learning to fight when others can and will fight for you?"

"And the fact that I am a Lady of a great House will change the fact that there are cruel and vile men in the world? Do you know what these men do to certain unfortunate souls? Of course, you do, but you don't care... it's nothing worth your thinking, is it? Ironborn themselves commit this sin with those they call salt wives. Do you think that being Lady Peverell protects me? There are some even more hideous men who may see this as a challenge. What if I found myself alone with no one to protect me? Should I be complacent and let them try to break my spirit? No, Theon Greyjoy, I will not let that happen because fortunately, I had people in my life who told me to fight for myself because no one else would. And I will always fight, whether with a bow, a sword, nails or teeth. We need to know how to protect ourselves in any way because the fact of knowing how to sing, dance or sew or how you said, be of high birth , will not stop anyone from trying to hurt us."

And with that, the uncomfortable silence fell within the stone walls of the Great Hall. Theon didn't seem to know where to hide his face, he tried to refute but his tongue curled up in such a way that if he tried to pronounce a single word, he would just stutter.

Sansa was extremely shocked looking now at Theon, now at Amalthea and now at her mother - which who was pale and extremely ashamed, and struck the arrogant boy in such a way that Thea felt great satisfaction. Her husband spoke only a few words to Theon: "We will talk later" but that was enough to make the skin on the young man's face turn white as snow.

"My Lady, forgive me for my wards rude words." Said Lord Stark, deeply embarrassed.

"There is nothing to forgive, my Lord. I am sure this was just a misunderstanding." Amalthea looked at Theon who turned as red as a tomato, and who grudgingly nodded.

Beside him, the stern Jon Snow smiled slightly, as did Kadeem, who was delighted that the young Greyjoy had been put in his place. Robb Stark, who had his copper-colored hair shining in the morning light, was staring at her openly with a warm glow in his eyes that Thea could not identify. He smiled, however, and the black-haired woman reciprocated.

Without further ado, Amalthea continued to eat what was still left on her plate amid the sighs of admiration of young Arya, extremely pleased with herself.

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