☽ Chapter XII ☾

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The thing staring at her was ugly, to say the least, all strange looking, fragile and young.

It had broken through the thin pieces of blue and green shell. A tiny little beak first, then a bald head and a thin, almost plucked neck were quick to follow. Little eyes that had been closed until then opened, shining like tiny black pearls sparkling in the light of bright colorful flames. A small singing peep chirped through the golden beak, and startled Amalthea. She dropped the egg back into the chest jumping away as if it were burning. She narrowly resisted the urge to retreat backwards, her heart thundering in her chest.

Another peep was heard, this one sounding almost indignant and confused... The creature didn't seem to have liked being abandoned. But she couldn't help it. It had been instinctive. She had seen something like that once before. Not once, but often! She had seen this shape before, smelt that hot, ashy smell, heard this heartbreaking melody, sometimes so intense and painful it could make people cry. These calls were different, loud and high, almost to the point of making her ears bleed with the strength of all the indignation stored in that tiny little body.

Sweat ran down her forehead, cooled the vein of her neck of her neck, ran down her back, chilling her flesh and sticking the fabric of her dress to her skin. Her fingers shacked, uncontrollably. They didn't stop even as she tried so hard to compel them to do so.

She breathed deeply. In. Out. So deeply her chest ached. She swallowed gulps of air as if it were the first time she had ever breathed, as if she was trying to get all the air in the world into her lungs at once. There was no sound but that of the air, going through her mouth, the crackling of the flames and the small chirps the thing continued to make.

Inside her head though, her thoughts were loud and glaring. How? How was it possible? How long had that egg been there? Did Harlan know about this? Was it him who put it there?Why would he do that? Why hide it behind a wall in a tower for anyone to find?

Crack... The eggshell continued to crack and break, and the indignant peeps carried on. Crack... The little neck lengthened when the plucked head was stretched to its maximum height, trying to catch Amalthea's gaze. The egg sways, left, right and so on, threatening to fall and playing with her nerves.To the point when she can not control herself anymore. Before she knew it, the young girl took an instinctive step forward to grab it. The hoots screeched louder, frightened, then panicked, as the creature felt the dangerous swing its protective ball was undergoing. As anyone would have predicted, the egg rolled to the left and fell apart, cracking into pieces of blue shell spotted with green all around the small body.

Seeing the rest of its figure made Amalthea marvel at the confirmation that, yes, it could get even uglier. The head looks oddly large compared to the body who seems small, too thin, and far, far too nacked. The tiny thing trembles from the cold, covered only by a weak and undecided fluff, apparently unsure of its own color. A mixture of pale red, orange and yellow, so weak and pale that the pink of the skin is what stands out the most. It rolls over itself, straightening up, shows its little golden feet and claws and flaps its tiny wings, hooting loudly calling out her perpetual gaze.

It seems happy when the onyx of its eyes reflected in her own emeralds. It peeped and whistled, and peeps even more, singing flashily it's happiness in a tone that gradually grew louder when Thea stayed frozen where she was. She was paralized, rooted to the floor. As if her flesh and bones were frozen, hands outstretched and trembling, to catch something that already fell. Her mouth dry as a desert.

The small black eyes blinked, the wings flapped and the tiny body rose tremulously on its trembling little legs. Weak and thin as toothpicks. It took a step up and perched on the edge of the dark wooden chest. Another startled sound sounded before the wings beat furiously in panic when the little being lost its balance and fell forward.

Amalthea threw herself down, and cupped it with her hands.

It was like being struck by lightning. Jolts of electricity running through her body. Blood thundered in her head, through her ears, like a hammer hitting an anvil, like steel against steel. Like the beat of a battle. She chucked on nothing as her breath caught her throat.

They faced each other for what seemed like an eternity. Like walking without moving through the sands of time. There was nothing around them. Nothing but the two of them and their eyes blinking slowly. With one last blink, the bird let out a satisfied, cheerful little trill and nestled languidly in the witch's cupped hands. She brought them closer to her face, admiring the newly found treasure.

Amalthea laughed: something strange, mixing contentment, disbelief and something akin of madness, that all together made her look as strange as the creature in her hands.li

"But how did you get here, love?" She asked gently, stroking its bald head with an index finger.

The poor little thing did not answer, of course. It instead shivered with cold, prompting the woman to close her hands carefully so as not to crush it, hoping for the warmth of her skin to help along the little hatchling.

Amalthea's heart warmed with tenderness, green eyes melting into a gentle glow as she rubbed the little body lovingly warming it slowly.

"How long have you been here?"

The little head bobbed up, half-blind eyes fixed on her face, and a small peep escaped the golden beak, disbelieving, exhausted, as if to say : 'Girl, you have no idea."

Amalthea lets out a breath of air towards her hands, seeing the small, fine fluff moving with her breath and the creature closed its eyes, taking advantage of the warm breeze that hit it on the head and neck, making a small sound that seemed to be of appreciation. A smile stretched across the girl's lips, until her straight and pearly teeth gleamed in the light of the flames.

They stayed like that for a moment, in what seemed like almost a lifetime; Amalthea full of admiration watching the small being in her hands that seemed to almost fall asleep, with the little eyes of coal almost closing every few seconds and the head falling from time to time just to get up the next moment, fighting against the somnolence.

Her wrist and palm continued to burn, burning from the inside to the outside and it hurted as if she had a newly opened wound, with lines so red and irritated that it looked like spilled blood. One of the creature's small claws scratched her bruised skin when it shifted on her hands, trying to get into a more comfortable position.She hissed. The little head rose to its full height, the drowsy eyes opened to focus on the woman's face, before humming several times, nibbling on her fingertips when she failed to understand.

"What's going on, little one? What do you want?" The hoots continued, and her claws scratched her skin. "Ouch, what was that for?" A peck on her right index finger caused Amalthea to loosen her grip, and she carefully cupped her hands once more until the little creature had enough space to fan its fragile wings.

It let out a couple of peeps, gently nipping at her flesh. Then, to her amazement, the thing tilted its neck down until it was mere inches away from her palm, opened and closed the golden beak in what seemed like an effort, and then wept. Tears thick as pearls streamed from its small black eyes, running down the wrinkled skin and falling on Amalthea's own skin... one, two, three tears, until they were in the center of the Hecate's Wheel marked on her palm.

There was a sound like boiling water, like bubbling liquid, and to her surprise, the drops shone brightly shadowing her face and blindening her eyes. They moved by themselves gliding through the crossroads of lines and more lines dark like ink creating something, a design on her palm, glowing in golden tones, liquid gold dripping from her right hand to her left, curling and sliding like a snake up to her wrist covering Thanatos' mark, along with everything else.

It hurt for a moment, burning again like the fire of a burning iron stick carving her flesh. As fast as it happened, it was over. The tears were drunk by her skin, leaving only tattoos now in gold ink instead of black.

She barely had time to let out a startled breath before they arrived.

Vivid images bursted in front of her eyes, in a jumble of different colors, places and moments... Flash after flash of images. Entire movies. Herself, when she was still a girl in clothes too big and too wide for her small body in a crowded street and with a childlike smile and full of admiration on her lips. The most interesting thing is that she was observed through the metallic wires of a cage.

Then moments of herself: sitting at a long table with puffed of red and wild brown hair on each side spreading a piece of bacon and a compliment; rubbing and petting white feathers and opening a letter in a room full of reds and golds and a hot fire; of herself lying on a bed in a small room and looking worried; flying on a broom at high speed smiling and laughing, with the strands of black hair spread in the wind, with pink cheeks and starry eyes whenever she looked at a young man with fiery hair accompanied by another who was exactly the same; blue skies, snowy skies, rainy skies but those skies were always accompanied by her face and a feeling of happiness and contentment.

The last one was of a dark and starless night, of screams and loud voices, of a sound that sounded like a roaring monster and a disheveled giant crying worriedly beside her... And then a loud peep, a cry of pain and loss and mourning, and then a flash of green light, and darkness soon after.

The darkness seemed to have lasted forever. Darkness and peace. And after days, months, years of waiting, something warm and a desire to break the layers of whatever it was that prevented her from moving. A sound of something breaking and the struggle of effort given for her freedom. Lights of red flammes, bright after so long in an ocean of blackness... And finally a face. Strands and more strands of black hair, an endless night falling around smooth lines in a milky white skin, dark eyebrows, small nose and full lips, and green eyes full of disbelief and warmth. Happiness and euphoria that started in her chest, that bubbled in her blood, that made her want to sing and fly... Because of that face. Her face.

"Hedwig?" Amalthea asked her voice choppy and too low.

Not daring to believe for fear of disappointment. Her breathing was fast, her blood rush, for her heart was pounding like a drum, so hard that it threatened to jump out of her rib cage. Her entire being was shaking and she had to lean on the black stone altar to keep from falling.

"Hedwig, it's really you, girl?"

The hatchling chirped a delighted response, before bobbing back and forth its little head, and nestling in the palm of her hands with a satisfied sigh.

The girl burst into loud, ugly sobs, big clear, thick rivers of tears sliding down her face, making everything swollen on their way. She cried and sobbed so much, so loudly her throat hurt and got scratched. Her chest seemed to want to burst. The rivers on her face were endless. Fat and painful.

"Hedwig, oh my Hedwig, I missed you so much. Oh girl, you don't know how much I missed you. You sacrificed yourself for me, and your death hurt every day like an open wound. I have so much to tell you, I- "

She took the little bird to her chest close to her heart, until the little mite nestled in her tear-streaked face with a happy chirp. The girl sobbed, pushing dozens of kisses on the plucked little head.

"I lost so much, dear. I lost my parents, Sirius and Remus, Fred and I lost you, and nothing, no one would fill that huge hole in my chest" she cried, " And then I was alone, away from me, Hermione, Ron, Luna and Neville and everyone else! And my little Teddy, you never knew little Teddy, sweet Teddy how you would have loved him! He would have loved you! It was my choice, but it still hurts."

Amalthea smiled, sadly, under her ters, her eyes bright and red from crying.

"I have you now, you are back with me. I'll never let you go. Never again, Hedwig."

She kissed the tiny head again, feeling the little fluff and the wrinkled skin on her lips, breathing in the smell of ash. Finally, with her face still wet but an ever-increasing smile on her lips, she bursted amusedly: "Oh Hedwig, you look so ugly."

The loud screech of indignation was immediate. The little beck pitched on the tip of her button nose and Thea smiled, overjoyed despite her friend's indignation.

Hedwig hooted again, flapped its wings and squirmed so wildly the witch feared for the safety of her friend, loosening her grip on the little body in her fright. The creature escaped through her fingers, before she had time to react. Thea gasped, watching frightened as the tiny little thing fell from her hand.

Except it didn't.

The tiny body floated in the air, a small, beautiful hot ball of fire, going higher and higher, to her face first, then further away, growing and growing more with each heartbeat. The ball grew huge, moving graciously like thousands of little dancers in shades of red, yellow and orange, following a tune unknown to her ears, meters away from her and illuminating everything in the room.

It was beautiful.

The atmosphere changed in the room. Music, strange, beautiful, soft and magical. Mysterious, creepy even. Able to lift every hair Amalthea had on her body with the supernatural tone. And through the flames, a large figure - definitely much larger than the one that the young woman had just rested in the middle of her palms - grew... a crimson bird the size of a swan. It was elegant, with a strong chest and long wings, a beak and sharp claws. All red and gilded gold with its long, elegant tale reminding of a peacock.

It was beautiful, majestic, etherall... The fireball burned and burned even more until it disappeared in a swirl of bright flames. The phoenix flapped its long, strong wings flying fast, so fast beside her Thea felt strong warm waves of heat flap her face. She took a long flamboyant circuit of the chamber that lit up with her feathers, and returned singing proudly and landing beside the chest on the stone altar. She puffed out her chest, flapped her feathers, and lifted her neck, fixing the little onyx eyes on the human, in a posture that said, 'Who's ugly now?'

Amalthea rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips, and ran her hands over the slender, red and gold feathers.

"Still vain, I see."

Her phoenix made a gurgling, slightly indignant sound in its throat, nibbling her fingers gently. Amalthea let out a satisfied sigh, a warm sensation in her chest that wetted her eyes and reminded her of that night, and the loss of her dearest friend now back to her side.

"I love you girl, thank you for everything."

It was between caresses and singing sounds, between sighs and heartbeats full of happiness, that they stayed for the next few minutes.Amalthea's mind worked at a great speed with each thought trying to overcome the other, in a battle in her own brain. Internal questions seemed to be winning the fight, dozens of them, to be asked, to be answered...

How was this possible? How was Hedwig there, not like a snowy owl but like a fire phoenix? How, how, how? And yet: how would she explain that exotic bird to the boys who were waiting for her outside?

"I don't suppose that, just as you grew older in the flames, you can also

change your appearance, am I right?" And after an empty look of black eyes... "Oh, don't look at me like that, you are beautiful as you are but it would be easier not to have to explain how I have a firebird with me that probably doesn't even exist in this world."

The beautiful creature huffed stubbornly and Thea stopped her line of thought. Did she really have to do that? Hide her wonderful friend? The idea wasn't exactly her favorite. In fact, she didn't even want to have to hide or bewitch Hedwig. Why should she anyway?

Abruptly, she changed her mind. A phoenix was a bird unknown to the people of Westeros, and she would soon find some excuse or backstory. They didn't know what it was, why couldn't she claim it as a rare bird. No one had to know it was also a magical one.

The signs that would have sold her crying sessions to curious eyes weren't that obvious, thankfully. Just a slight reddish hue in the white part of her eyes and a small swelling. The lines of salt on her cheeks had been rubbed furiously with the sleeve of her dress, and her hair repaired - as much as she could, but it was an almost always lost battle when trying to control the indomitable waves. At least they weren't as bad as Hermione's.

With a peep Hedwig's strong, red wings propelled her into the air. She took flight, circling over Thea's head as her heart beat in time with the beautiful wings.

She made the chest disappear along with the stone altar so as not to raise any curious eyebrows, and made the chamber look like a simple abandoned and empty room. Her eyes stopped at the nest in a far corner of the room, and a crack in one of the walls large enough for a bird to come in which is certainly what it did. She kept the pieces of phoenix shell with her because she never knew when she might need it. Hedwig landed softly on her right shoulder, the sharp claws almost piercing the fabric of the dress and threatening to pierce her skin, but it felt good... it meant she was there and it was real, not an impossible dream or hallucination in a moment of madness.

"I love you." Amalthea whispered through the silence of the chamber as she made her way to the door. A small nibble of hair was her answer, but it was enough.

To her surprise, the walls were not as empty as she first thought. There were stacks of books Brown, black, teal, burgundy, and dark purple spines. All leather, dusty and old. Strategically placed next to it, stones. Different sizes and colors, covered in thin layers of dust, round and polished with unique designs carved in it. She was preparing to investigate, when she heard the loud sounds coming from the other side: a mixture of alarmed voices and loud, almost thunderous beats, as if fists and feet were in contact with the dark wood.

"Lady Amalthea!"

"Lady Peverell!"

The black-haired woman's eyebrows furrowed with surprise, confusion and concern, just as a feeling of nervousness came over her stomach, she hid the shelves with a spell, taking a mental note to investigate them properly later and all but ran in the direction of the voices.

"Lord Robb? Lord Jon? What is happening?" She asked hurriedly, putting her hand on the knob and pulling. Nothing happened, and after another tug on the iron the result was the same.

"My Lady, are you all right?" Robb asked in a hushed tone on the other side, alarmed, his strong northern accent sounding shaky.

"We heard screams-"

"Yes I am well!" She replied, interrupting, trying to calm and dispel any anxiety and uneasiness they might be experiencing.

"The door seems stuck..." Jon informed.

Not stuck... Locked, thought Amalthea as she came to confirm a moment later. How strange, she thought she hadn't locked the door behind her, just closed it.

She interrupted her thoughts as soon as Robb and Jon punched and kicked the old door again. "Wait, push and I will pull on this side. But only when I say!" Thea ordered quickly.

She was quick to cast an 'alohomora' again, and after a 'push now' where the boys smashed both bodies and all their weight against the wood and where she pretended to pull, the door burst open just barely missing smacking her full force in the face - which would probably result in a broken nose and a possible concussion - and the boys came in launched and fast as an arrow, quickly searching every corner of the room with their eyes, with worried expressions, and each one with a sword in hand. When they found nothing, they looked at her slightly more relieved but severely in the face.

"We heard screams, what happened?"

"Did you not hear us calling for you, my Lady?"

The girl's dark eyebrows went up in surprise, but inside she was mentally slapping herself. Stupid, you are an idiot Amalthea Dorea Potter, how did you forget to cast a silencing spell? Of course they would listen, stupid girl. To say you are a witch... But then, she wondered, how did they hear me but I was unable to hear them?

The brothers suddenly opened wide eyes, amazed, in awe of her companion perched on her shoulder. She smiled brightly, her response immediate:

"Oh, she's beautiful, isn't she? She entered through a hole in the wall, through a tunnel that seems to have collapsed and was trapped inside without being able to get out. The poor thing must have been here for a long time feeding of any rat she saw." she babbled, anxious for them to accept this new development and warry of the question they may have, " She was the one who scared me and that's why you heard me screaming, she came straight to me... but everything is well now, we are friends, are we not, girl?" She stroked the red feathers, a tender look in her green eyes, before morphing her face in an apologetic expression. "I am so very sorry, I did not hear you calling for me."

"It's all right, my Lady. It just scared us, especially since we were unable to open the door for a long time." Robb said, sheathing the sword.

Jon did the same, the two brothers now relieved as they have witnessed the lack of danger and her well being. Still, their breathing was quick, vestige of the panic they endured a moment ago.

"Too much time, to be honest." Jon commented with a frown, his mouth straight.His black curls framing the strong scowl on his face. Now that there was no more alarm, he had avoided putting too much weight on his injured ankle again while he waited.

Amalthea gave them both the start of a smile. Her chest warm knowing that those boys -hopefully two friends, or possible friends, maybe... - cared about her and her welfare. But then, they could very well care only because of their father and her position... She bravely tried to keep it up.

"I don't know what happened. The door is old, heavy, and the lock looks rusty, maybe this is the reason why it was so hard to open it?" Amalthea speculated, "Fortunately, it was just a scare and nothing bad happened.'' she added with a thin smile, "I am sorry again, it was not my intention to cause you such distress. I thank you once again for having respected my decision to enter here alone even though I have found nothing but this beautiful girl, I wish to apologize again for having caused an alarm."

Each of the boys agreed, assuring her of no harm feelings about her and what happened. They looked once again at the beautiful red feathers of the large bird, who watched them back, proudly, its chest bulged, to the point of resembling a balloon, ready to burst at any given moment.

"What kind of bird is that?" Jon asked. "She looks like a good companion."

Said bird seemed to agree, digging her claws further into the girl's shoulder, demanding respect with one pompous look over the young boy smart enough to recognize her value as the best companion existing for a witch such as her witch. 'See?' she seemed to say 'Start thanking and respecting me, you should learn from this one'.

Hewdwig was too smart, she always had been, giving almost human responses and gestures. Sometimes to the point it seemed she only lacked the words. Not that she really needed them to be understood by those she chose to interact with.

Amalthea had missed her so much... Before Hermione, before Ron, Neville, Luna, Ginny, George and her Fred, there had been Hedwig. The first friend she ever made. She still dreamed of green lights, screams, Names, booming voices in her ear, loud chirps and desire to protect. Wings flipping into the wind and fall. Endless and hopeless.

What to say and how to say it? Amalthea pondered calmly, but quickly. She needed to say something. They were both waiting. But how? She had to think hard. She couldn't raise suspicion. She knew, everything she was about to say would be repeated to everyone. In the camp. In Winterfell. In the entire Kingdom. Word spreaded fast. Faster than a lightning bolt. Curiosity would make them even faster. Something simple, Potter... Don't make up too much. Don't lose track of that quickly growing web of lies you're stuck in. In the short time it took to answer, the two brothers couldn't help themselves dazzling at the beautiful red and gold bird that remained proud under all the attention. Vain creature. In the chaos of her mind, finally, Amalthea decided.

"It's a phoenix, her name is Hedwig. They are native from Essos, but they are very,very rare. I suppose that Harlan Peverell should breed them and that when he died, they stayed here. They live a long time, and are loyal creatures." Thea replied, gently ignoring the phoenix with her blood bubbling with contentment.

"She's beautiful, I have never seen a bird like that."

Having Hedwig now by her side, something more familiar, more needed than any other thing she could have brought with her, made her feel powerful. Unstoppable. She was now, more than ever, determined to rebuild Moat Cailin as soon as possible. She was going to make this happen.

The first thing to think of was supplies. She was going to need that to rebuild. She needed to take care of that as soon as she was back in Winterfell. Equipment, builders too, to get the job done as quickly as possible. Magic would maybe be a good idea, just enough to help with everything. Speed the process a little. A construction of that size, with so many things to repair or, certainly for the most damaged parts, to demolish and build again... It would take years.

She couldn't wait to talk to Kreacher and tell him everything she had found. And her parents, Sirius and Remus... and Fred, wherever he was. It's been days since she had seen him to tell the truth, but she understood, George needed him more than she did at that moment. It hurt. But she understood.

The boys didn't comment on the bird any more, nor did they note the name. Robb straightened up and held out a leather-gloved hand, asking without words to pet Hedwig with his fingertips. He stopped mid gesture, waiting for confirmation, from both the bird and its new mistress. He received a short nod, along an eyebrow raised in question. He rubbed his fingers on the white feathers dotted of gold, the black of his gloves contrasting colossally with the blood-like red.

"Well, be careful with Theon then, he is eager to eat chicken and if he sees that bird he will say that it is the closest thing he can find." Robb commented with a smile picking through the wisps of coppery beard.

He received an indignant peep from the creature on her shoulder and caused the young woman to stifle an amused snort at her companion's dramatic reaction.

The corners of the girl's pink lips parted in a side smile,secret and knowing. The smile of someone with a knowledge he didn't have. Her eyes shone, emerald stars in the sea of ink black lashes, full of amusement and pride.

"Do not worry, my Lord, Hedwig is more than capable of taking care of Theon or anyone else who tries to mess with her." Hedwig nipped at Robb's index finger in confirmation.

And so the three humans and the phoenix-that-once-was-an-owl walked away through the long, curvy tunnel, making their way back and hoping they would find a calmer and - hopefully - sorry Theon.

Unknown to them, a huge shadowy, winged figure stayed behind, hidden in the dark corners of the chamber door. Watching under the hood of a dark cloak. Satisfied. The huge, sharp scythe shone brightly once, answering the glint on the young witch's hand and disappeared. Their work here was done. For now.

Author's Note:

1. So, what did you think? Disappointed that it was a Phoenix? I had a lot of people thinking it was a dragon, but for me it didn't make sense and it was a little cliché - at least more than having a Phoenix.

2. What do you guys think about being Hedwig? It was a suggestion of a reader and friend, and I liked it because it was another little piece of her old life that she could haven with her in this new world. Was it too much or too soon? Probably, but some people say that the story is slow or nothing happens so here it is something. Am I gonna change it? Not really, I'm lazy like that. What is done is done.

3. About Catelyn... Someone asked me why Cat changed her mind about Thea. First she pitied her, now she doesn't seem to like her... Well, as I answered before I guess I'm trying to make her human, you know. We all can change our minds about something, a lot of times actually, and we know that Catelyn can also do that. After all, she made a promise to love Jon as her own child but she changed her mind. I'm trying to show that, and it's for the plot too.

4. And about Theon, in case you're curious: many stories describe him as an ass and an idiot, and at first I intended to do the same (first time he met Amalthea, for example), but Theon is a complicated character and has changed a lot in canon... Yes, he was always a snobbish and arrogant idiot, but I think the fact that Theon knew he wasn't a blood brother like Jon to Robb and the others, that he was a hostage who could lose his head at any moment that his dad made a wrong decision, made him use a shield of arrogance... He made a lot of mistakes and changed a lot after the Reek-thing, but he's not all bad. He had to have something good in him to make Robb consider him a brother and his best friend, and I'm trying to show that. He will make mistakes and be stupid and childish, but he can be a minimally decent person when he wants to.

IMPORTANT: The next chapter can take a little more than usual to be posted. I have a Beta now, my amazing friend May, and she is helping me plan a lot of things for the story. So, because of that and because I want to give you guys the best quality chapters that I can, I want to make sure everything is perfect.

Go read her story, her writing is amazing and it's thanks to it that we met. 'The Wolf Queen BOOK ONE: Summer Child' by Rubyy on fanfiction.net! You will not regret it, I really recommend it. Leave good reviews there when you're done, my girl deserves it. (I'll leave the link to her story in the comments!)

Do you have any suggestions or ideas for the future of this story? Something that you think it should be mentioned, done or seen? Feel free to tell me here, in the comments or join my discord server! It is dedicated to this story and where my readers and I socialize, exchange ideas, discuss the world of HP and ASOIAF, send memes, help each other - we have a lot of writers there -, share out favorite stories and we even have game channels like Among Us and Minecraft.

If you would like to enter my discord server, let me know and I'll PM you the link for it!

This one was a little shorter than usual, but I promise you that the next one will be longer. See you next time guys!

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