Chapter eleven

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I'm on fire!!
I've updated for two consecutive days like,
What? what?
Like I said, you guys are my motivation and when I see you voting and comment, I would be forced to update just to make you happy. 😁
So here it is.


"Maria...." I hear a voice whisper softly to me.

"Hmm?" I mumble slightly awake.

"Wake up." I hear the whisper once more.

"Fairy god mother?" I ask the voice, I mean who else can it be.

"No, you dumb child!" My mum yells and yanks the cover off my body.

"Mum!" I whine.

"Get up," she hits me with the cover, "you'll be late for school."

"I'm up!" I shout and sit up on my bed.

"And why is your room this messy?" She asks picking up the books that are scattered on the floor.

She's such a mum sometimes I swear.

"I was busy throughout the weekend," I reply after yawning.

"What are you still doing on your bed?!" She asks putting her hand on her hip, "get ready, you're already late as it is."

I roll my eyes and look at my alarm clock, 7:15am.


I must have forgotten to set my alarm last night. Last week was hectic, I had to rush all the homework I didn't have time to complete over the week and I hopped into bed as I finished.

"What are you still doing on that bed?!" My mum asks.

The question is mum, what are you still doing in my room? She hits me with the covers again.

I guess she heard that.

"Mum!" I whine, "it takes time to boot my brain."

"Well you better find Wi-Fi or something to boost the process, now get up!"

I grunt and make my way to the bathroom, I hear her leave my room as I enter. I sigh and start brushing my teeth.

If last week was hectic, this week is going to be much worse. The audition for the stupid Tucker competition is starting today and since Miss Smith had assigned me to work with Will Tucker, I'm going to be coming home late. I really doubt the auditions will start today, because of Will's accident.

That's right Will's accident, I have to start writing my farewell letters, just in case on of his girly fans decides to bury me alive.

I take a shower and leave the bathroom. When I get to my room, I see that my mum had laid down the clothes she wants me to wear to school today.

What am I, 5?

I shake my head and put on the clothes anyway and only because I'm too lazy to go through my wardrobe to look for another one.

I put my books in my bag, including my lyrics book, I might need it. I also take my glasses not in the mood for contacts today since I almost killed Will Tucker with them on.

I leave my room and close my door, then head downstairs.

I see my family all seated at the dinning area eating breakfast, including my dad. Mum must have something to do with it.

"No football today, I see." I tease him and take my seat next to him, with my mum across me and Tiana next to me.

"No game today," he answers grumpily shooting my mum daggers. I knew she had something to do with it.

"Okay," I say trying to bite back a laugh. "Good morning." I greet reaching for my toast in the middle of the table.

"Morning." they say in unison.

"Here." My mum says handing me a glorious jar of nutella. I snatch it from her and shoot her a grateful smile.


Tiana saw my expression and shakes her head. "I'm gonna need your car today." She says to me

"Why?" I ask putting my nutella on my toast.

"I'm gonna drop you and also pick you up from school, so don't sweat it." She ignores my question.

"I asked you why you need my car, when your school is just down the street." I say sucking the finger that has nutella on it.

"Okay, I don't have classes today and I want to meet up with some friends in town."

I snort, "please, you don't have any friends."

"Whatever, I need your car anyway."

"Sure," I say and take a bit out of my nutella sandwich and silence fell among us, on the sound of munching and spoons hitting mugs can be heard until my mum breaks it.

"Isn't this nice..." She grins childishly and I give her a confused look, " know all of us sitting together like a normal family." Yeah right. Our family is any thing but normal, but of course we all nodded in agreement. We wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

"I'm done here." Tiana says taking her dish to the kitchen.

"Me too." I stuff the rest of my toast in my mouth and gulp down the rest of my orange juice before following her into the kitchen. We wash our dishes and leave the kitchen.

"We're leaving," she announces and kissed both my parents on their cheeks and I copy her action before taking my bag. She takes my keys off the counter and leaves the house.

"Bye mum! bye dad!" I wave before leaving.

"Bye kids!" my mum shouts.

"Be careful!" My dad shouts.

I'm sure you've noticed, my dad is the calm, gentle and reserved one in the family, but that doesn't make him dumb, he talks when it's necessary and he's a disciplinarian. Tiana is more like him and a little bit like my mum, calm but talks a lot.

My mum is the peppy one, I think she used to be a cheerleader in high school, she's annoyingly optimistic and scary, she's the light in our house. I think I've ever seen her sad before.

Oh! Except that one time my dad bailed on their date night because he had some work to do. I don't think he's heard the end of that one.

"Hey!" Tiana shouts, "are we leaving or what?" I nod and get off the front porch. I'm sure she doesn't have anything to do in town today, it's just my parents way of making sure I don't drive again.

Talk about supportive family!

"Let's go," I say when I get into the car strapping on my seat belt.

"Just so you know," Tiana says looking at me in the eyes, "I am a terrible driver."

"I guess it runs in the family then." I answer grabbing  the seatbelt for dear life, not knowing what to expect.

"Just saying," she shrugs and starts the car, jerking out of the drive way, going way over the speed limit.

Now we all know why mum and dad never bothered to get her a car, not that she's ever asked for one.

She speeds to my school, while I hold on to my body.


"We're here." Tiana announces as  she swerves into a parking spot. I take two minutes to calm down and to check to see if all my body is intact. I stop touching my body when I looked at the parking lot. It was jam packed with students and in the very middle is Will Tucker.

Yup! That's it, I'm dead!

I'm pretty sure that moron told them a fake story. It's just like jumping from frying pan to fire. That's how to explain my situation and that must be why I feel so hot. Why didn't his parents or the doctors give him a week off at least until he was feeling better?

In fact, I take back all I said on Friday, I'll trade all these evil stares I'm getting from students to go to jail.

"It's okay," I hear Tiana say beside me. "It's not like they're going to bite you or something."

Oh no Tiana, they'll do much worse.

"You've got this." She punches my arm, "just tell him sorry one more time and everything will be fine."

"I've got this." I chant.

"Yeah, now get out of my car, I've got places to be." She says sharply.

"My car you mean," I correct her.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and get out of her car.

"Buh bye." She says to me, "save me a tomato!" She says to one of my classmates as she speeds out of the parking lot and I shake my head.

Some sister I've got there, right?

1423 words, I tried na.
Another look at Maria's family, the whole family this time.
Hope you liked it. If yes press the orange button and if no, comment and tell me what you don't like about it, I'm a good listener.


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