Chapter nineteen

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  I wake up early to make James's sister's chocolates.

"Is it my birthday already?" Tiana asks walking into the kitchen.

"No." I answer wrapping the chocolates in a box.

"Then Christmas came early," she stretches her hand to take one but I hit it. "Ow!" She winces.

"Someone paid for these." I say.

"Meh! Who?" She asks not believing me.

"James Anderson." I state and she looks at me like I told her I have chicken pox.

"James Anderson?" She asks and I nod, "as in total douche bag James Anderson?"

"Yup, that one." I say and put the box aside.

"Whatever, let me take one to taste it if it's good."

"Don't worry, I already did the tasting myself." I went to the sink to wash my hand

"Do you need a ride?" She asks and I dry my hand with the napkin.

"No, I think I can handle it." I say and leave the kitchen.

"Do you have a crush on this guy?" She asks from nowhere.

What is wrong with my family?.

I stop putting on my converse and stare at her with open mouth.

"What?" She defends, "just curious."

"Why would you even think that?" I ask snapping out of my daze and tie my lace.

"You don't make chocolates for people you don't like."

"They are not for him, they are for his sister and he is paying." I say taking my keys off the counter.

"Well that explains it." She says jumping into the couch and switching on the TV.

Isn't she going to school?.

"Bye!" I yell and leave the house.

"Don't late for breakfast!" She yells back and I get into my car. I hope I make it in time for breakfast.


I arrive at James's house and I park in his drive way since it's empty. I don't see any decorations or hear any music playing. Is the party later in the day?

I press the door bell and a very grumpy James opens the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm here to deliver your chocolates." I raise the box up for him to see.

"Today?" He asks and take the box from me.

"Yeah, I mean when is the party?" I ask with a small laugh.

Is this guy stupid or what?

"Tomorrow." He says and my eyes widen, say what now?.

"That's no problem just put it into the fridge." I suggest.

"That's if I don't finish it before tomorrow." He says checking out the box.

"Don't you..."

"Who is at the door?" A very sweet voice asks and I look behind James and see a very cute girl in a pink jumpsuit and her blonde hair packed up in two pigtails.

She's so cute!

"Hi." She waves to me.

"Hello," I say sweetly and James scoffs leaning on the door frame.

"What is your name?." She wants to know.

"I'm Maria." I say stretching out my hand.

"Lana." She smiles sweetly and takes my hand.

"You're the birthday girl." I ask and James mutters 'duh' and Lana nods. "Well I have something for you." I give her a pink box which I baked a small cupcake inside.

"For me?" She points to herself and I nod, "wow! Thank you." She gives me a toothy grin.

A girl with manners, James where did they get you from?.

"You're welcome."

"But my birthday is tomorrow."

"Well, happy early birthday!"

"Thank you." She smiles. She's so unlike her big brother over hear. "Are you James's girlfriend?" She asks and I stand properly and James shoots her a look.

"No I'm not, I'm he's friend." More like acquaintance, but I can't tell her that.

She scrutinizes my face before saying okay and skipping off. I smile at her retreating figure before looking up at James whose face is as red as my converse.

"So...I'm done with the delivery." I clap my hand together waiting.

"Yeah, goodbye." He says clearly oblivious.

"Nuh uh, pay up." I stretch out my hand.

"Um, about that I'll give it  to you in school on Monday." He says and I scowl at him. "Listen, I thought I'd have the rest ready by tomorrow but came a day early so.."

"It's okay," I giggle at his nervousness, "don't sweat it, I was joking. You can keep it." I say.


"Sure, I mean your sister is so cute and well mannered, so she deserves it."

"Whatever." He avoids eye contact with me and I step down from his doorstep.

"I'll see you on Monday." I wave and he nods and close his door, I leave his doorstep and walk toward my car.

What's up with him?.


I get home to see my sister to some dark brown haired guy, from my innocent and prude point of view, I'll say he's cute and good looking. Tiana is avoiding eye contact with him and his hand is stuffed into the pocket of his sweatshirt and I know what this is.

I guess it's time to play cupid.

I step out of my car and march up to them. "Hey!" I shout gaining their attention.

They stop their conversation and look at me as I approach them.

"Hi." Tiana says in a sweet voice that I've never heard her use before.

"Sup." I say grinning.

"Um, Maria this is Michael, he just moved in at the house opposite Sarah's." Sarah is our next door neighbour, "Michael this is my sister, Maria." She says.

"Hey," I stretch out my hand.

"Hi," he places his hand on mine and smiles showing his dimples.

Cute boy with dimples. Yum!.
Sis needs to step up her game on this one.

"He actually goes to my college."

"Oh." I say since there's nothing to say to that.

"So, I'm gonna go," he says, "it was nice meeting you Maria," I nod in agreement, "I'll see you around Tia." He says and leaves.

Tiana and I stay rooted looking at his retreating figure.

"Tia, eh?" I wiggle my eyebrows and nudge her.

"Stop it you goofball, everyone calls me Tia," she says with her face red from blushing.

"Who?, I know I don't." I say truthfully.

"Whatever." She huffs and walks into the house.

"You gotta admit, he's really cute though." I say following her inside the house.

She snorts, "what do you know about cute?" She asks.

"What there is to know," I defend myself, "and did you see his dimples. You've always liked guys with dimples."

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