Chapter thirteen

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New cover made by moi!!! Whaddya think?

"Okay that's all for today. Thanks guys, you'll know where you stand by the end of the week." Will announces through a microphone, I don't know who gave him that. It's really good, especially for all the dumb people that need to be yelled at.

"Maria colton!" He shouts in my ear with the microphone.

"What the hell?!" I cover my ears from being damaged and scowl at him, "I'm right here!"

"Snap out of it we're leaving." He says and gives the mic to some guy.

I groan and pack up all the songs that were sang to day. I give Will the list of the names of people that would make it to round one.

Three. Yeah! Will chose only three people to make it to round one out of the twenty people that auditioned today. I'm telling you that guy is pure evil. He said most of them made his ear bleed and he wasn't lying about that, I was thinking of going to the ear doctor later today.

But to justify his action, he said he can't have to many people in the competition and I agreed with him.

I text my sister to tell her I'm ready. I open my bag to put my books in there and I see my lyrics book. I think I can make use of this opportunity.

"Um, William?" I call.

"I thought I told you to not call me that," he says bluntly without looking up from what he is doing.

"Yeah sorry, Will?"

"What do you want?"

"I have this book of lyrics," way to start a conversation, Maria. " lyrics and I thought you might want to listen..."

"I'm sure I told principal Smith that I have a song writer."

"Yeah, but if you'll just listen to this song..."

"Maria, I write my own songs and I'm sure what ever you write is good, but I'm sorry I don't need any songwriter." He says and leaves the class.

I stand where I am and what his figure leave the class. So much for trying. I'm sure he'll be busy throughout this week to have time to listen to my song. I sigh as I read the text my sister had already sent to me.
I'm here.

I grab my bag and leave the class, the hallway is already empty the the parking lot is parked with students that waited for the audition.

"I think I hit those notes too high," one of them says as I push my way through the crowd.
"I went off key at the last part," another whines. I groan and look around trying to find Tiana. Of course she wasn't here yet!

I stomp my feet in annoyance and I see Mrs Tucker waving at me from across the parking lot. I smile and I walk towards her.

"Good afternoon Mrs Tucker." I say as I approach her. I see Will seated In the front seat with his headphone in his ear.

"Hi, Maria right?" She confirms and I nod. "That's great, it's hard to keep track of the names of girls that show up at our doorstep." She laughs a little and I join her, the perks of being a celeb. "So how are you?"

"I'm good. Thanks for asking." I answer politely.

"Hope William isn't troubling you?." She asks with a serious face."

"What? fact he's understanding." I lie smoothly eyeing William in the car who still hasn't acknowledged my presence.

"That's good to know, he told me you visited on Saturday."

"That's right." I nod.

"That's very sweet of you. Thank you."

"It's no problem."

"Anyway, there's something I'll like to talk to you about."

Here we go.

"Okay ma'am what is it?" I ask adjusting my backpack on my shoulder.

"Please, call me Beatrice." She says and I smile. "The other day you mentioned that you were looking for a job."

"Yeah, yeah." I nod my head vigorously.

"Mum, I'm not getting any younger here!" Will shouts from the car and I roll my eyes.

"Just a minute!" Beatrice answers him. "So as I was saying, Liam is using the old driver," I'm guessing that's Will's dad, "and I have to be at work sometimes, so.."

"You want me to be Will's driver." I complete it for her and she nods shyly.

"It's just until he's in a good condition to drive and also I'll pay you." She says. "Just drive him to school and school to the house, plus I heard both of you are working together for the audition, so staying behind wouldn't be a problem for you."

I take sometime to think about her offer, but there are a lot of cons. "Okay, but are you sure you trust me to drive your son after what happened to him?" I ask.

She chuckles and says, "yeah, William mentioned that, but we really have no choice. You're the only one that can't stand William," and that's good because? "Plus, we're paying you, with the way you sounded desperate the other day, I trust you wouldn't want to get fired."

"Yeah." I say nervously.

"Do you want the job or not?" She asks.

First, it's a really good offer. The Tuckers are loaded so I trust they'll pay me big, also now that my parents have secretly banned me from driving, I can get a free ride with Will every day to school and since we would be stuck in the car together, I can use that opportunity to talk to Will about my song.

Sounds good to me.

"You can think about it." She says smiling.

"No it's fine, I want the job."

"Perfect!" She claps her hand together.

"Let's get something straight." Will says already out of the car, "first salary goes to my bike." I scowl at him. "Are we clear?" He says in a serious tone.

Oh so now you see me?.

"Yeah, sure." I sigh in defeat.

"Good." He says and gets back into the car.

"Please, pay no attention to him," his mum says, "you'll get all your salary. We will discuss that tomorrow okay?"

"No problem, but I have to discuss it with my parents."

"Of course, definitely." She says and gives me her card. "Here is my card if there's any need for them to call me. " I take it from her and nod.

"Goodbye," she says and gets into her car. I step aside and wave, while she pulls out of the parking spot and leaves.

I turn around and see my car parked at the other side with my sister in it, I walk towards it.

"It's about time." Tiana says as I get in.

"You weren't here early." I say and buckle my seatbelt.

"I texted you so you can get ready." She defends herself.

"Yeah sure."

"Who was that?" Tiana asks.

"Will Tucker's mum." I reply.

"Oh." Oh is good.

A/N I know, no James Anderson. I just thought that it would be weird if I put him in each chapter. But don't worry he'll be in the next one, i think.

I also made the banner!


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