Chapter Thirty

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  The second round is here quickly and Becky didn't make it to the finals, not that anyone cares, but Riley did and I'm so happy for her. I pack up my things and look for William. I first try the music class and I see him there.

"Why do you always show up when I need you?" He chuckles to himself when he sees me. I shrug and walk in, thank God Stephanie isn't here. "Do we communicate telepathically?" He asks and I roll my eyes walking up to him.

"What do you want me to do for you?" I take my seat at my usual spot, behind the piano.

"Stephanie hasn't been able to write my part for the duet..." of course she hasn't. " I'm writing it myself. I need you to start the song, so I play it on my guitar and when it gets to my part, I'll sing."

"Okay." I say. This is it.

I breath in and out and start playing, when the first chorus passed, Will start singing and when it came to the second chorus I sing along with him, after a while I notice Will has stop singing so I stop and take my hand away from the piano looking at him. He has his mouth wide open.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I joke and he closes it, but opens it again.

"You can sing?" He breathes out.

"Who can't?." I ask trying to form.

"No, I mean you actually have the voice to sing?."

"I guess." I shrug.

"Why didn't you audition?" He asks.

"Because of that stupid rule." I state.

"I didn't make that rule, Stephanie did." Of course she did.

"That was beautiful, his did you know he lyrics to the song?." He wants to know.

"They are my lyrics." I tell him. I take out the book from my bag and show it to him. "These are my songs. Stephanie took the book from me." I avoid the word 'stole'.

"But why?"

"I think you know the answer to that."

"You should be in the competition." He says,

"Don't you think it's too late now." I say playing random keys on the piano.

"No it isn't!"

"Even if it isn't, don't you think they are other people who deserve to win?."

"And they will." He agrees. "When James told me you have amazing talents, I thought it was playing musical instruments but I was wrong. You my friend , are way more talented than that and you deserve a record deal and with your lyrics you'll be amazing." He says and I smile.

"Don't cancel the duet you have with Stephanie, she deserves it." I plead.

"It's fine. Even if I want to, I can't, a deal is a deal." I smile in satisfaction. "Just be there for the final round."

"I don't have any other place to be." I say.

"Great!" He says glancing at his watch, "James game is about to start soon, you coming?" He ask.

"Yeah, school spirit." I mumble and we leaves the classroom to the basketball court.

This is the first time this semester that I'm smiling happily, I can't believe everything is falling into place.


"You're smiling. Something is up." Tiana says as I get into the car.

Once again she borrowed my car today. I think she went out with Michael,because she's dressed in s red flared gown that touches her knees and my sister never wears gowns or skirts, she's even wearing flats, it's definitely Michael.

"Will you tell me what happened or you'll continue checking out my outfit?" She asks as we drive out if the parking lot.

"Did you go out with Michael today?" I ask curiously.

"So?" She says trying to suppress a blush.

"You look nice."

"Whatever," she waves me off, "Will you tell me what happened or nah?."

"Fine..fine." I say, "Will told me to join the competition."

"Shut up!" She squeals.

"I'm serious."


"I actually sang to him and he said my voice was beautiful, blah, blah, blah, so he asked me to join the last set."

"That is amazing, I'm happy for you sis."

"We should celebrate, tacos?" She asks.

"Yes please, I'm starving." I say and she laughs.

"Aren't you always?"

"We all know where I got that from." I say and she drives down to the restaurant.

When we finish our food, we head home and we see both our parents waiting for us. I was kinda expecting this, after what happened this week.

"So?" Tian asks both my parents as we sit down in the couch.

"Your dad resigned." Mum mumbles. Why is she always the one to drop the bomb.

"Say what now?" Tiana says and  my eyes are opened wide.

"Why would you do that?" I cry.

"I've been working in that company for five years, I think I need a change." Oh my god! I think I know where this is going. "I resigned so I can start my own business." Well, I did not expect that.

"Your business?" Tiana echoes.

"Yes, his business," mum spits, "your dad said he has saved enough money to start his own business and now he thinks it's time to resign."

"That's good right?." I ask because I'm confused about why they look sad.

"Yes it is." Dad says, "but your mum thinks I haven't saved enough and sh is scared I'll go bankrupt."

"Come on mum!, can you not look at the negative side for once?." Tiana says and mum glares at her, "what I mean is that, you should be happy that dad is finally doing something for himself for once." It's my dad's turn to glare at her. "Fine, I'll shut up."

"Come on dad, you did great." I encourage him, "mum?."

"Fine!, maybe I'm being dramatic, it would be nice for us to start our own business. Group hug?" Mum stands up and stretches her han and dad joins her.

"Oh come on!" I whine at the same time Tiana says, "no way!"

"You better join this hug or I'll cut your allowance!." Mum threatens.

"You don't give us allowance." I deadpan and HSE glares at me, so I shut up and we both join them in their group hug. Family time.

I can't remember the last time I hugged my parents.
Writing thus book is depressing. It makes me think of the things I don't enjoy.😭
Thanks for reading!

I was listening to Wondering from High school musical: the musical: the series. While writing this book. Great movie don't you think?.


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