Chapter Thirty-two (Rewritten)

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I groan and let her go. James already has his hand wide open for me so I hug him instead.

"You were great." He says.

"I don't think so, I was so scared. I thought I was going to die, did you see the way I was shaking?, I was so...."

"Hey..hey..hey..." He pulls me away from the hug and put his hands on my shoulders, "you were awesome out there. I didn't even know you were scared."

"Yeah! Me too!." Jenny adds.

"That's because I was closing my eyes," I say wiping the tears off my face, "do you think they'll like me?" I sniff.

"They would love you." He assures me and Will appears beside him.

"Hey!" He says clearly out of breath. I move away from James Anderson and embrace Will.

"Thank you." I mumble into his chest.

"No problem." He strains his voice. I guess I'm hugging them too tight. I pull away and see him smiling down at me.

"Someone wants to see you." He says and I raise my eyebrow. "You'll see." He grabs my hand and pulls me away, "she'll be right back!" He shouts to our friends.

"Go get them!" Jenny shouts back.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as he pulls me backstage.

He stops and I see principal Smith smiling.

Oh. My face falls in disappointment. With the way he said, 'you'll see' I thought it would be one of the producers.

"Hi principal!" I smile my famous fake smile.

"That was one talent your mum didn't tell me you had!" She exclaims and pulls me in for a hug, I hug her back, "why didn't you tell me?" She asks after she pulled away.

I shrug, "it never came up I guess."

"Nonsense! It has come up a thousand times, you just wanted to keep it a secret." She flicks my forehead and I raise my hand to rub it as pain shoots through my veins.

"I just felt it wasn't necessary..."

"Miss Colton?" A voice calls me and I stop talking to principal Smith and turn around to see, Mr Nathaniel Jinx, the man who signed Will last year, smiling at me.

"H..hi" I stutter nervously.

"Hi," he reaches his hand out for a shake and I take it, "you were amazing out there. Why weren't you in the competition?." He asks after taking his hand away.

"Um...there was a rule to reduce the amount of people participating in the competition." I explain.

"When William told me about your talent last week, he pressured me into coming and I told myself I have to check it out and I was worth it." He smiles.

Okay I'm lost. I just told Will this week and not last week.

"Thank you." I say grinning.

"I would love it if you join our record company."

"Oh my god!!!" I scream, "really?" He nods. "I'll live to join your record company!."

"Will you be able to make it on Monday?"

"Yes! Yes of course!" I nod vigorously. He smiles and takes out a black card from his the pocket of his suit and gives it to me.

"So I'll see you on Monday?"

"Yes!" I am too excited for this.

"Good." He pats Will's back and smiles at him, "good job son."

"Thank you sir." Will smiles back.

I squeal and jump into Will's arms as Mr Nathaniel leaves.

"Oh my god," I say breathlessly and pull away.

"Congratulations." He says.

"Thanks." I grin and then I remember something.

"How did you tell him I could sing last week?" I ask.

"I'm lost." He says.

"I just sang to you this week." I fold my hand  onmy chest.

"Two words; James Anderson." He smirks.

That son of a biscuit. He promised me!!

He's really helped me a lot, I shouldn't be insulting him.

"Whatever!" I wave it off, "I got myself a record deal!!" I squeal.

"Whoa! Not yet, you still have to go to the office on Monday." He reminds me.


"Congratulations, Maria." Miss Smith says from behind me.

Crap! I have forgotten she's there.

"Thanks principal," she smiles and walks away.

"Lil sis?" Tiana appears with a huge grin on her face. I run to hug her. Don't blame me I'm in need of hugs, especially what I have gone through since the beginning of this term. "You were awesome!" She says.

"Thank you." I smile and notice Michael standing beside her.

"Hi, I didn't see you there." I smile at him.

"Congratulations. You were amazing out there. Now I know it runs in the family." He says smiling down at Tiana.   This guy ckearly likes her. He needs to step up his game.

"He brought me here." Tiana says.

"Really?" I ask and she nods, I look around for more of my family, but they're nowhere to be found. "Where are mum and dad?."

"At home. They said they'll support you from there." Sounds like mum and dad.

"Thanks I really appreciate you coming here, both of you." I say gratefully.

"Nah, it was nothing." Michael waves his hand.

"So did you get signed?" Tiana asks impatiently and I slowly take out the card from my back pocket and show it to her. "Girl!" she exclaims.

"He said I should come to his office on Monday."

"No way!, my sis is going to be a star!" She shouts happily and we both squeal like a bunch of bozos. Michael chuckles as he removed his hand from his ear when we finished. He better get used to it, of he wants to date my sister or stay friends with her.

"I have to tell my friends I'll be right back!" I say quickly turning around.

"Sure! We'll wait for you outside!" Tiana yells and I nod and rushed back inside. I stop running when I see Stephanie.

"Hey." I say softly, feeling a little guilty. She didn't even look remorseful, intact she looks triumphant.

"You think this is it?" She asks and I stare at her in confusion, "you think you've won?" She snickers, "you're playing with fire, Maria and if you're not careful, you'll get burnt. I guess my little threat didn't work then, I guess I'll have to work on something bigger."

Thank God she knows her threat was little.

"Stephanie, I have no problem with you, so why should you have with me?" I ask already tired of all this facade.

"You know why, and I'm not going to repeat it, but here's what I'll say, you are the one stuck in here with me Maria, I'm not the one stuck in here with you." She threatens and struts away.

Say what now?!

Did she just quote Addams. I've never pictured her as the type of girl who would watch Addams family. I guess I judged her too.

"Don't let her get to you." I turn and see James.

"James!" I shout and hug him again.

"I think we've done this part." He chuckles.

"I know." I smile and pull away, "I just wanted to thank you."

"Maria.." His face softens, "I already told you, I care about you." I nod grinning.

"And I wanted to show you this." I take out the card the same why I did for my sister and he scrutinizes.

"He called you?" He asks.

"Yes!" I shout.

"No way!" He gives me a high five, "that's great! I knew you could do it." He punches my arm and I fell pain instantly.

"Ow!" I wince, rubbing my arm.

"I'm sorry I've forgotten you're a girl." He apologises and smiles sheepishly.

"It's okay and thanks!" I punch him back, but it's not the same thing. Then I remember I am mad at him.

"You promised me you won't show Will Tucker the video of me singing." I smack his hand again.

"I didn't show him, I told him..." He defends, "...and then I showed him." He smirks.

"So he knew?!" I ask.

"Yeah, he's tried dropping hints for you, you're just too oblivious." I think we all know where I got that from.

"I guess so, but thanks." I say and he nods.

"So, this is your new beginning then ?" He asks.

"Yes, of course it is." I smile back.

THE END *insert dramatic music*

Oh my effing gee! This is so exhausting. I'm glad that's over.
Hey guys 👋. I know some of you are disappointed,
So I'm gonna be explaining something's in the author note in the next chapter so stay tuned.
And stay safe, 😷.

Thanks for reading.

I love you guys so effing much!


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